Friday, March 31, 2006


March 31 Responses

Interesting times indeed! Maybe we'll rub shoulders this weekend. . GD, Calgary
. . .
Your title catches my eye today, because early tomorrow I depart for a Vision Quest, in Australia. My first trip out of my country (USA) except for a long weekend in that "other" Canada, the Maritime provinces. And if I may be bold, you are awfully young to be calling yourself middle aged all the time. CS, Maine, USA
. . .
Screw rolling, let's thrive! I look forward to your comments on the PC convention., KL, Calgary
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Hey Mark, Interesting to see you quote Charles de Lint. He is a favorite of mine, although not for everybody. Canadian writer who specializes in urban fantasy with Celtic myth overtones. My favorite of his is "The Little Country" set in Cornwall. Lots of twists and myth overtones set in late 20th century Cornwall near Penzance. Some of his stuff is very dark, some not so much. A lot of his novels are set in Lanark County near Ottawa and some right in Ottawa. Nice to read Canadian writers. A good friend of mine used to toast people she was not so fond of with " May you have an interesting life!" Which on the surface seems pleasant enough until you stop to reflect on how "interesting" does not necessarily mean nice things. Enjoy your weekend with Ralph. NMB, Airdrie
. . .


Friday Mar. 31, 2006 - Year 4, Day 11 - vision quest

-1C/30F, overcast & warming . . . Gusta somehow had a 300% energy boost chasing the scent of something, or a herd of something, her middle aged handler struggling to keep up
‘May you live in interesting times.’ - ancient Chinese proverb

‘I’m not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times.’ – Chares de Lint

I don’t know of Charles & I don’t know any ancient Chinese; my view is that the past 54 years have been VERY interesting, though in my youth I had no grasp of how interesting they were; for example, I remember in 10th grade a fellow who read Scientific American & played with ‘1’s & ‘0’’s saying he wanted to be a programmer – it made no sense to me at the time other than to appreciate this smart kid was on to something . . reflecting on that makes me realize that the unusual, the bizarre & the foreign ideas are sometimes the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg around the corner

the future IS ours to see, ours to make, ours to shape

single voices & single actions DO make differences

I like meeting CEO’s; not just because they are often intriguing nice people, but because their role in companies is very peculiar – unlike anyone else in their company they have one eye focused with burning precision on current quarter performance . . the other eye equally focused far into the future – a split personality in a sense

they know relevance today hinges on having a relevant view for the future; a split view & focus is what it takes, tested every day & reviewed every quarter !

‘To have real vision, you need bifocals’ - Kolke

those who do it well thrive, those who do it poorly change jobs frequently & occasionally go down with the ship

our Alberta CEO is getting a performance review; many will feel as I do that he is NOT focused clearly on the current quarter & lacks vision for the future

a busy day of work & errands; then a plunge into PC convention weekend, surely we live in ‘interesting times’

Ralph’s vision, or rather his lack of it, will make this weekend very interesting

[just a note to those outside Canada: Ralph Klein, Premier of Alberta, faces a leadership review at his party’s convention this weekend]

interesting times indeed

lets thrive


Thursday, March 30, 2006


March 30 Responses

Great to receive today's "musing". I missed yesterday's, while still enjoying our "electronic exchanges"., JN, Newmarket
. . .
Hi Mark,Thanks for the note...I was away from my computer the remainder of yesterday ..Yes, i do exist ;-)Yes I am a golfer. Love it. Only been at it for 2 seasons, and surprisingly enough, I play quite well.- I am no longer single, and I am not raising small children (or large ones at that)- What do you consider mind-altering (just kidding; no need for pills, of any sort at this point in my life)- definitely don't smoke, but love good shiraz- golf-a-holic would be more appropriate- don't mind the occasional country song- I'm 29 years old, energetic on all levels ;-)Interesting. I do have several friends in your age category, that meet the criteria...(female, single, breathing)....:-), DH, Calgary

Sounds like Maui Wowee to me but perhaps they were Vegas showgulls. (Ouch) ; probably American gals. The only gulls you'll see in Maui are the ones in your dreams. Maui has no seagulls. Have a great time anyway!, VJP, DeWinton
. . .
Cut and paste the link below...... Make sure you have your speakers on.... enjoy!!!! , BP, Calgary


Thursday Mar. 30, 2006 - Year 4, Day 10 - into the depth

0C/32F, fog lifts, robins chirp from rooftops, geese honking overhead . . . soon it will be the gulls from my Maui dreams, walking golf courses & beaches in Maui just 22 sleeps away

our small group laughed way too much to be called proper; robust apres Toastmasters discussion @ Kelseys last night

inspiration flows easily some days, some days not; excitement comes in a moment, from nowhere in particular . . . a momentary reminder to spend time & energy being as fully alive & vital as I know how to be . .

yesterday, out of nowhere came such a voice

actually, it was just a note, intrigue . . dialogue . . humour . . banter . . then silence

she’s gone back into the depth of the ocean of silence

I stare into the void, into the stillness, waiting for her to surface again

where did she go ? . . was she ever really there ?

what to wish for; someone to inspire . . .

or is anticipation enough alone ?

early meeting . . must dash



March 29 Responses

Hi Mark, I've been reading your musings (in the beginning reluctantly), not knowinghow you got my email, and more concerned with THAT than considering what adifference receiving this could make to me, in my life, each day. When I discovered you were a golfer, I thought this guy can't be that bad . So I've been reading, each day. I don't know you, we may never meet, and the beauty of your daily musings, is you actually get to make a difference anyway. I, and I would assert, almost all of those you touch in some way relate to you, connect with you,hear you, get you. If, we choose to let that in. Thank you for sharing yourself, your thoughts, your life essentially, with so many, so willingly. I wonder what the world could be like if we all operated, and shared this way..I have a new relationship to 'strangers'. Thank you for this., DH, Calgary
. . .
Hello Mark, Great Read Today!!!! Major food for thought. This put me into a very reflective time & space to consider those moments of me maybe being the rock and thinking of the "big waves" I created in someone's world. Was it a wave or a ripple? I also thought of how I choose to respond/react to that big or little stone being tossed into my pond and realizing that there definitely were/still are times where my response was not at all in alignment with the ripple or wave. Thanks Mark, JJPS would you please add XXXX to your list of Musers?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Wednesday Mar. 29, 2006 - Year 4, Day 9 - be a rock

-3C/27F, lifting early fog reveals another spring morning Calgary style; a good walk, damp face, dog pulling hard . . . anxious to chase joggers

know me a little, like me a little – trust me

let me be the pond

you be the rock

who leaves a lasting impression ?

just passing through, or will you stay a while ?

will you only make a temporary ripple on my pond ? or make waves ?

are you just another passenger on my life train . . passing through or by ?

sometimes by sitting still absorbing, more often by an action I take . . the opportunity to send or receive something of value has a rippling effect, carries a message to someone - to impact . or not to impact, that is the question ?

whether I connect directly or indirectly with 4,600 people or 10,000 or a million or just 1; an idea voiced, question asked, mind stimulated can reach a long way

like ripples across a pond produced by a well tossed rock

or sometimes, the other way round

someone tosses a rock in my pond

most ripples make no difference, some are tsunamis

often they push me to a different shore [a Laguna Beach or Maui metaphor perhaps!]

some take me to a place of discomfort, some unsettling spot . . not good or bad, just new

every day, I get to choose to be the rock, or the pond, as do you

actions/reactions impact many or a few

but rarely do they impact no one at all

let someone else be the rock today, I want to be the pond

a pond temporarily affected by the rock, gets a chance to see its impact, then settles back to its previous state within minutes . .

I’m like that sometime, a rock tossed in your pond

some days I would rather receive

let me be the pond

you be the rock


Tuesday, March 28, 2006


March 28 Responses

I know that you will get others calling you on your spelling of "dessert" as "desert". Personally I don't want to taste the desert - pretty gritty. Hugs, AW, Calgary
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Good morning. Promises, intentions, expectations... So hard to know when to let go of those in the hopes of something better elsewhere. I've grown so much in the way of following intuition and 'gut' feelings as it were - and yet so often the head continues to muddle things up. It seems so selfish to do what (might be) best for me when it affects so many other people. L.S., Calgary
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I truly appreciate the time, thought and care that you take to put together your daily musings ~ they've kept me entertained and enlightened about the life of another Calgarian for a few months, though sometimes not daily (time being of the essence and all that stuff). Time is getting even more precious for me, my two small children and my growing home based business (talk about trying to find a balance), so Iplease be so kind as to remove me from your mailing list.................thanks, good luck and God Bless! SS/Calgary
. . .
Re: to reverse reality - Mar. 25 - Mark, I love what you said about your Dad and the grief over the loss of our Mom. You really said it - and I remember experiencing what you came up with at the time my Mother died. It was sad, of course, but therewas this sense of acceptance also, that she was what she was and our relationship had been what it was; I no longer had that sense of longing for something that wasn't and would never be. That longing was so much a part of my history with her, and now that part was over ~ and it was strangely comforting. Thanks for sharing ~ LBK, Palm Desert
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Mark, I am a new reader of your musings. My name was added a week or so ago, by person(s) unknown. I am impressed with what I have read so far, including the responses from various readers/friends. Please keep on "musing" and sharing. In my mind, Maui is the right choice, to be certain! I think of it as a piece of Heaven that fell down to earth, to show us just how great life can be. Don't miss a sunrise at the top of Haleakala. As a visitor to Ka'anapali several times, I recall the sort of golf courses that make a golfer's mouth water. Wailea, if that is where you are staying, has a number of top-notch courses. And, if a low-scoring round evades you, the scenery is always a true vision of beauty. Enjoy!, John Norquay [editor’s note: I asked John if we was related to the mountain is his reply] Yes, the man that the mountain in Banff was named after was an ancestor of mine, one John Norquay, the first native-born Premier of the Province of Manitoba (from 1878 - 1887). I was born and raised in Winnipeg, and now live in Newmarket (30 km north of Toronto) and I work in downtown Toronto, JN, Newmarket, Ontario


