Saturday, March 04, 2006
Saturday Mar. 4, 2006 - Year 3, Day 347 - it happens
a birthday weekend in my life, Gusta is a year tomorrow [today is the last day I can legally call her puppy] & Carla is 28 today; 28 years ago this morning, about 6 AM, a new girl came into my life – CK, Carla, 1st born, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a perfect little package – happy birthday Carla – see you tomorrow
I’ve been mulling recent experiences, conversations & revelations – each concerning me & a woman of interest – each brought out both the best of me & the worst of me – thinking a while about how those conversations were left, how I feel, what I learned – or didn’t
examining ‘where I am at’ – is not an every day activity
it happens once in a while - on a calm day sipping coffee staring out a window
it happens when my picture from self-examination says ‘aha, that’s where I am at’
it happens . . & then that framework/picture gets shelved away until something happens to shake that picture up a little
it happens . . that something’s been shaking
‘Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to o on as well as a good place to remain.’ – Mary Catherine Bateson
today seems like a time to sit on the couch, stare out the window & make another pot
it happens