Tuesday, July 26, 2005
July 26 responses
Tuesday July 26, 2005 - Year 3, Day 128 - disrupt your day
caffeine deprived, some mornings my walk is a mindless wakeup exercise, but not today
today I needed a tape recorder & pad & pen
learning how to do things differently is my daily challenge; I rely more on routine than innovation, more on ‘how I do things’ than exploring new ones
I love it when I do, often surprising myself more than others with the results; but I resist those disruptions, the creative opportunity that goes with the fleeting thought, the email or phone call or sentence just read . . . . or writ . .
my life, built around so many routines, is an eclectic mixture of compensating devices for the erratic pace of activity, results & opportunities that are de-rigueur in my line of work
when those routines are disrupted by things outside ‘the normal type of disruptions’ [which would make them normal & routine I suppose] I find it disconcerting – at least in the moment – for a moment or two – then the ‘unexpected thing’ has a slight chance to produce learning, thought, new experience, growth
learning, thought, new experience, growth – what a concept !
but rarely, I think
more often than not, I let the opportunity & learning in that idea, that moment, that disruption get away . . . never to be seen or heard from again
more often I tend to deal with that anomaly – treat it as ‘anomaly’, dispensing with it as quickly as I can so I can return to our ‘normal’ way of things
the way of things . . . or rather, accepting things as they are, is certainly indicative of how I raised . . . or maybe it was more a product of the times in which I was raised
disruption, disruptive technologies, disrupting business practices – these are terms we hear bandied about all the time because they are ‘out there’ near the leading edge, or as some would say, the bleeding edge – but this is where the great new things, the fresh ideas and the totally new ways of doing things, the cool new products where we all say ‘why didn’t I think of that, it makes so much sense?’
disruption – in the moment – can be harsh; but growth, interesting ideas, successful ventures ALL need some of that . . .
maybe it is just me ? . . I know I need that
mark’s advice du jour:
allow a disruption to send you in a new direction – don’t predict which disruption, don’t pick when, don’t have an expectation of where it will take you, don’t resist where it takes you
. . . . why not take this opportunity with THE VERY NEXT DISRUPTION that comes your way; stop, be calm, avoid reacting, set aside all other thought for a minute to focus on the disruption – observe where the disruption might take you; if one path, then follow, if several, just pick one
can you wait to see what happens when you embrace your disruption today ?
I expect my first one any moment now – each day there are many; c’mon, go ahead, try it
be prepared to experience a change in where you are headed – perhaps a life altering change – go ahead, it is your day to live so live it with a sparkle in your eye; OK, so maybe it will only be something that alters your morning, but just think – it could be something that alters your life
if you can, have an after dinner romp – then you will have a sparkle in your eye tomorrow too
go ahead, disrupt my day ! . . . are you feeling lucky ?
Monday, July 25, 2005
July 25 response
Monday July 25, 2005 - Year 3, Day 127 - desire & purpose
our vantage point allowed a view of hot air balloons flying across a panorama of downtown’s tallest buildings set against a pale blue cloudless sky – a sight to energize me
despite 4 hours sleep I still have lots left I found lots of energy yesterday
I read somewhere that energy is a product of desire & purpose
if success in a venture, in life, in relationships is a product of well channeled focused energy, then creating that success must be also predicated upon desire & purpose
I think I’ll do that today; energy = desire + purpose . . . I wonder how Einstein would write such a theory ?
I’ll be thinking about that through this morning’s meetings & calls
to TC: Tim, I have no idea how you found your way to my list . . . it might have been an address I captured in my work or one that someone sent me; frankly it is just too much trouble to keep a record let alone keep track – people come, people go – the message for me is that the list keeps growing because people like you take a moment to stop, read & think . . if only for a minute
desire & purpose . . go get ‘em !