Tuesday Mar. 28, 2006 - Year 4, Day 8 - feeling pale

-2C/28F, light sky, fresh cool breeze in Evergreen this morning; heel better today, but not I’m taking care not to over-do it again . . Gusta was tracking & dragging me along like we were tracking big game – her quest looked like a white toilet brush with the handle removed on 4 mini-legs

PG has a birthday today, congrats ! . . call from SC last night, great to hear from you

from often perverse & varied beginnings I count special people in my life as part of my wealth, not for a balance sheet value, but for my sense of connectedness to them I value so much

years later, many such connections have endured, notwithstanding neglect, strife & bad behaviour on my part

I remember promises made & best intentions gone astray; but long after - far from anything I would have ever expected, from failure to nurture & tend a rose garden something far better resulted – trust & love & understanding

discussions recently while ‘new-connection making’ proves over & over how much I thrill to cultivate connections with interesting people in my life

sometimes short term goals, sometimes long term ones – or - best of all, no goals at all

depth in people - not measured in distance or volume - but in quality

depth & warmth are traits of brains & personality that do not lend themselves to being measured; why settle for less than depth ?

the next great treasure in my life could be around a corner or far away, someone of value . . valued . . treasured; in my postal code . . or on the other side of this continent or around the world somewhere

before I head to Hawaii for joyful times in paradise, maybe I need to visit a tanning place a few times first . . or maybe I should seek medical attention; I’m feeling pale

maybe I just need to stray off my diet a little & taste desert

the Maui Kamaole & Little Beach & Wailea golf are tugging at me, counting down

paradise seems closer

Monday, March 27, 2006


March 27 Responses

I'm eating frosted mini wheats as I read this. The souffle sounds wonderful. Have fun in Maui. Are you taking Gusta? What are your Dad's plans? I saw a seagull this morning, unusual up here in the high desert. ALP, hd


Monday Mar. 27, 2006 - Year 4, Day 7 - not starved

-1C/30F, overcast with a big Chinook arch in the west; Gusta looks so mangy with her hind quarters molting as we took our walk around the lagoon, or what’s left of it . . the drainage guys depleted it leaving only a collapsing ice-lid without a pond to support it

my new routine for publishing my newsletter on Monday’s is working well so far; to bed at 11 with it substantially written, then up at 4 to finish & publish – a little eerie being up when ALL the world is sleeping . . then I get to hear the early hum of bird noises, traffic & Gusta snoring

yesterday, without really thinking, I waxed poetic

with no thought my repetition of lines would inspire anyone to read them in sequence with any kind of rhythmic pace

or poem

which gets me thinking, about rhythm

like silver spoon or sense of smell

another thing I was born without

surely I have no musical talent

sense of timing much less rhyming

I am bic pen tameter was something

I failed to grasp in school

as badly as I missed the timing

things I failed to grasp in school

most were feminine

I’m working on my timing

if, on occasion I do anything poetic at al, it begins as flitting thought, followed by another – they a leap down a different fork tine, then knifing ‘round a corner

it is not about the cutlery

but about feasting

oh . . that makes me hungry

not starved, just hungry


Sunday, March 26, 2006


March 26 Responses

Thanks for all the wonderful stories but I need to be taken off your mail list. I just don't have the time anymore., SP, Calgary
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Sandra here in Idaho saying 'yes'! to today's musing!! It spoke to my heart. "The More"....I love your progression from Maui beach beckoning, unexpected pleasures waiting, opportunity and adventure calling. Then, initial awareness of being a natural doing what pleases you, saying your truth, self discovery, owning your reality, clarity, opening, accepting, exploring, discovering; valuing those who know you, weighing partnering/sharing/equality juxtaposed with valuing your own completely selfish independence, streaming consciousness.....and back into the cycle. What a deep and simple truth. , SW, Coeur d'Alene
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Have a wonderful time in Maui. On the way to Hana you'll find passion fruit trees, ready to consume. There is a gorgeous beach, one of James Michener's favorites. This is what I remember going back 25 years........ Yes, the more discussions you have internally with yourself the MORE you discover about who you are, what you really want (and not) We're all longing for that special partner who will accept us for the person we have become with all our eccentric, spontaneous, exciting, pragmatic and most of all our loving qualities.... this should be very simple, why is it not? I love the idea of a fluffy souffle for breakfast.......great coffee and sharing a newspaper sitting on the sunny patio, sounds attractive to me every day of the week., EvD, Pasadena
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Dear Mark, I am looking for a lover/partner/mate too, but does one look or wait for the unexpected?, PV, ?
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I rely on musings to keep me connected with Calgary when I'm away - and look forward to seeing the world through your eyes wherever I am. Pardon the lack of eloquence, but that's what comes of thumb typing on the Blackberry. I've been fully engaged with the usual work and am also working full out in the oil patch - something new for me. Last week I worked in Halifax and - at the moment - I'm in Ohio with my father. He's celebrating his 85th birthday - spending the afternoon shooting landings in his own plane. I hope we're both able to do as well when we "grow up." Tomorrow night I'm flying to Germany with my grandsons. Back in Calgary next Sunday night. Unfortunately, I'll be in work mode again when you're in Maui. But thank you for asking!! When you're back, maybe we could arrange another drink at Earl's ... Or someplace in my quadrant. I don't think I'm seabass worthy - so save the fish (actually - I made a fish drawing for you and need an opportunity to present the thing). However, I can be a pretty decent friend. Well, amigo, my thumbs are exhausted. Let's do see each other when we're both back. Fly safe. Kisses, CB, Calgary [from a blackberry in Ohio]


Sunday Mar. 26, 2006 - Year 4, Day 6 - the more

+1C/34F & warming, clearing as last night’s light snow melts meaning Gusta came back a very wet dog this morning; no one out & about as we walked in/through serenity

a little beach beckons, smooth greens & warm rain waiting for me . . counting down 26 sleeps till Maui playtime

opportunity + being open to unexpected pleasures + unknown ingredients = adventure

the more I think about morning . . not every morning, just Sunday morning

the more I realize I would like not to be alone, but I am

the more I’m alone, the thought of making a soufflé for two is something I miss

the more I miss Sunday morning soufflés

the more I miss delaying them till lunch time

the more I do what pleases me

the more I find people react more purely

the more I say my truth

the more clear my life becomes

the more clearly I see friends & fans

the more clearly I view detractors . .
the more I own my reality

the more chance I have to really change anything

the more I open myself to view

the more I accept critique & examination

the more I explore externally

the more I discover internally

the more I look for a partner/mate/lover in a world of superficiality

the more I value friends & colleagues who know me

the more I think about partnering/sharing/equality

the more I value my completely selfish independence

the more clear I become

the more stream, the more consciousness


Saturday, March 25, 2006


March 25 Responses

Yes, you have your dad but you also have you., LR, Irvine
. . .
Hold your grief closeand cherish it fully.
Honor grief as a guestmake time as its host.
Let grief soak you through,like a cloudburst
of rainsheddng fat drops of sorrowpercolating through pain.
Grief has a right andGrief has its due.
Become grief for a while
And it becomes you.
Make grief your lover,your sister, your brother.
Share grief to healthe soul of another.
Build grief a shrinein your heart and feed it.
Deny grief it’s timeand find that you need it.
Grief has a lifeof its own within one.
To experience griefis the way to be done.
Wring out sadnessTo relent and subside.
One day to findThat grief too has died.
CC., Chimacum, Washington
. . .
A Poem I wrote called "TIME"
Man's Frankenstein
Wasting it away since it's creation
Killing it off 'till our cremation
Don't have a minute to spend
Nor a moment to lose.
Living or Dying
Don't have time to choose.
Words of Wisdom for All:
A minute has sixty seconds,
A moment lasts a lifetime.
your humble servant, AC, ?
. . .
My computer bit the dust this weekend and temporarily I will be having to open mail from the net on other people's computers. I will have to try and decrease my incoming message load for the time being. Please remove me from your mailing list for now. Thanks, KW, Calgary


Saturday Mar. 25, 2006 - Year 4, Day 5 - to reverse reality

+3C/37F, overcast with rain &/or snow predicted; yesterday’s melting made for many mini-rinks along the path; when Gusta met a big black Bouvier who wanted to make her acquaintance I advised her to keep him for another day & that size wasn’t everything

Apr. 20-30 I’ll be walking a beach & golfing daily; trip is booked - thanks to all who offered great advice, but Maui beckoned most . . .

BP; nice to see you – it had been way too long; don’t be a stranger !

To BE: I hope your day today puts a reflective smile on your face to catch your tears – big losses heal best with time & more time & new adventures – I am sure he would want you to be walking straight, thinking clear & laughing more than you are

‘Grief is the agony of an instant; the indulgence of grief the blunder of a life.’
- Benjamin Disraeli

someone taught me an understanding of grief, grieving & dealing with loss; ‘grieving the loss of our expectations’ is the part that hurts the most & cannot be fixed

often as not, those expectations were really unrealistic in the first place, so hanging on to a memory of an impossibility is pretty tough to do

today my dad is not grieving the loss 7 years ago today of his wife of 51 years based on loss of passion, love, lust or laughter as much as he is no longer able to ‘try to change who she was’, something he struggled with in futility all those years

my frustration, mostly resolved before she died, one of coming to grips with facts; she was not the person I wanted her to be, wished her to be . . not someone I could effectively or affectionately discuss anything with; notwithstanding many efforts she was not a partner in that kind of dialogue except in the last months of her life when, sadly, too much water had long gone under the bridge to reverse reality

‘Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.’
-David Searls.

