Wednesday, March 15, 2006


March 15 Responses

Hi Mark. How well you speak. You've helped me today - you've added another perspective on an increasingly difficult situation. You've made concrete what was abstract. What will be the ROI of staying? of going? of continuing to persevere, hope, and wait for change? Is staying worth the investment of time, energy, and most importantly, spirit? The ROI of leaving is perhaps the chance at really living yet I'll lose property, stability, and the approval/respect of others. But maybe I'll gain me again. Or not. Thanks. L.S., Calgary
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Why oh why this ongoing obsession with finding a female partner? Women spelltrouble, right from the start; you've only to look at what happened to Adam.You're a big boy and perfectly capable of looking after yourself so grow up and deal with it. Most marriages end in divorce, ALL divorces start with them and divorces are expensive as well as unpleasant. Haven't you got enough problems as it is without creating more? So stop searching for what doesn't exist and start enjoying your freedom!, HMCD, New Zealand

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