Tuesday, March 14, 2006


March 14 Responses

Hey Mark, Always enjoy your thoughts, but I am receiving them on three different e-mail addresses, so end up deleting them from 2 sources every day..... Can you take this one off you list? I'll send you a note from one of the other ones as well so I'll be down to just one reading. Thanks, and rock on!, GL, Calgary
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As always - enjoyed your musings. I thought that EvD's thoughts were insightful. Cause for pause. KK, Calgary
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Hey, KD, yes! A great single malt delivers, combining comfort with promise. Time alone is a time when, hopefully, you get along with yourself and are kind -- definitely always right. We each get to choose our novels. Perhaps I tend to be a bit of a heavy in certain neighbourhoods. Cheers., VJP, Calgary

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