I’ve grieved differently than my dad; I wish he could let it go & stop clinging to what he cannot change

I wish I had something from her that I wanted to hang on to . . .

maybe I do . . . I have him


Friday, March 24, 2006


March 24 Responses

I have read your musing for only a few months but the effects seems to infuse your readership with hope, happiness and thought. So I send this to you as a small gift. The story is very real (and you may have seen it already). The reason for sending this to you is that it fills me with "positiveness" and peace similar to what I get from your daily musings, so I wanted to share. have a great week-end and enjoy this clip. Ignite the fire in others,for at the end of the day,it is people, not strategies,that change the world. , SZ, Calgary
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When my Mom died after 38 years of happy marriage to my Dad he made his wedding ring into a cross that he proudly wore on the lapel of his jacket. This created space for my step Mom and yet served to remind him of the special relationship that he had with the mother of his children. An interesting side note - Dad never took the ring off his finger after Mom put it on (in fact the jeweler cut it off) and I am out to beat that record; mine's been on for 31 years., SR, Calgary
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Thanks ME for reminding me of Alabama. It has been a few years since I did 'The Trail' myself. I played 5 of the 10 courses and for all you golf nuts out there, there is a total of 432 holes to play. Beautiful courses and the southern hospitality is fantastic. I sent a group of guys there and I expect they are still talking the courses they played; Grand National (Augusta), Magnolia Grove (Mobile) and Oxmoor Valley (Birmingham) and I will never forget about Wally the gator on one of the holes at Grand National. It definetly should be at the top of anybody's golf destination list.CCC, Calgary
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Tomorrow would be my 6th wedding anniversary. I suspect those kinds of dates don't hold a lot of interest for you. Too bad. I am a very sentimental person, and remember all kinds of things. For me, this is huge. So where am I after 6 years? Good question. I think I am mostly healed after nursing the love of my life while he deteriorated and died. I think I am coming to grips with being and living single when I don't want to. I think I am ready for someone else to come into my life. But not on the same terms........the last one did. I can only do one more, I think, in my life. I think if I give myself one more time, that will be all that is left of me. I realize this is not the usual intellectual writings you get, wellllll I am on your email list for a reason. And yes, try the golf on the Robert Trent Jones (RTJ) Golf Trail. So much fun, very well organized. Details, call me., BE, Portland


Friday Mar. 24, 2006 - Year 4, Day 4 - fog sun shower cycle

-2C/30F, dense fog finally lifting, every bare path & sidewalk & windshield coated in ice-film, skating optional, pratfalls likely . . traffic no longer crawls cautiously; Gusta wishes she had even longer toenails; wet-faced from the fog we adjourned to walk later when it warms up

dense fog, as if nothing existed beyond a couple hundred feet is strange in the morning; last night it was like a movie set waiting for suspenseful action . . . or maybe it is about suspending reality for a bit, for remembering & reflecting

7 yrs. ago today my dad saw my mother for the last time, unaware she would die the following morning, unaware of the fog he would find himself in

long out of the fog, he is happy & well – yet still wearing a ring I cannot persuade him to remove

long over his ‘I should have stayed with her longer that night’ angst, he remains grimly traditional & unwilling to contemplate something new with someone new, notwithstanding numerous opportunities

dense fog lifting, we come out of the fog to revel in sunshine in anticipation of first spring showers predicted tomorrow

spring showers that wash away grime & memory of winter

foggy now, then sunshine, then showers . .


Thursday, March 23, 2006


March 23 Responses

Ask your travel agent about Alabama for some golf. AMAZING courses on the Robert Trent Jones Trail (a wide variety of top courses throughout the state and better prices than many places). Many of the courses also have separate par 3 courses as well that are extremely challenging with lots of hills, sand and lush vegetation - never seen anything like them. If you head to Mobile, it's right on the ocean and has the sweetest peel and eat shrimp imaginable (as well as top notch golf). Alabama is a bit tricky to get there from Calgary (probably a few plane stops), but well worth the effort., ME, Calgary
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Swinging clubs eh? You know they're now officially legal in Montreal now. I admit, I'm surprised with your openness. But, you know Mark, whatever blows your skirt up! ;-), JS, Calgary
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MarK, MaRk, MArk, How are things with you? Kelowna is great, getting better in fact. emember how I told you about this gentleman that I met from Coquitlam? He has become the most wonderful happening in my life. He flew in last weekend for a visit, is flying in again this weekend. I just thought that I would share this with you. Often, more often lately, I thought there would not be a special person in my life and my, how things can change. Spending four days together, and not wanting it to end says it all. Keep up your writing, and truthfully, I never did skim. Just thought it was good for your ego to say that I did! Wish you much merry this season, GP, Kelowna
. . .
Suggestions on beach favorites - Turks and Caicos, St. John, Grand Cayman,Anguilla, Petit St. Vincent, Tortola. I have been to 23 islands. If youneed suggestions email me directly. VBL - Englewood, CO
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Thursday Mar. 23, 2006 - Year 4, Day 3 - tee it up

-4C/23F, sunny & calm . . itinerant pairs of geese honk overhead, Gusta finds snow banks still suitable for diving in the park – they won’t last long

spring weather does something to my energy level; in part it is the longer days . . waking up to daylight instead of darkness makes a huge difference to my disposition before I get out of bed in the morning

I’m thinking of beach walks & swinging clubs . . time to book a get away somewhere hot for a few days – suggestions & invitations welcome; Maui or Arizona or California are nice . . hmm; on the other hand a skip across the pond might be fun . . pondering . . & NYC always beckons . . or maybe time in Osoyoos or Salt Spring . . hhmmm . . . many thoughts, so little time

a few points & dollars & a very creative travel agent are my recipe

some beach . . fore . .

‘People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.’ – St. Augustine


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Wednesday Mar. 22, 2006 - Year 4, Day 2 - see what I want

-5C/23F, overcast & calm; my sore heel determined our walk would be a short one around the lagoon; Gusta distracted by sight of a beagle pup in the distance . . traffic crawls in heavy fog

if there is a reason or rationale why things occur, I cannot imagine what practical purpose fog serves – it yields surreal sights & sounds, tweaks imagination or reminds of a Hitchock movie, of ships or planes colliding or things that go bump in the night – as if it is night time in the middle of the day

beach walks at an ocean, on a lake . . fog horns & gulls & water lapping shore; I don’t see or hear it but the fog makes me feel it as if I were there

through early morning fog I see . .

sweaty pavement, wet faces & cars crawling their familiar paths to avoid calamity, drivers cautious not to overdrive their lights’ capacity to pierce the fog

intriguing & weird, fog makes a colour world black & gray & white

in it lurks danger, mystery . . . or beauty . . . just out of our eye’s reach

then … the morning sun burns it off . . as if someone turned the contrast button to turn shapes of gray into a color movie

through early morning fog I see whatever I want to sea


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


March 21 Responses

Congratulations! I've only been privy to Mark-Musing 1yr+ & enjoying youreclectic insight - very refreshing. Happy Vernal Equinox!, IK, Calgary
. . .
hi mark, please delete this email address for Musings - I receive and enjoy them every day through my home email address. Thanks again for your help and suggestions when I was job-searching, all much appreciated! My new job is sure keeping me busy - and well challenged! Cheers, ND, Calgary
. . .
Hear hear! (holds coffee cup up for all to clink) not too close, I hab a cold! My daughter just left for Arizona, and my son will be 14 tomorrow, the 22nd. ALP, high desert, California
. . .
Happy 3 years - well, mostly happy, right?! Thank you for including me in your musings. It is interesting to me how your idea has grown and includes anyone who wants to be included. I think I signed on at about the 2,000+ point - and have enjoyed you and your respondee-musers – and have been prompted to respond myself (the HM?? Fellow got me going), and, looking back, I remember how I felt when the person in the White House invaded Iraq - it was so awful and distressing, and I, an American, am angered and saddened by what is still going on. You wereright 3 years ago - thanks, Mark, for being a peaceful person and pointing out that community spirit does exist in our universe. LBK, Palm Desert
. . .
Dear Mark: I am very faithful at reading your muse daily and look at how you haveprogressed. I know at times you wonder if there is anyone out in the cyber world who listens but guess what there is. It sure sounds like your gala was very successful and I am sure you have such a sense of accomplishment when you reflect back at where you started and how it turned out. In reading your muse today, I came to the conclusion that Spring is always about new beginnings. With each year, the soil type changes due to outside weather conditions and in a sense brings a change to seedlings which we think we have planted year after year not realizing that changes or adaptations are constantly changing. I think that the old saying of taking time to smell the roses is quite interesting as each year, the rose may lookthe same but when you take the time to smell and exam closely, it is quite different on a daily basis. Enough gerblish, but take care and keep up the great work of your musing. SM [one of several], Calgary
. . .


Tuesday Mar. 21, 2006 - Year 4, Day 1 – today is vernal

-5C/23F, overcast & fresh; gloves not mitts, shoes not boots . . Gusta romps & sheds like any other day, not knowing today is special

all over the world today this is the vernal equinox (first day of spring); I looked up ‘vernal’ . . youthful: suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh; "he is young for his age" ; of or characteristic of or occurring in spring; "the vernal equinox"

I had lunch with GD, thanks . . & thanks for the book . .

to SM in Calgary & CM in Edmonton, your birthday’s today should turn back the clock; happy birthday my friends, you are not just getting better, you’re getting older too . . wishing you many amore!

any day . . not just this one, I question relevance of what I write, how I work, how I live

any day . . I wonder what strikes a chord & I wonder why

this earth, today, is a better place than it was yesterday, better than it was 3 yrs. ago; still a place of 6 billion imperfect people each wanting to live, love, play & work

6 billion of us mostly wanting the same things – odd that we cannot find more common denominators ??

