Tuesday, March 21, 2006


March 21 Responses

Congratulations! I've only been privy to Mark-Musing 1yr+ & enjoying youreclectic insight - very refreshing. Happy Vernal Equinox!, IK, Calgary
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hi mark, please delete this email address for Musings - I receive and enjoy them every day through my home email address. Thanks again for your help and suggestions when I was job-searching, all much appreciated! My new job is sure keeping me busy - and well challenged! Cheers, ND, Calgary
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Hear hear! (holds coffee cup up for all to clink) not too close, I hab a cold! My daughter just left for Arizona, and my son will be 14 tomorrow, the 22nd. ALP, high desert, California
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Happy 3 years - well, mostly happy, right?! Thank you for including me in your musings. It is interesting to me how your idea has grown and includes anyone who wants to be included. I think I signed on at about the 2,000+ point - and have enjoyed you and your respondee-musers – and have been prompted to respond myself (the HM?? Fellow got me going), and, looking back, I remember how I felt when the person in the White House invaded Iraq - it was so awful and distressing, and I, an American, am angered and saddened by what is still going on. You wereright 3 years ago - thanks, Mark, for being a peaceful person and pointing out that community spirit does exist in our universe. LBK, Palm Desert
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Dear Mark: I am very faithful at reading your muse daily and look at how you haveprogressed. I know at times you wonder if there is anyone out in the cyber world who listens but guess what there is. It sure sounds like your gala was very successful and I am sure you have such a sense of accomplishment when you reflect back at where you started and how it turned out. In reading your muse today, I came to the conclusion that Spring is always about new beginnings. With each year, the soil type changes due to outside weather conditions and in a sense brings a change to seedlings which we think we have planted year after year not realizing that changes or adaptations are constantly changing. I think that the old saying of taking time to smell the roses is quite interesting as each year, the rose may lookthe same but when you take the time to smell and exam closely, it is quite different on a daily basis. Enough gerblish, but take care and keep up the great work of your musing. SM [one of several], Calgary
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