Sunday, July 24, 2005
July 24 response
Sunday July 24, 2005 - Year 3, Day 126- drizzling wonderfully, responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
a perfect day to bathe my soggy dog, perfect day for working without the stress of being torn between urges a leisurely walk in the park or on the links or a picnic or just urges, a perfect day for drinking coffee, a perfect day for staring out windows, a perfect day for writing about sunshine & laughter
what if Shakespeare had Microsoft word, spell check & online thesaurus tools, what if Mozart had a synthesizer & electronic keyboard, what if Socrates had an overhead projector and power point, what if the Trojans had night-vision goggles [noted: urge to make joke about condoms that can see in the dark] ?
in my much younger days in shoe retailing, each season I would marvel at the innovation, the design & styling details, the new heels toes & trimmings – only to learn in the ensuing 35 years that little if anything is new, but simply recycled proven engineering & design with seasonings offered by a new generation seeing these things for the first time
I saw a movie last night on internet dating called ‘Must Have Dogs’; what a treat it would have been if the writer, director, producer or actors had ever ACTUALLY DONE ANY internet dating; instead it was a mix of Hollywood recycled cliché, a few good lines & pretty actors should supposedly make it work; chick flick – yes; worthy of seeing twice or winning an award nomination – no !
we get to be so smart today without trying very hard, we just need to Google with the most bizarre combination of words to have a wealth of data delivered to our screen in seconds
movie & pizza with CM last night; movie [see above] was OK as was the company & the pizza was great [Sandro’s] as always !
the more I read about writers’ writing methods, the more I read about the lives of people whose writing ambitions were shot down & sidetracked; I read a gem in the New York Times this morning, Maureen Dowd’s piece on her late mother . . writer extraordinaire eulogizing writer who met obstacles while young but never let her ambitions be squelched
a perfect day; I will enjoy my rain
Saturday, July 23, 2005
July 23 responses
Saturday July 23, 2005 - Year 3, Day 125 - what Saturday is
Saturday morning, my favorite time; no rules, time is a non-thing, no meetings to attend, no appointments to keep
Saturday is making eggs at noon & calling it breakfast
Saturday is calls & papers & playing with the pup
Saturday is debating whether the vacuuming can wait just 1 more day
Saturday is the last day of the work week, the first day of the weekend, it is every day, it is any day
Saturday is my lazy day
Saturday is a day of tranquility altered for a bit this morning by several calls & faxes & Friday’s unfinished business – time for work & reading & coffee drinking & domestic chores
Saturday is not complete without a Saturday evening . . I’m taking in a movie later with CM
Saturday, meanwhile . . editing, editing, editing . . while protégé Nic is beavering away to populate our new website http://www.kolkeandsteer.citymax.com with data on key SW Calgary neighbourhoods we will be focusing on
it’s noon . . . time for breakfast
that’s what Saturday is; the vacuuming can wait
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
July 22 responses
Friday July 22, 2005 - Year 3, Day 124 - frenetic Friday awaits
the back ribs @ Boston Pizza are not the most elegant combo of ambience & style . . but they are very good eating; Krista [kk] and I took my dad there . . . his favourite dinner; he asked me to pass on his many thanks to those who sent birthday greetings
chasing bad guys around town in a chopper sounds like fun; kk had a double mission coming to Calgary yesterday; she was doing a ride-along in the Calgary Police Service helicopter last night .
full frenetic Friday awaits . . . followed by more relaxed Saturday [good theory, not likely to come true !] which is just fine; I am having a blast
I experienced a busy productive successful week; my level observation heightened by an acute appreciation of the level of excitement, energy and effectiveness in my efforts, in the efforts of others I am working with; starting something built on new ideas supported by experiences of previous successes, of failures well remembered and the enthusiasm that comes from harnessing the energy that seems to ooze out of our pores . . . sweet feeling
happy weekend all !