3 yrs ago we were 8, now we are more - 4593 - welcome to spring my musing friends

3 yrs ago today, I wrote this first musing:

March 21/03, as a war was starting in Iraq:
it was a great day for my walk this morning . .

the river is flowing . . the geese are crapping in the water and short old oriental people are out walking along with cyclists going too fast and runners dot the landscape

but you know, there are no oil wells on fire, no one is wearing camouflage, the rumble of traffic was commuters on their way to work in their SUV's . . not the roar of 70 ton tanks !!

life is good this morning
we are safe & well
the challenges of this day are few compared to the situation of many . . .
happy spring . . .happy Friday ..


3 yrs ago today, the first musing responses:March 21, 2003
You forgot to add that there weren't any war protesters blocking traffic and setting themselves on fire! Hope you're well.; KF

My Friend ,I appreciate your reflection on the day---we are truly a blessed group; JJ

Thanks for your thought darling! You're so right. The other day on the phone I was talking to a friend who was complaining about what? (something) - and she was waiting for me to reciprocate the experience, I said "I can't forget how fortunate I am - my child is safe, I'm safe, I'm not packing my most precious belongings into a cart to leave my home in search of a haven, I bathe in more drinkable water every morning than many women have for their entire families......We are SO LUCKY!" ; MP

And Happy Spring to you. Thank you for the reminder. It is not blue sky and sunshine here but the mercury is higher and one can sense that spring is possible. And on the other side as you point out we have many blessings that too often we take for granted. Hope all is well. SC
Nice......feelings!!! nice thoughts !!!!! nice morning to us !!!!! !! thanks to Lord !! one reflection.....! The violence done in our name in time before memory; the unremembered wounds we have inflicted; the injuries we cannot forget and for which we have not been forgiven ! The remembrance of them is grievous to us; the burden of intolerable!!!! Mark.....Many, many happy ...spring days !!!!!; MdP

Monday, March 20, 2006


March 20 Responses

Yahoo!, JB, Calgary
. . .
4593 - WOO HOO, what a wonderful connection. I am one of the new ones and Ihave enjoyed the daily muses (though have not read each and every one).Curious what's my number 4487??? - HA!, SZ, Calgary
. . .
Dear Mark, It's odd that I should read the ramblings of a man I have never met and if the future is anything like the past, never will. I found myself thinking today "Watch the ego Mark" and the countered myself with - well you'd have to have a hefty ego to share yourself daily with so many people. And what is wrong with thinking well of yourself? My early training jumps in to make sure that I never overstep self imposed ego boundaries. Obviously, you were encouraged in your childhood. Good. So... Happy Birthday Blog. And many happy returns. CC, Chimacum, Washington
. . .
I appreciate what you do here. It's real. The feedback you get from your fellow musers is real, too, and I enjoy their responses. I look very forward to seeing what you've got to say each day. There is immense power in words. I'm happy to be part of this growing group and look forward to many more years... (btw - have reserved that book you mentioned from the library... I'll let you know) L.S., Calgary
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Hi Mark, Please add the following name to your email list: , Thanks, WA, Calgary
. . .
Hi Mark: Congratulations on reaching your musing anniversary milestone. I enjoy your musings and read them most days, even as they are buried in with the 300 others I get daily. I especially enjoy them when I am travelling on business as it is a small grounding to Calgary (home). Your work and thoughts touch people in so many different ways. I still think you underestimate the importance of what started as a group of 8. Take Care. Regards, MW, Calgary
. . .
Hi Mark, I know I have been rather incommunicado but maybe just a lil preoccupied.Life is busier in Mexico than ever in Canada. Many thanks for your musings and congrats on the job and dedication! Also want to say thanks for KT. She's my gem now too! TA, Puerto Vallarta
. . .
Congratulations Mark on a most successful BOMA awards evening! You and your committee put a lot of time and effort into the evening, and the event was most successful. Too bad I wasn't feeling 100%, but, I truly enjoyed how social everyone was! Thank you for being my guest. Also thank you for the referral to XXXXl. I enjoyed our meeting on Friday - please keep me posted if I be of assistance to them or to yourself. Happy to help! Thanks, SM, Calgary
. . .
"reflection, sadness + fond memories" you are 'no ordinary memory' , thankyou for 'marksmusing' have a wonderful week. glad to hear that your foot is 'really' healing, bb,Calgary


Monday Mar. 20, 2006 - Year 3, Day 365 – barely begun

-7C/19F, light snow falling . . Gusta chasing solitary poodle tracks on the path . . sniffing rather than looking; my walking pace has returned to near normal so watching trees & snow banks pass by has moved out of slow-mo

a year & a season close today; winter ends & so does year 3 of these musings; closure, ending, change . . each brings reflection, sadness + fond memories

I’ve been sitting here – for quite a while actually – this morning, first reflecting on 3 years & how interactions of 8 people & this daily practice of mine have grown [to 4593 as of this morning] … everyone valued, but none as precious as KT who called this morning to catch up

sending some thoughts out there; some days routine & dull, some days emotional, some days profoundly learning something, once in a while teaching something to someone

YOU ALL . . give me so much; you give me feedback [sometimes scathing but more often supportive], you give me a venue, an audience . . you allow me into your morning, your consciousness, your life …albeit in a very tiny way

twice before I’ve contemplated and ‘end of a year of musing’ & what to do next as though I had some duty to know, to figure it out & to commit to continuing

that decision is not annual; it is daily

not a daily habit, but a daily conscious choice

a new year & a new season begin tomorrow

newness, freshness, change . . each brings wide-eyed enthusiasm

it seems more important to note the ending of winter & the promise of spring

‘It ain’t over till it’s over.’ – Yogi Berra

it ain’t over, it seems like it has barely begun


Sunday, March 19, 2006


March 18 Responses

Hi – I am glad it went so well for you. Nothing like a successful gala that your team has put together. Somehow the walrus basking thing is cracking me up as I have a visual of your blue suit on it. Not sure about the tusks though. You are definitely more of an otter personality but I also think more seal than walrus. It’s the playfulness of the seal. I am working like mad to put together a self care workshop and to do my homework ….. jumping back and fourth as an new idea hits. I think I will take a walk and sort my head out. Enjoy your well earned rest. What starts tomorrow? , DB, Red Deer
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Congratulations on a job well done!, LR, Irvine
. . .
I am sure the Gala went well; how could it not? Congratulations on all your hard work. Sorry I was out of town and missed it. My hat is off to you and your daily musings; always fresh, usually provocative, never boring! They have been part of my daily routine for these past three years, and will continue to nourish my thoughts and expand my perspective. Keep up the good work!, KK, Calgary


Sunday Mar. 18, 2006 Year 3, Day 364 – basking

-11C/12 F, Gusta attempts to burrow under thin fresh snow blanket; melting on streets already, the pavement basking as brilliant sun warms it, making a steamy blue/black wet ribbon on a white package

intensity & adrenalin cease to flow 9 hours ago, stress is leaking out of tight shoulders - ahh . . that’s it . . but I need a little more stress relief

best surprise moment @ last night’s BOMA Awards Gala was not the witty repartee, back slapping, hugs & laughter, personal revelations or celebration, but one outstretched hand; 1 face in the crowd, a muser [SB] who wanted to meet me say hi & chat a bit; not one of our industry members but a helper with our entertainers .. it’s a small world Simon, nice to meet you too

hugely successful event thanks to an army of suppliers, workers, volunteers & my committee who did most of the heavy lifting – lots of great people doing their jobs exceedingly well . . we basked

I basked too . . like a walrus in the sun

last night’s dinner was very good .. must make many trips to the gym, this walrus needs to get down to otter size …

morning after, basking time over

a day of read, write & play . . work can wait a day


Saturday, March 18, 2006


Saturday Mar. 18, 2006 - Year 3, Day 363 - my 3rd way

-4C/25F overcast, a few fresh flakes & calm; we explored around the Lagoon, Gusta visited every bare patch sniffing all winter left which smells – it seems there is a lot . . .

good morning to you, 4600 spokes on this wheel of mine; I am your hub

from lark-beginning, I am constantly amazed it continues to attract, amuse & be valued by so many of you. It validates me, gets me into trouble, spurs discussion, relates to most of us one way or another & teaches me more about life & feelings than anything else I’ve encountered

when I start something deliberate it is with a notion that I know what it might become, path it might take or a destination

my adventurous/misadventurous beginnings principally fall into 2 groups

the 1st, those which wither, wander off course, self destruct or prove to be illusions; they are relegated to a ditch, a drawer, a trash bin/ ‘deleted’ or forgotten in the daily buzz or they manifest vocally as ‘NEXT’

the 2nd, those which take on some real life – rarely as first imagined – a credible path & something dynamic, but rarely taking the path I first imagined

the 3rd [yes there are 3], those that ‘just happened’, not by deliberate means but by accident, circumstance, dumb luck or bull-in-china-shop luck; never an expected result, never an expected path, never an expected outcome; often tumultuous, often dangerous, often sad, often euphoric – always worth it

musings, in this 3rd group. started by being a smart-arse with my daughter Carla, inspired by 7 who cared, we 8 have begat an interesting collection

