Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday Mar. 26, 2006 - Year 4, Day 6 - the more
a little beach beckons, smooth greens & warm rain waiting for me . . counting down 26 sleeps till Maui playtime
opportunity + being open to unexpected pleasures + unknown ingredients = adventure
the more I think about morning . . not every morning, just Sunday morning
the more I realize I would like not to be alone, but I am
the more I’m alone, the thought of making a soufflé for two is something I miss
the more I miss Sunday morning soufflés
the more I miss delaying them till lunch time
the more I do what pleases me
the more I find people react more purely
the more I say my truth
the more clear my life becomes
the more clearly I see friends & fans
the more clearly I view detractors . .
the more I own my reality
the more chance I have to really change anything
the more I open myself to view
the more I accept critique & examination
the more I explore externally
the more I discover internally
the more I look for a partner/mate/lover in a world of superficiality
the more I value friends & colleagues who know me
the more I think about partnering/sharing/equality
the more I value my completely selfish independence
the more clear I become
the more stream, the more consciousness