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Thursday, July 21, 2005
July 21 responses
Hi Mark, can you remove me from the musing list until August 8th. I will be away. Hope all is well. Take care, JM
Mark, my dad was my hero. A mentor to many, a high school teacher to thousands. Slowed by Parkinson's Disease at 55, he didn't lament his lot in life, instead embraced his situation and did his best to help others living with the same hand he was dealt. Hundreds of homes across the country now have red and white Parkinson's Tulips in their gardens due to his fundraising efforts. When he was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor questioned why this sort of thing can't happen to just bad people, dad's reply was "There are no bad people". He was the strength in our family and he instilled his values, beliefs and hopes into his four children. His passing almost 4 years ago at 68 was, and still is difficult, but he was our dad, an amazing, gentle man and a gentleman. Happy Birthday to your dad! SH
I wish a merry birthday to HK!, RC
Happy Birthday wishes to your Dad, Mark. You and he sound as if you have a great relation. My dad is 91 and I don't think he is really enjoying life. About a year ago he was admitted into a nursing home and has progressively slowed down. Now, he needs assistance to move from his bed to a chair beside his bed. He was always active, hard working and looking back it doesn't seem fair that life brings you to a helpless stage before you finally die. I am spending the next two weeks in the Maritimes and hope to spend sometime with him but at the same time do not look forward to seeing the changes that have overtaken his life. I doubt if he will know who I am and I so want to hold on to the memories of the guy I once knew many years ago, as my dad. Take care, JF
Hello Mark please remove me from the list and all the best to you!!, DH
Hello Mark, Unfortunately I need to request that you "Unsubscribe" me from your musings. While I have enjoyed "musings", I was reminded by our head office that this computer and my business email address is for office use only. Rather than go through any grief from head quarters I feel it is best to ask you to unsubscribe me. When I get a personnel computer at home I will contact you to request being added back to your musings list. Don't take this the wrong way no one at head office has specifically identified "musings" as a problem. We recently recieved a reminder about the purpose of our work computers and work email addresses. My request to unsubscribe is me simply being proactive. Talk soon. Take Care , PW
Thursday July 21, 2005 - Year 3, Day 123 - if I could just be ½ as nice
habits, routines, regular practices, head down-butt up, working hard, relentless; so important, so vital to me when chaos whirls; things I do, things I manage to never let slip away no matter how busy it gets – I learned these things a long time ago – as I learned them again yesterday, coming in a million little silent lessons, my entire 53 years of lessons
he’s never lectured me, ever; I’m a better father because of his example, I’m a better man because of him; I’ve inherited genes, behaviours & baldness; I’ve inherited [maybe it was osmosis !] the work ethic, personal responsibility, strong independent streak
a year ago I saw him so frustrated having just given up the ultimate independence tool – driving; accepting loss of that, accepting help, asking for help . . new things for him; he has found, I think, since he has let more of the world in, let more people help that his stubborn pride is not impacted at all . . except maybe he is just a little less stubborn, but only a little
he has a brace on his right leg now to keep him from stumbling that he didn’t have a year ago, he uses his walker a lot more, cane all the rest of the time, recognizes he is just not steady on his feet without them; he’s not using his scooter as much as he could
hearing aids are new too in the last year; we spend more time than we used to, we talk more openly than we ever have, I think we both appreciate the quality of the time
to those of you who are recent additions to this list, you may not know who HK is: HK is Hubert, HK is my dad, HK is my best friend, HK is 83 today
he’s taught me to accept help, taught me to give love, taught me how to be a man; he never did it with a speech, or a lecture . . not ever . . just by his own example
now . . . if I could just be ½ as nice a guy & smile ½ as often . .
happy birthday !
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
July 20 responses
Hi Mark, I think I saw you in the alley between 4th and 5th avenue & st yesterdayafternoon. You looked busy and I was helping a client get into our underground parking so didn't stop to say hello. Hope all is going well with you. Good luck with your protégé. AR
Wednesday July 20, 2005 - Year 3, Day 122 - batter up, play ball
I am taking on a protégé in my real estate practice; time to teach & mentor & load sharing; not so much sharing the pie as looking to make more pie; providing information, ideas & work for a sponge to soak up is the easy part – teaching Nic how to recognize an opportunity, how to differentiate the opportunities from the distractions . . . ahh that will be the challenge
distractions come at me all day long & like pitches in baseball; some days I swing at the bad pitches, some times I let great ones sail right by; batter up, let’s play ball
Krista will be in town tomorrow to do a Police Helicopter ride-a-long & for my dad’s 83rd birthday; the next few days will be a little hectic which is good . . but it leaves less time for connecting with friends . . . or taking 30 uninterrupted minutes to think, to read, to write, to play
stress abates, a little, then comes right back to try me, stretch me just a little more
being really busy is a great consolation - yesterday frenetic & long; today will be no less than that – meetings, projects & new people to meet, new experiences await
to hit a homerun, first we have to step up to the plate !