3 days to 3rd anniversary of the first of these musings

4th year lurks, looms; uncharted waters

Columbus lacked a map, so did Fraser, Thompson & Mackenzie as they explored the unknown with faith they could find a way & record it - so others could follow; they had faith the flat earth folks were wrong & their skills would get them through the danger zones

tonight’s gala or this 3rd year; each product of a year’s work . . not a climax, not an anti-climax either; 1 is relief of anxiety, the other is anxiety prevention

to those I’ve wronged this year, you are in my thoughts, to those who wronged me this year, I cannot remember a thing – none will be important a year from now

to those I’ve missed; please come back

to those I’ve dismissed; bye

to those who dismiss me; fools & idiots . . the earth is not flat & I will find my way


Friday, March 17, 2006


March 17 Responses

Wow - HMCD hit evoked quite a response. Just wanted to say I hope the BOMA Gala, in its new location is a smashing success. Have fun!!!, CB, Calgary
. . .
Mark, --mark your calendar. One hundred days from today, it will rain in Calgary. This is how my parents predicted rain many years ago and it holds the truth. The heavier the hoar frost, the more rain. A special drink I experienced in France last July. Start of course with a very hot tea pot. Double your tea quantity, pack in fresh mint as much as it holds, pour in the boiling water, sweeten and you will enjoy something you've never had before! Very refreshing and better than any green beer!The fog is rolling in as I write, very interesting to see it swirling down the hillside, slowly blocking out any view., GP in Kelowna
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Thanks, Mark. Will take a look at it. L.S., Calgary
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Hi from Tahiti and the island of Bora Bora. Beautiful white sand beqches and every shade of blue you can imagine in the water. We have been to Papeete, Moorea , Raeatea and now at the Club Med on Bora Bora, Went hobi cat sailing this morning and snorkeling this afternoon .. this is the life and in a few more days it will be a fleeting memory. Hope all is well with you. Internet is expensive so I have not been able to read your musings. Will share pics when I return. Ciao for now CCC, Calgary in Tahiti


Friday Mar. 17, 2006 - Year 3, Day 361 - the green

-6C/21F, more hoar frost . . the trees, especially the evergreens, seem to welcome the coat of wet that will melt on them by mid-day; Gusta cools herself in her spot by the opened patio door which I am going to rename the shedding ground

going for green, the green movement, the wearin’ of the green . . should really be more about golf I think that environmental sustainability or Irish drunkenness; Happy St. Patrick’s day to all those who celebrate driving the snakes out of Ireland; it makes me wonder if the Irish would be so much fun if drinking had been against their religion ?

a peaceful end to a chaotic week for my fellow committee members & I the ‘year’ is nearly over as we gear up for our BOMA Award Gala function tomorrow night . . then on Monday we can get back to our real jobs 100% . . it’s been a pile of work & it is supposed to end in a pile of fun . . 1 more day to go !

to HMCD, you invited it - you had it coming

for LS:
‘I get to choose how I react to what is happening to me.’
- Viktor Frankl [from ‘Man’s Search For Meaning . . recommend you get a copy]


Thursday, March 16, 2006


March 16 Responses

For HMCD: While I agree that it is important to know yourself and to be comfortable as an individual, your scepticism about 'searching for what does not exist' is sad. I have gone through a very difficult and bitter divorce that cost me a lot in personal peace, respect for myself and my ex, and financially - I grew from it and learned a lot about myself. I have since found what you do not believe exists - a love that will, I believe, last for my life time. Perhaps I am deluded, but I don't think so. And this journey of shared love is so filled with the joy of exploration and connecting at the level of the soul and beyond, that I would not pass it by even if I knew now that it would end unhappily (perhaps because my heart and mind tell me that it will last and grow). For those musers who have found peace and contentment being solo, more power to you. For those of us who believe that the good things in life are just that much better when shared with a true love, don't give up hope. Live now, but don't close the door to possibility. AR – Calgary
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HMCD - New Zealand - It is not just "woman" that spell trouble, in my experience it's all genders. I don't think that causing trouble is exclusive to women. There are wonderful women and men out there that have held together a marriage with amazing love and respect for each other. I think that we all seek to find that "fairy tale", no matter how far off it may be to others that observe. Not all marriages end in divorce, some end because of death, yet the love goes beyond the grave. I findit sad, that you would discourage Mark from seeking a female companion, just because you are bitter., SdV, Edmonton
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Mark, Just when I'm ready to start deleting your musing without even glancing through them, you write something that strikes home. Again, I thank you and commend you for your perseverance. Writers write. AJB, Calgary
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I'm not sure if HMCD is serious in his remarks or just looking to spark a response from your musers. I am hoping the latter, otherwise I think his outlook on life and love is very sad and believe he is missing out on something very special. I doubt he always felt that way and assume he just got "burned" at some time by someone he did care very much about. While I don't believe you NEED someone else to live, what's wrong with WANTING someone to live and love and share things with? Asfor his comment about enjoying your freedom, I believe you can be totally FREE when you are with someone too - provided they are the right someone. ME, Calgary
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Hope all is well - still enjoying your thoughts each day :) keep up the good work. Have a great day, SW, Calgary
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Hello Everyone, Thank you all for the snow we had over the weekend here in the Antelope Valley. Almost two inches of dry powder lasted until the following morning, started to melt at 10:30 a. It sure was beautiful. Ringo Starr's song, 'It Don't Come Easy' comes to mind with your musing today, I just had to pull out my guitar and play it. I wonder: The 'universal theme' changes all the time: how often are you in touch with it? Or not? And if you are aware of it, and in your musings, do you set the pace for the rest of us, or not? I know your reader list is growing, so you must be doing something right, or not (for those that asked to be deleted) At least I think you are. Write on! ALP hd
. . .
TO: HMCD - New Zealand - Yes, a huge percent of marriages end in divorce.Yes, divorce is both expensive and painful. Your comments are sad andcynical. I was divorced fourteen years ago and look forward to marryingagain. I have two brothers that have been extemely happily married for 25years. We were not put on this earth to be alone. As Pearl S. Buck wouldsay - The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being.His heart withers if it does not answer to another heart. His mind shrinksaway if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no otherinspiration. Mark is a romantic and I find this quality very endearing.VBL-Englewood, CO
. . .
Oh, my HMCD, good advice ~? I'll bet your life is full and loving. I agree on one point - and that is Mark, you do have it all, and once you stop seeking that "one partner," she will appear. At least, that has been my experience. I surrendered the search about 28 years ago, and decided, after a failed marriage, and having a darling daughter, lots of dating, and a few "meaningful relationships" I am willing to be alone for the rest of my life, if that is what the universe, my HP, has in mind for me - and, within a month I met my future husband, and, of course, then I thought, "this guy isn't right for me - he is too healthy and uncomplicated, I am not used to this - give me what what I'm used to, a selfish, self-centered, commitment-phobic great looking stud" and then I decided "why don't I accept this gift of a person capable ofloving and see what happens" - and 28 years later, after almost 24 years of marriage, we are still speaking, get along most of the time, and laugh a lot together - plus he is a fabulous grandpa, and I feel very blessed. So "turn it over" and see what happens! I, too, just love Laguna and go there every year. LBK, Palm Desert, CA
. . .
a reply, a comment, a thought -- re Thursday’s musing.....(or not):
The sail, the play of its pulse
so like our own lives:
so thin and yet so full of life,
so noiseless when it labors hardest,
so noisy and impatient when least effective.
- Henry David Thoreau
[forwarded by 'northwester', not to be confused with 'norwester'], I'll bring some suntan oil., bebe, Calgary
. . .


Thursday Mar. 16, 2006 - Year 3, Day 360 - a beach beckons

-7C/19F, last night’s eerie swirling fog blanket replaced by low cloud & hoar frost coating ever tree branch – as if someone ran around overnight with a can of fuzzy white paint; the return of real humidity a welcome sign of spring

I remember being young & full of zeal when the day after tomorrow meant 48 hours from now; it was a time for me when ideas & activity without purpose = boundless energy going nowhere in particular; I remember those times like they were yesterday – in fact they were yesterday

yesterday . . . just metaphor now, so is tomorrow

is that what middle age means ?

that I encapsulate the last 35-40 years as ‘yesterday’ ?

it only seems a day has passed, it all seems so fresh it makes me wonder if the next 40 will be soon be just ‘tomorrow’ & that a long way off I’ll refer to the next 40 years as yesterday & the 40 before them as ‘the day before yesterday’ ?

if my goofy logic is followed, then my life will end . . . the day after tomorrow . . . tomorrow being the next 35 or 40 years

the day before yesterday I was an innocent, uninvolved, not yet engaged in life or ideas or the zealous pursuit of anything

today I am not innocent, often guilty!

responsible for some transgression that offended someone or sometimes offended a great number but occasionally making some small differences that make my world better & once in a while . . just when I think I am not relevant – on those days when I doubt myself, question my motives, try to analyze ‘what is it all about’ I make a difference to someone

I was listening to a TV interview the other night – a Canadian writer [cannot remember his name] sitting in his windowless basement room surrounded by his paper jungle with sticky notes on the wall – I found him intriguing & validating – he spoke so passionately about his goal of writing something that might change the world, or affect someone . . those being far more important to him than making fame or fortune as a writer

yesterday LS told me I made a difference & added value to her difficult equation

tomorrow will be long & thrilling – so much to do

tomorrow will be full; thrills & spills & trips & work & memories of beach visits past & future

I’ll go to the beach tomorrow

I’ll dream more dreams . . tomorrow

I’ll be alive & kicking & searching & seeking tomorrow

I won’t worry about the day after, till after . . tomorrow

it’s all metaphor, except for the beaches . . they are real . . Laguna immediately come to mind

always searching . .

