Friday, March 31, 2006
Friday Mar. 31, 2006 - Year 4, Day 11 - vision quest
‘May you live in interesting times.’ - ancient Chinese proverb
‘I’m not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times.’ – Chares de Lint
I don’t know of Charles & I don’t know any ancient Chinese; my view is that the past 54 years have been VERY interesting, though in my youth I had no grasp of how interesting they were; for example, I remember in 10th grade a fellow who read Scientific American & played with ‘1’s & ‘0’’s saying he wanted to be a programmer – it made no sense to me at the time other than to appreciate this smart kid was on to something . . reflecting on that makes me realize that the unusual, the bizarre & the foreign ideas are sometimes the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg around the corner
the future IS ours to see, ours to make, ours to shape
single voices & single actions DO make differences
I like meeting CEO’s; not just because they are often intriguing nice people, but because their role in companies is very peculiar – unlike anyone else in their company they have one eye focused with burning precision on current quarter performance . . the other eye equally focused far into the future – a split personality in a sense
they know relevance today hinges on having a relevant view for the future; a split view & focus is what it takes, tested every day & reviewed every quarter !
‘To have real vision, you need bifocals’ - Kolke
those who do it well thrive, those who do it poorly change jobs frequently & occasionally go down with the ship
our Alberta CEO is getting a performance review; many will feel as I do that he is NOT focused clearly on the current quarter & lacks vision for the future
a busy day of work & errands; then a plunge into PC convention weekend, surely we live in ‘interesting times’
Ralph’s vision, or rather his lack of it, will make this weekend very interesting
[just a note to those outside Canada: Ralph Klein, Premier of Alberta, faces a leadership review at his party’s convention this weekend]
interesting times indeed
lets thrive