For HMCD: While I agree that it is important to know yourself and to be comfortable as an individual, your scepticism about 'searching for what does not exist' is sad. I have gone through a very difficult and bitter divorce that cost me a lot in personal peace, respect for myself and my ex, and financially - I grew from it and learned a lot about myself. I have since found what you do not believe exists - a love that will, I believe, last for my life time. Perhaps I am deluded, but I don't think so. And this journey of shared love is so filled with the joy of exploration and connecting at the level of the soul and beyond, that I would not pass it by even if I knew now that it would end unhappily (perhaps because my heart and mind tell me that it will last and grow). For those musers who have found peace and contentment being solo, more power to you. For those of us who believe that the good things in life are just that much better when shared with a true love, don't give up hope. Live now, but don't close the door to possibility. AR – Calgary
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HMCD - New Zealand - It is not just "woman" that spell trouble, in my experience it's all genders. I don't think that causing trouble is exclusive to women. There are wonderful women and men out there that have held together a marriage with amazing love and respect for each other. I think that we all seek to find that "fairy tale", no matter how far off it may be to others that observe. Not all marriages end in divorce, some end because of death, yet the love goes beyond the grave. I findit sad, that you would discourage Mark from seeking a female companion, just because you are bitter., SdV, Edmonton
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Mark, Just when I'm ready to start deleting your musing without even glancing through them, you write something that strikes home. Again, I thank you and commend you for your perseverance. Writers write. AJB, Calgary
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I'm not sure if HMCD is serious in his remarks or just looking to spark a response from your musers. I am hoping the latter, otherwise I think his outlook on life and love is very sad and believe he is missing out on something very special. I doubt he always felt that way and assume he just got "burned" at some time by someone he did care very much about. While I don't believe you NEED someone else to live, what's wrong with WANTING someone to live and love and share things with? Asfor his comment about enjoying your freedom, I believe you can be totally FREE when you are with someone too - provided they are the right someone. ME, Calgary
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Hope all is well - still enjoying your thoughts each day :) keep up the good work. Have a great day, SW, Calgary
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Hello Everyone, Thank you all for the snow we had over the weekend here in the Antelope Valley. Almost two inches of dry powder lasted until the following morning, started to melt at 10:30 a. It sure was beautiful. Ringo Starr's song, 'It Don't Come Easy' comes to mind with your musing today, I just had to pull out my guitar and play it. I wonder: The 'universal theme' changes all the time: how often are you in touch with it? Or not? And if you are aware of it, and in your musings, do you set the pace for the rest of us, or not? I know your reader list is growing, so you must be doing something right, or not (for those that asked to be deleted) At least I think you are. Write on! ALP hd
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TO: HMCD - New Zealand - Yes, a huge percent of marriages end in divorce.Yes, divorce is both expensive and painful. Your comments are sad andcynical. I was divorced fourteen years ago and look forward to marryingagain. I have two brothers that have been extemely happily married for 25years. We were not put on this earth to be alone. As Pearl S. Buck wouldsay - The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being.His heart withers if it does not answer to another heart. His mind shrinksaway if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no otherinspiration. Mark is a romantic and I find this quality very endearing.VBL-Englewood, CO
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Oh, my HMCD, good advice ~? I'll bet your life is full and loving. I agree on one point - and that is Mark, you do have it all, and once you stop seeking that "one partner," she will appear. At least, that has been my experience. I surrendered the search about 28 years ago, and decided, after a failed marriage, and having a darling daughter, lots of dating, and a few "meaningful relationships" I am willing to be alone for the rest of my life, if that is what the universe, my HP, has in mind for me - and, within a month I met my future husband, and, of course, then I thought, "this guy isn't right for me - he is too healthy and uncomplicated, I am not used to this - give me what what I'm used to, a selfish, self-centered, commitment-phobic great looking stud" and then I decided "why don't I accept this gift of a person capable ofloving and see what happens" - and 28 years later, after almost 24 years of marriage, we are still speaking, get along most of the time, and laugh a lot together - plus he is a fabulous grandpa, and I feel very blessed. So "turn it over" and see what happens! I, too, just love Laguna and go there every year. LBK, Palm Desert, CA
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a reply, a comment, a thought -- re Thursday’s musing.....(or not):
The sail, the play of its pulse
so like our own lives:
so thin and yet so full of life,
so noiseless when it labors hardest,
so noisy and impatient when least effective.
- Henry David Thoreau
[forwarded by 'northwester', not to be confused with 'norwester'], I'll bring some suntan oil., bebe, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:41 a.m.