‘I can think of no greater devotion,
Than to be shore to your ocean.’ - Hafiz


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


March 15 Responses

Hi Mark. How well you speak. You've helped me today - you've added another perspective on an increasingly difficult situation. You've made concrete what was abstract. What will be the ROI of staying? of going? of continuing to persevere, hope, and wait for change? Is staying worth the investment of time, energy, and most importantly, spirit? The ROI of leaving is perhaps the chance at really living yet I'll lose property, stability, and the approval/respect of others. But maybe I'll gain me again. Or not. Thanks. L.S., Calgary
. . .
Why oh why this ongoing obsession with finding a female partner? Women spelltrouble, right from the start; you've only to look at what happened to Adam.You're a big boy and perfectly capable of looking after yourself so grow up and deal with it. Most marriages end in divorce, ALL divorces start with them and divorces are expensive as well as unpleasant. Haven't you got enough problems as it is without creating more? So stop searching for what doesn't exist and start enjoying your freedom!, HMCD, New Zealand


Wednesday Mar. 15, 2006 - Year 3, Day 359 - or not

- 7C/19F, calm, clear & warming up – spring at hand in South Calgary; I know this because, to Gusta’s delight, the number of dogs & walkers has gone up dramatically in recent days, though golfing on April 1 like last year looks doubtful right now . . . or maybe not !

investment vs. cost ?

this question we know on many levels; government, business & personal finances – the universal theme being spending cash & debating how to account for or rationalize it

investment of time &/or cash &/or property in relationships is rarely evaluated as an investment; we don’t ask: is it secure ? what is the ROI ? … is there an exit strategy ?

due diligence in affairs of the heart is rare – we enter as if embarking on a large home renovation with fuzzy notions of scope but no idea how deep the money pit will be; in personal matters, we have no clue how deep an emotional hole might be

why do we explore [I’m speaking to the single folk now] new relationship opportunities with such zeal, ambition & wide eyed enthusiasm when we do not know how deep the pit might be ?

we can risk hurt, pain & ruin both emotionally & financially; we risk having our world turned asunder, or not

for those not single/unattached, the risks are different on surface, but beneath the surface many are the same; for those who are deliriously happy, they probably took all those risks a long time ago . . with luck & good management they survived to tell the tale . . or not

on the other hand, there are those not-so-happily-coupled folks who face the same risk factors but from a different angle; of risking hurt, pain, ruin & having their hole world turned asunder only if is over staying or not, working on it or not, persevering or not

or not !

history suggests today, March 15, The Ides Of March, is a day of foreboding, a day of fear & treachery – or at least a day for thinking about

how would history have been different if on that fateful day Caesar said, ‘should I go to the office today . . or not ?’

or not . . . elusive, risky, worth it ? . . or not ?

beware the Ides of March . . . or not


Tuesday, March 14, 2006


March 14 Responses

Hey Mark, Always enjoy your thoughts, but I am receiving them on three different e-mail addresses, so end up deleting them from 2 sources every day..... Can you take this one off you list? I'll send you a note from one of the other ones as well so I'll be down to just one reading. Thanks, and rock on!, GL, Calgary
. . .
As always - enjoyed your musings. I thought that EvD's thoughts were insightful. Cause for pause. KK, Calgary
. . .
Hey, KD, yes! A great single malt delivers, combining comfort with promise. Time alone is a time when, hopefully, you get along with yourself and are kind -- definitely always right. We each get to choose our novels. Perhaps I tend to be a bit of a heavy in certain neighbourhoods. Cheers., VJP, Calgary


Tuesday Mar. 14, 2006 - Year 3, Day 358 – counting down

-10 C/14F, light breeze, overcast; Gusta & skid/walked around the lagoon quiet

while it remains the blank, the empty page an empty place; blank page invites emotion & stories & revelation

this morning I meet with my committee colleagues one last time before the big event; everyone busy, many little tasks nearly completed; intellectually I know 4 days remain between now & Saturday’s goal but it feels more like distance than time

juggle of daily practice, nuances of client needs, quirky things of the day turning each time the phone rings or the an email arrives – these things bring joy most times, but when ‘over’ meets ‘load’, otherwise joyful moments become ‘one more thing to do’

Saturday, just around the corner, a year of work culminating in a 5 hour event where the collected year’s work of an incredible team goes on display . . then, it is over in a heartbeat

we’ll all revel in it for a moment or for an hour . .

exhaustion is not an emotion, but I feel it; frustration is not a place, but I am living there

thoughts of Sunday invade my mind


Monday, March 13, 2006


March 13 Responses

I enjoy your daily thoughts . . . . How do I find out who added me to yourmailing list??????, WA, Calgary

Mark - Yes, Failure to Launch was appropriately named. I don't think it isbest that you share your feelings about those close to you i.e. DB with thegeneral public. In due respect some things are best left private. VBL-Englewood, CO
I read VPs comments and felt they were a little heavy. I definitely agree that people should be thoughtful of others and that there is little better in life than being able to give. I also believe you only live once, so its OK to be a little selfish sometimes! My "holy grail of happiness" comes from the right balance of giving and taking ... and that even includes the occasional hour sipping a good single malt, reading a "mindless novel" and being totally anti-social! "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live like you'll die today" - James Dean , KD, CalgaryReading your musing today is fascinating and touched a chord. We all struggle through the same stages of becoming more conscious and discovering what is really important in life..... Indeed, the one on one relationship is the one that requires the most attention and is most vulnerable. No faking or retreating into our little cave is an option in THAT one..........That special relationship is the one where we care/invest our heart and soul for 100% and bang...... becomes the most vulnerable one where we bare our hearts, souls, show our character to the core and share our bodies. With that amazing, wondrous intimacy comes a heightened sensitivity to a partner's words, behaviors, touch and body language......... Once we've totally surrendered to one another, with our trust at it's peak, with our hopes, expectations and those glorious moments.....we begin to notice the imperfections......and many times perceive remarks as negative, unkind, inconsiderate or criticism that hurts so much from the one you love than uttered by a stranger..... going through a crisis is part of the learning curve, you either learn how to resolve the issues through great communication and fill up the horn of 'love' to the brim again or the relationship will deteriorate and come to an end. Hug from a friend, EvD, Pasadena


Monday Mar. 13, 2006 - Year 3, Day 357 – have your way with it

-15C/5F, clear, frosty, magnificent morning – foot feeling mostly normal again, big walk planned today

a 3rd year of musing is drawing to a close in the next few days; my annual pondering what to do/change/start/stop rolling around in my belly

yesterday’s cloudy weather erased by sunshine & a good talking to from a friend; sorry DB . . my comments were over the top & public when, at best, they should have been private; in the words of Joan Baez:
‘The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one.’

this new day, unspoiled, waiting for me to have my way with it

this new day will be different than any day that has gone before, different than whatever might be ahead – it is TODAY, this day . . in every sense of it

I painted the bottom corner of the canvas called ‘early morning’ already - very nice, but what about the rest ? will it be:

- filled with colour, animation & people or dull plain things from pile # 2 on my desk ?

- filled with old memories, old flames, old ideas, old stories or new ones I make today ?

- full of fun, productive, pretty & fine ?

it’s all up to me & I have the time

it’s all up to you too

it is YOUR day, have your way with it



March 12 Responses

"Recognizing ourselves and acting from our own perspectives", quoted and combined by FD with Ayn Rand, leaves a sour taste in VP's mind, reminiscent of Hitler. "Recognizing ourselves" is so hard for so many. Acting in the best interests of all might be a refreshing change. Though I'm not Catholic in anything but my catholic approach to life, I have read some. It seems to me, through my reading, that the holy grail of happiness is achieved through humility, denial of self, learning to give and a lifelong quest to understand. It has been my experience. Perhaps, in recognizing others' concerns and struggling to understand the connection of those concerns to their history their current challenges and their dreams of the future, each of us might learn and grow. At least, those of us who might want to listen and, then, after a little thinking time, respond., VP, Calgary

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Sunday Mar. 12, 2006 - Year 3, Day 356 – knee-jerk

-11C/12F, overcast with fresh snow covering all the ice & ruts, Gusta & I like ungulates – not just walking on toes/hoofs but as if he had none at all, more like sliding goats than dog & owner . . . cheeks chilled

I went to a movie with AW last night; the chick flick ‘Failure to Launch’ failed to launch, next time I pick !

6 days left to go till the big BOMA Gala - it’s work load should diminishes eventually; I’m weary & cranky - good thing it is just 6

remaining detached from issues & personalities is easy when I don’t care, impossible when I do

‘ You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.’ - Aldous Huxley

it is interesting I think, when I was young & trying to impress DB I spend many hours in the library reading Huxley & others, she was oblivious to my existence then as she is oblivious to my feelings now

as I wring my hands a little [DB’s neck not being available] this morning it seems fitting somehow it is Huxley’s words that help me unclench, relax & detach from words that were probably not meant to injure . .

seriously Dix, you have some facts right, but perspective skewed & we should talk . . but not today

remaining detached from things/people/ideas is easy, unless I care; knee-jerk reactions, are something I have less & less often – but when I do, surely I am more jerk than knee

remaining detached from a point of view is easy unless it’s yours, or unless it’s the ridiculous comment of someone you care about

when knee has jerked, it’s a bit like trying to get the egg back in the shell

some days I jerk


Saturday, March 11, 2006


March 11 Responses

Mark, I don't know. Isn't it okay if it's our own stuff, our own story, our own feelings? As long as we don't forget that our 'stuff' wasn't acquired in a vacuum,it seems to me that it's okay to write from our own perspective. Ever read Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' or 'The Fountain Head'? All about the value of recognizing yourself and acting from your own perspectives. As for COMPROMISE, It's no coincidence the adjective can be either 'compromised' or 'compromising', as in"I'm a compromised man" versus, "I'm a compromising man." Ain't language lovely?, FD (New Sarepta, AB)


Saturday Mar. 11, 2006 - Year 3, Day 355 – an examined life

-11C/12F, overcast & a cold north wind chills the cheeks, Gusta loves it; walking remains treacherous, less limping, more slipping

home to scrambled eggs, coffee & morning papers . . . hmmm; a full day’s work to do [I think I’m working on Wednesday’s to-do pile], a couple speeches [opportunity & preparedness coming together I hope] to write, errands & a trip to the gym on my agenda

where did THIS come from: ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ – Socrates

I wonder if Socrates said that after much profound thought, or did he just toss it out in conversation in a sales meeting one day after a morning tummy rub at the spa ? . . or, on a hill classroom outside Athens one Saturday morning, was he talking to a class of impressionable minds – painting on blank canvas, making up paint as he went along ?

what of the life ‘unexamined’ ? what happens to those folks ? happiness v. despair, failure v. success . . . ?