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Tuesday July 19, 2005 - Year 3, Day 121 - felt good
I find it interesting, how our culture uses the phrase ‘self-made’ to describe people who are highly successful, which presumes I suppose the converse of failures of ‘self-destroyed’
while most people in the middle of those extremes struggle I think to be ‘self-aware’ as society pays short shrift to those very many people in the middle who, in their own ways, probably struggle & succeed as much or more than the guy who invented the best next new thing & struck it rich
the great freedom of the ultra-rich & the ultra-poor, is the great freedom to try new things, to experiment, to go in new directions, while most are ‘people in the middle’ , creatures of an environment in which creativity & individualism are heralded in politically correct terms while reality for many is that no such freedom is felt
how have your felt lately ?
adrenaline rush, excitement of acceleration, of getting things going, of overcoming inertia intoxicates; yet when things calm down, I sometime collapse to rest, to sleep much like the
I’ve read my share of motivation related material; the ‘gag-me’ Tony Robbins genre does not de$erve di$cussion - most of the rest written from the perspective of how to motivate others, how to lead people in a way that this surge occurs in them, of themselves, by themselves
each of these books fails of course, because the ‘stuff’ that generates that momentum is within me, just as it is within you or any other person; the trick is to unlock, unleash it to be free and unfettered – let it be felt
felt, a wool fabric
felt, the past tense of the verb ‘to feel’
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Monday, July 18, 2005
July 18 responses
Hello Mark, Appreciate receiving your weekly newsletter but unfortunately email volume these days doesn’t allow time for a lot of casual reading. Keep up the good work with Facility Calgary. Best regards, MA
Monday July 18, 2005 - Year 3, Day 120 - if I make the effort
the Monday morning tone we set to govern the week is so important I think; I enjoy the blank page, the ‘to be started’ volleys of phone tag, email tag, meetings, tours, writing, rewriting, re-rewriting, negotiations, errands & stirring up that is in front of me & that is just before lunch
whether I am swimming [great metaphor for a non-swimmer to use I suppose] against or with the flow, some things are just torture – my heart, head & energy are just not in them
but when an opportunity or problem engages me, then there is an effortlessness about it
it consumes me, it brings out energy I had no idea was lurking there
habits come in all forms; the ones I like to watch are the ones which give rise to that feeling of effortlessness
things like this . . like writing; it is absorbing, time flies by . . . it feels so comfortable; that too is a test worth applying to everything I do
today I have to deal with several important matters for me . . . several for clients too; each one is difficult, each one energizes me, each one is good reason to set aside all those other things sitting on my desk for another day, focused on where my energy is best unleashed
unleashed; not spent, but set free . . . if only I make the effort
how I start my day DOES affect my demeanor & effectiveness – it will prevail all week
my day will be productive, my smile will be turned upward, my in-touch-ed-ness with people today will be highly focused; the week will bring out the best in me, the best in others, but only if I make the effort
if it is to be, it is up to me
that is, if I make the effort
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Sunday, July 17, 2005
July 17 responses
Sunday July 17, 2005 - Year 3, Day 119 - on the other hand
. . .
refreshed & ready to greet my day/evening of work, a day that will be interrupted by some golf on TV & lunch with my dad
. . .
so which is the good advice & how can we tell it from the bad advice ?
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on the other hand, does it matter, since we ignore it anyway ?
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sometimes people ask me for it – lately I find myself asking for it more often; I wonder if in seeking advice my tendency is to seek validation for what I want to do rather than being to embrace some truly new ideas
. . .
if the advice matches my intentions I consider it good advice
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on the other hand, if the advice doesn’t match my intentions – do I really take the advice to heart or simply rationalize why that person doesn’t really understand my situation ?