I think the unexamined life gets people down the path allright, just without a very broad grin on their faces

a note to explain why I wrote about Socrates today:
I don’t know a lot Socrates other than ‘teaching in a toga on a hillside’, but came across a description recently about teaching using the Socratic Method; much of it rang very true for what musings/musers do/function & how I function in writing them

Wikipedia defines the Socratic Method as:
a dialectic method of inquiry, largely applied to the examination of key moral concepts and first described by Plato in the Socratic Dialogues. For this, Socrates is customarily regarded as the father and fountainhead for ethics or moral philosophy. It is a form of philosophical enquiry. It involves two or more speakers, usually with one as the master (or wise one) and the others as students or fools. The method is credited to Socrates, who began to engage in such discussion with his fellow Athenians after a visit to the Oracle of Delphi. The practice involves asking a series of questions surrounding a central issue, and answering questions of the others involved. Generally this involves the defense of one point of view against another and is oppositional. The best way to 'win' is to make the opponent contradict themselves in some way that proves the inquirer's own point. Plato famously formalised the Socratic debate in prose - positing Socrates as one of the principal interlocutors - in some of his early dialogues, such as Euthyphro or Theaetetus, and the method is most commonly found within the Socratic dialogues, which generally portray Socrates engaging in the method and questioning his fellow citizens about moral and epistemological issues.

or . . what was Socrates really like if he was hiding/masking his own feelings by asking questions all the time ? . . whoever he really was, if it was a Saturday morning, I bet he’d be wanting a tummy rub

fellow musers, maybe I am a Socrates-wannbe; though I’ve not thought of that before, I think that would be a worthy ambition

someone commented recently that my writing style/questioning was a clever way to disguise my own feelings, my own story, my own ‘stuff’. I responded: ‘You’ve not been reading them very long, have you ?’



Friday, March 10, 2006


March 10 Responses

RE Win/Win: I agree! If a compromise leaves you feeling compromised, then it certainly isn't a win/win. If it's possible to find an alternative solution that truly IS a win/win, then it's valuable. I have quite often used the word Compromise, but I think I like Alternative Solution better. Thanks, Mark, for the great thoughts today. Warmly, VG, Calgary
. . .
CL,Chestermere - I am always empathetic to those going through the loss of a loved one. You are in my thoughts. VBL - Englewood, CO
. . .
I don't know Mark... I think as we get older, we have to compromise MORE. Not compromise our morals and beliefs and standards, but on how we accept others along with all their baggage and faults. I see too many people putting other people on the 'unacceptable' list just because of dumb stuff. The older we get, the more we have, you know, and the more we need others to be understanding of all that and still see that beautiful adorable person inside. Am I dreaming? , SM, Calgary


Friday Mar. 10, 2006 - Year 3, Day 354 – win/win

-9C/16F, sunshine & refreshing, light snow tops 3 days of freeze-thaw results, bizarre walking or is that ice climbing? & Gusta slipped her halty again – she’s one smart blonde

figuring out alternatives that work where 2 or more parties can get something done is every day practice for me in my work life . . . sometimes described as client enforced chaos, so doing that in my personal life is not so tough, except I instinctively revert to my love of routine, like Linus to his security blanket

someone suggested compromise to me; 20 years ago that would have been something I would really buy into as a win/win strategy

my view turned 180 degrees

being accommodating & negotiating is quite a different matter, but compromising who I am, compromising my needs, wants & ambitions – when I’ve done that – has proven to be a destructive element for me

uncompromising/happy = win/win



March 9 Responses

Hello Mark, A note from that 'feisty' Dutch girl in Happy to see you're enjoying and evaluating the feedback others are giving you too.( I never meant to be harsh or to 'wrong' you ) To hear the truth and then admitting the truth to ourselves is very uncomfortable and upsetting.... I learned by trial and error that by telling the truth to oneself it becomes a solvent that dissolves my upsets, makes sense?? There are 3 states of mind we can find ourselves in during any given moment, the negative, the positive and the neutral......... I am working every day to have less negative moments and turn the ones I encounter into neutral or positives. Is an exhausting process but practice helps and to do so becomes easier by the day. It's a great 'tool' that was given to me by a valuable, lovable man and I am happy to share this with you. Keep up your good work, sweet, evolving guy. Hugs, EvD, Pasadena

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Thursday Mar. 9, 2006 - Year 3, Day 353– bonus years

-1C/30F, cloudy except in the west where big Chinook arches some from, Gusta thrilled as we resumed our long morning walk for the first time in 10 days - dog, kid & mom encounters along the way offered opportunities for sniff time & heavy petting

I experience learning in small doses most of the time; yesterday it came in a larger dose, delivered very succinctly last night in the evaluation of my speech at Toastmasters; pointing out that my talking about issues, ideas & viewpoints is often abstract . . talking about others rather than talking more directly about my own experience . . that was bang-on SM & very much appreciated

I am still involved in the process of self-discovery, far along but far from done – that brings a risk/reward continuum to everything – but risk is not always dangerous in terms of pain or suffering – more often it is the risk of having a new experience

what a bonus

making a new friend, learning something new – or relearning something that deserves a second look, each of these opportunities allows us to grow & stretch from the inside – failure at trying can e exhilarating too . . unpredictable to be certain, but what a delicious prospect

what a bonus

BB [the Vancouver one] had the 2nd of 2 stents installed 8 yrs ago today which he says are the reason he’s still around, enjoying ‘bonus years’ as he calls them

now that’s what I call flirting with life . . . ooh-hah



March 8 Responses

You could start a business, write a book, go on the lecture circuit, do an infomercial on flirting. You are a non-stop, unabashed and brazen flirterer....., DL, Calgary [sent from Frankfurt]
. . .
Hi – did you mention danger, speed and all those other adrenal producing activities. I have a cold…. Boo hoo. I just hate being sick and I have done so well this winter. It is lack of sleep I am sure. I don’t know how you continue on with the hours you keep. I feel like scratching my eyeballs out. I really like Dale Auger’s paintings. I am working my way through all the info on the website. I sent it to my friend Roseanne who works with Loretta Todd making Aboriginal films. I think she would be very interested in him in many ways. He is really nice looking. I am glad your heel is improving. Cheers, DB, Red Deer
. . .
Hi Mark, I have been receiving duplicates of the daily musings this past month or two. I have replied to the other address asking to be removed but I am still receiving both emails. Can you please delete me from one of the lists so I don't receive two emails every day? Thanks a lot and have a great day!, JS, Calgary
. . .
Hi...I am not sure how you got my email address but I really would like you to discontinue sending me your musings... I don't have time to read them... Thanks, ML, Calgary

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Wednesday Mar. 8, 2006 - Year 3, Day 352 – flirtations

-5C/23F, clear, light westerly warm breeze, a block long limp this morning; foot feels better & dog appreciates a chance to get a little more exercise than the last few days

thanks & nice seats . . AW had tickets for the hockey game last night; Flames failed to combust sufficiently, but we had a nice time anyway

‘There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand.’ – Joyce Jillson

I flirt with ideas, I flirt with words, I flirt with women

I flirt with women about ideas, I do it with words

looking back, there are times I’ve flirted with disaster, flirted with danger, flirted with risk

now I think I flirt with opportunity, flirt with imagination, flirt with gusto

‘No matter how happily a woman may be married, it always pleases her to discover that there is a nice man who wishes she were not.’ – H. L. Mencken

I flirt with life & it flirts right back

my morning is at risk of running away with me already; phone, fax & email have intervened in an otherwise tranquil early morning . . tic toc


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Tuesday Mar. 7, 2006 - Year 3, Day 350 – call me sparky

+2C /36F, cloudy & a little ice . . it’s fabulous; Gusta [a.k.a. ‘the nose’] hot on the trail of something extraordinary - I suspect from the tracks that coyotes were there overnight; a great sleep, my foot feeling better + spring-like conditions outside; who ask for a better start to spark the day ?

thanks CL for your kind words; it’s a great feeling to help a friend, even better to help a stranger . . chin up; men, you know, are like freeway exits . . if you miss one, there will be another one along soon !

yesterday frenetic - Monday’s often are – time spent hanging out with DB well spent but too short; nice to see you . . more time, next time OK !

a spark can light a fire

a spark ignites an engine

a spark gives an idea life

a spark engages initiative

a spark is a bright flash

a spark can light up your eyes

‘You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.’ – Robin Williams

on a winter’s night I cannot see sunshine & trees with happy bark & sap aroused, ready to start running . . but I see it this morning

I’m aroused, ready to start running [make that limping quickly]


Monday, March 06, 2006


March 6 Responses

Mark, unfortunately I will not be in Calgary this week I have to travel to Vancouver. I will let you know my schedule on return and we can get together either later this week or early next., KM, Edmonton
. . .
Give that pooch a belly rub for me. I can't believe it's been a year., DL, Calgary writing from Frankfurt
. . .
Although an interesting read, I do get inundated with many emails everyday. Can you please remove me from your list for the daily "musings". thks, JG, Calgary
. . .
Having broken up with yet another man, sometimes I think you are the only man who is consistently there for me. I really do enjoy your musings. Afraid I need a few days to regroup. Even though one knows the outcome well before it happens, it is always tough to let go of the thought that maybe this time it will work out. What it did teach me was that I do want to be in a relationship and I am much clearer both on what i expect and what I need to give. You really are the only consistent man in my life...........every morning I start my day with you...........that's good (even though it is one-sided) Thank you, CL, Chestermere
. . .
Hi, Mark: Just wanted to let you know that I have accepted the position of Managing Director at Thackray Burgess and will be leaving Stikeman Elliott this week. I do not have my new co-ordinates yet but I will email you when I have them set up. Hope your injury is healing. Please cancel the musings to my old email address. Regards, BC, Calgary


Monday Mar. 6, 2006 - Year 3, Day 349– Freedom 54

-9C/16F, clear & calm & refreshing; short walk on treacherous path, icy from yesterday’s afternoon melt

Gusta had a great birthday yesterday – marked by howling coyotes & bats flying last night, too many ‘treats’ & way too much attention from Carla [she came for veggie gumbo & to watch the academy awards] – hyper dog slept very well; now that she is a year I have no illusions of more mature attitude/behaviour . .

some mornings, Monday’s especially when a late Sunday night has drifted into early morning, when the last ‘send’ button has been clicked on my weekly newsletter – I like to sit for a half hour, gazing out at the morning sky . . looking across the street, looking into the future . . making sense of some things, confused by others

my mix of foggy & coffee sometimes leads to extraordinary day dreams, sometimes just an appreciation of the simplicity of nature, the wisdom in it

other times, I want to race out & join the circus . .

maybe I have already; some travel, some clowning, some animals to tame, big tents & small tents & small towns & adventure

I have it ALL right here, right now; that advertising slogan ‘Freedom 55’, designed to focus investors on early retirement makes me laugh – the more I play at my work, work at my play it is clear to me that Freedom 54 is my anti-retirement - - it’s just one long dash

speaking of dashing . . . . gotta go meet DB’s flight . .


Sunday, March 05, 2006


March 5 Responses

Happy, happy birthdays to Carla and Gusta! May there be many more for both!, LR, Irvine
. . .
Mark, that is so darling of you to give Gusta a bowl of yummy, butterscotch ripple ice cream for a treat for her birthday. Give her a hug and kiss on her snout and wish her happy birthday, from me, Cubie and Ginger, my two pomeranians, whom also love ice cream., LW, Toronto


Sunday Mar. 5, 2006 - Year 3, Day 348 – paws to reflect

-16C/3F, clear calm chilly, a red ball came over the horizon to melt the ice-fog as limping owner shortchanged dog with only a short walk this morning [I should have iced it last night!]

but we made up for it; Gusta started her breakfast with a large bowl of butterscotch ripple ice cream . . the perfect birthday treat . . she’s 1 today

most of last winter I vacillated, the question ‘get a dog or not get a dog ?’ ringing in my head each morning when I walked – then the debate of ‘get a new dog [meaning puppy] vis-à-vis a mature mutt from the pound; I’ve never regretted going the puppy route for a moment

I’m convinced middle-aged men should determine the amount of exercise they need, then get a puppy of a breed that needs that much; if you start with a pup you can build up your strength slowly !

that wet nose in my face that stirs me when I’ve fallen asleep on the couch is in part because we need a walk, but more I think because she likes me better with a good night’s sleep !

‘To a dog the whole world is a smell.’ - Unknown

woof !

I did a weigh-in on my gym trip; after the 1st week of my ‘lose 31 lbs. In 31 weeks’ plan it appears I’ve gone off schedule & lost 2½ already

I’m quite tired this morning – I had a restless night, up several times; nap time now


Saturday, March 04, 2006


March 4 Responses

Have you tried the kenyan kirinyaga? Good coffee by Starbucks, RC, Calgary
. . .
Your musings hit my soul, each & every time. Thank you for including me in your mail-out; I wasn't sure if I'd see in to 'yours' today., bb, Calgary
. . .
Oh, your Carla is a Pisces too. I am a March 7 Carla. Have fun celebrating.And happy birthday to your Pisces canine as well. CS, Hope, Maine


Saturday Mar. 4, 2006 - Year 3, Day 347 - it happens

-13C/9F, cloudy & calm; Gusta strained to walk faster as I held her back – I’m walking better today but my left foot still keeps me off pace; with 3 on the go, I’ve gained an appreciation for frozen gel-packs + the Tensor bandage that holds them in place

a birthday weekend in my life, Gusta is a year tomorrow [today is the last day I can legally call her puppy] & Carla is 28 today; 28 years ago this morning, about 6 AM, a new girl came into my life – CK, Carla, 1st born, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a perfect little package – happy birthday Carla – see you tomorrow

I’ve been mulling recent experiences, conversations & revelations – each concerning me & a woman of interest – each brought out both the best of me & the worst of me – thinking a while about how those conversations were left, how I feel, what I learned – or didn’t

examining ‘where I am at’ – is not an every day activity

it happens once in a while - on a calm day sipping coffee staring out a window

it happens when my picture from self-examination says ‘aha, that’s where I am at’

it happens . . & then that framework/picture gets shelved away until something happens to shake that picture up a little

it happens . . that something’s been shaking

‘Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to o on as well as a good place to remain.’ – Mary Catherine Bateson

today seems like a time to sit on the couch, stare out the window & make another pot

it happens


Friday, March 03, 2006


March 3 Responses

. . .
Best of luck to you in your endeavors ! Keep writing! Sorry I simply don't have the time in the day to read it - what I have read is wonderful though., GG, Edmonton


Friday Mar. 3, 2006 - Year 3, Day 346 - they had no idea

-12C/9F, overcast with some fresh flakes tumbling down, Gusta happy he limping handler can go a little further & a little faster today . .

one year ago today 4 members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police from Mayerthorpe worked their last day; when they got going that morning they had no idea they would return home at the end of the day, no idea they were to be murdered on the job .. a horrid tragedy

this is on my mind – not because it is front page news across Canada or because the Calgary Tower flame will be lit tonight in their memory, but because I’ve gotten to know some marvelous people in Mayerthorpe this past year – enjoying them not just as clients where we are pitching a project, but as friends, colleagues – extraordinary committed people

they had no idea their death would bring out so much good in people, they had no idea their work would bring so much attention, so much grieving, so much respect for them, their community & their force

they had no idea they would reach into the consciousness of so many people

a bit, I think, like everyone we encounter . . . we have no idea who will flit on by, who will stay a while, who will be in our lives for a long time . . or always

some days, it seems, things begin or end . . often without prior notice, always without predictable consequences

thanks HS . . your tickets will be put go good use; musers AW,CC & PM will be joining me


Thursday, March 02, 2006


March 2 Responses

Mark, I have Four tickets to Decidedly Jazz Danceworks "Possessed " party at MacEwan Hall on Saturday night. I am away skiing and will not be able to attend. Thought you may have fun with the tickets. This years "possessed" is a dance party featuring live music from iBomba! and DJ Rob Faust, and spontaneous performances by the DJD company. The hall will be set up like the streets of Havana, and have a glamorous nightclub. The tickets are your if you want them. Just send me a note and I will leave them with Kerry or Rebecca, HS, Calgary
. . .
Hi Mark, I'm not sure how I got on your email list, but I would like to have my name removed at tis time. I have a number of daily emails I receive and have decided I have to cut back as they're all interesting, but time consuming to read. I admire you dedication to the discipline of walking, writing and pondering everyday. Keep going! best of luck, DM, Calgary


Thursday Mar. 2, 2006 - Year 3, Day 345 - start your engines

-13C/9F, overcast calm & quiet . . hobbling owner with ice-pack on his foot trails along behind Gusta the sled-dog golden retriever; she pulls so hard & is oblivious to my slow shuffle

when things go well, I always thing it is because I am striving for a goal that I set for myself, measuring it in the context of ‘how am I doing?’

but I wonder, are successes produced because I am accepting of the universe & that by practicing acceptance, I allow that into my life ?

I must be only 1/3rd new age thinker & still 2/3rd bulldog . . I think the work & goal pursuits remain the best way to accomplish things – it motivates me more to work hard, while being more accepting might be more contextual in that it helps me spot the better opportunities more effectively . . not sure . .

‘Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.’ – Aristotle

this rings so true as if it was written today

I wonder if Aristotle was just brilliant or if we have changed so little since his day ?

2 or 3 of 4 thousand years is really such a short time in the scope of the world we know, but in a day where technology & knowledge are leaping of the charts, where business cycles shorten, when attention spans are so short compared to ‘the good ole days’ it just seems so comforting to look at a simple set of words that are as valid today as they were on the day they were written/said so long ago

I looked around the room at our toastmasters club last night; I am amazed at this great diverse eclectic group we have assembled is such a short time – our ‘glue’ that holds us together is much more than an interest in public speaking, more than ‘what we do on Wednesday nights’ …nor does it resemble a family gathering – it just seems to have elements of all those things . .

I’m annoyed at my hobbling predicament & education in gel-paks & ankle wrapping that were not on my week’s plan

no doubt this middle-aged weekend athlete jumped too vigorously into working out, pulling something painful - it is right beside the OUCH tendon, behind the SORE ankle & above the PAINFUL heel bone – but who would expect a guy who doesn’t floss to actually take time to stretch & warm up ? . . now, if I was on a beach resting, munching on macadamian nuts, that might ease the pain

my goal du jour is to return a rental vehicle & to get my car from the shop & start my new engine

vrrrrrooom . . . .


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