. . .
on the other hand, isn’t it interesting – we live in a world of books, courses, lectures, TV shows & many more books; an industry in fact of ‘self help’ where we have access to advice upon advice upon advice
. . .
do we take it ?
. . .
Harry Truman had a saying I used & passed along often when my kids were growing up;
“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.”
. . .
I tried, they did, results were favorable
. . .
I look back on my history of taking [or not] of advice; usually I take it like fowl cough medicine – I swallow because I have to, know it is good for me but hate every thing about it
. . .
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Saturday, July 16, 2005
July 16 responses
Saturday July 16, 2005 Year 3, Day 118 - go with the flood
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landscapes changing before my eyes following a flood seems a lot like how relationships change, sometimes changing forever following floods of emotion or turmoil; this morning I talked to a muser having her 2nd tough one in a tough week; someone I do business with, friend & muser had one of those the other day - we laughed yesterday about how he’d given me one of those lessons once before
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it tears us up to acknowledge a reality that always was - ‘going with the flood’ - old landscape destroyed never to return to the same shape or form;
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media exposes us to gripping tales of lives torn asunder by a multitude of calamities; life goes on, people start anew, countries & peoples embrace new realities – not because they wanted to or thought it was the right course of action; why then, can we not proactively take a similar approach to personal & business issues
. . .
no one wants the trauma of losing of loved one through disease or divorce; yet when those changes are imposed, new flowers open in the garden of life . . . if not right away, then eventually the old landscape is destroyed never to return
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no one would change an entire landscape or destroy everything in an area; but often a flood, fire or disaster force it – from which springs a new Chicago from a massive fire or a family building a new life in a country as refugees; or someone building a new single life following an unexpected loss of everything they took for granted
. . .
I don’t think it is the lesson we resist or the process of the learning; I think it is the little shock to our system that comes when we are dramatically confronted with something that proves things ARE NOT as we would like to believe that they are; I don’t think it matters whether the event is positive or negative – if it rocks our little comfy set of assumptions, it rocks just as much whether or not traumatic stuff is attached
. . .
I would submit however, that these triggers & our reactions are not catalysts of ‘real changes’ any more than switching from a burger to a porterhouse really is indicative of a change in one’s diet; I try to change the things I feel need changing [though sometimes only paying lip service] while I try NOT to change the things I like, feel are OK, love, need, etc.
. . .
most days I think a power outage or an internet outage would alter my life; truth is it would alter my day but not my life – I know my routines, my relationships, my points of view are entrenched – not all comforting, but rather ingrained in my habituation
. . .
for the things I choose to have a different experience with, the use of the words new, change & shift will not accomplish much; it could I suppose, but that is not necessarily how real shift, real change & new paths manifest
for me, change – real change that is – does not occur in my speech, my public demeanor, the way I dress or show itself in my output; most change I speak about is no more cerebral than changing my routine in something or advancing a new idea or chasing a new prospect – I often kid myself with use of the words new, change & shift – they let me maintain an illusion of change when in fact I am a creature of habit doing most things the same old way, living my life the same old way
. . .
for things I like just fine as they are, why would I change unless change is forced upon me ? . . . even though that change might be very helpful, I resist
. . .
it no doubt accounts for sharp increase in ‘out of the blue’ calls – results from search engines finding http://www.calgaryofficespace.com/ is way up thanks to help from GL which is very much appreciated !
. . .
my green canine sporting a ‘green-bur-furry’ coat, dog grooming & several thousand bur removals later a freshly coiffed 19 week old Gusta sleeps at the base of my chair where the slightest of movements is detected as she guards against a ‘roll over my ear’ moment
. . .
best comment yesterday which I’ve appropriated for my own use:
'Unless you colour outside the lines, you are living in black and white'
. . .
Friday, July 15, 2005
July 15 responses
life is about both always...the weather is always changing inside and out...so defiantly NOT going with the flow will defiantly be challenged by the point of view called going with the flow within moments or days....how about just getting centered as an option...thnx for your sharing...LM
Mark, you've really spoken to me today. I applaud your enthusiasm and lust for life -- don't ever let go of that energy. Thanks for sharing., JP
Great musing today -- I totally related to it. What does age have to do with living? I've always wondered, how should I act "at my age?" I have no intentions of going quietly either. I have been labelled a free spirit since I was young because I always played by my own rules -- leaping into things, sometimes foolishly, sometimes not so much but always with an open mind and fierce determination. My life is not a chore or day-to-day drudgery to me, even when my day consists of laundry, cleaning and yard work. It just isn't in me to look at life that way. As much as my business is challenging and exciting, I also still take pleasure in getting all my ironing done on laundry day!!, CC
Mark: "Go with the flow" always meant to me that life itself was like a river - whether flooding a field or merely a trickle of a creek tumbling over pebbles - swirling in eddies or stagnant trapped by fallen tree limbs - flowing with the river it encounters wild rapids and waterfalls - it symbolized to me all the events that affect the lives of us all - at times quiet and serene and at times tumultuous and turbulent but always filled with diversity and wondrous surprises at each curve in its path, SS
Sorry I didn't get back to you.......timing.....it's all timing. I'm off to Slave Lake this am. I have friends up there for the weekend and as I have never been there before I thought I'd live life on the edge (smile). I'll try to connect with you Saturday or Sunday. Have a great weekend!, CD (from the north!)
Friday July 15, 2005 - Year 3, Day 117- no more boxes
. . .
summer of 69 memories play in my mind; moon landing & my first full time job & starry eyed naiveté of not knowing how pivotal the ensuing handful of years would be on my entire life – how those little choices, those small changes in direction would wear deep grooves as I followed my path; as a creek finds its way setting out where a river will one day flow ; though that river sculpts banks & wears away edges. the ultimate destination remains the same because a trickling creek made it so – then, going with the flow, the river’s route & identity became certain
. . .
‘going with the flow’, popular, overused & misunderstood phrase is crapolo
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‘going with the flow’ seems like colouring inside the lines – something I could never do as a child; today we use phrases like ‘thinking outside the box’ so freely it would ‘not going with the flow’ not to think outside the box
. . .
I’m wondering . .why a box ?
. . .
we struggle against flow our entire lives; best example is the lack of gracefulness with which we age & decline, unwilling to surrender independence & still trying to stuff ourselves into clothes that just don’t fit anymore – we struggle hard to hang on to even the most recent past because we fear the worst of the future
. . .
we migrate to retirement communities in warm climes, we modify our tastes & act more mature as each age/stage of life goes by – but why not reverse that trend ? it seems we all try to reverse aging, prevent death, assuage our decline & deny our reality – that’s not going with the flow, is it ?
. . .
I am as classic a ‘don’t go with the flow’ guy who says he does as I have ever encountered; I’ve been trying to go with the flow for years because I thought it was an appropriate thing to be trying to do; it was ‘politically correct’ to be sure, it was trendy & frequently used by others I liked & respected to describe their acceptance, their comfort with reality – a load of crapolo !
. . .
when we struggle & win it is great, but even when we struggle & lose it feels so right to have ‘not gone with the flow’
. . .
to those who find comfort in ‘going where it is flowing’, good for you if that is right for you, but I have a lot of fight & struggle & grow & try left in me
. . .
loss of loved ones & loss of waist control & diminishing eyesight & inability to appear young does not mean for a moment we cannot be frisky & feisty more each day
. . .
I’ve not yet begun to be as frisky & feisty as I will yet be
. . .
I will not go quietly, I will not go soon & I WILL NOT go with the flow
. . .
be neither inside or outside the box; be the box . . or throw away the box
. . .
think outside the bag, or outside the bottle or the can or outside of your experience
. . .
no more boxes, no more go-with-the-flow
. . .
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
July 14 response
Thursday July 14, 2005 - Year 3, Day 116 - you & I connect
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+8C, sunny glorious morn as we walk/jog to the park & back, Gusta’s speed first thing in the morning makes me wonder if I should delay her breakfast
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slightly winded, I return to my keyboard – what should I write ? it occurs to me one part of the success of these musings [ie: growth of audience] is that there are things many of you like which should remain unchanged [ie: first thing in the morning, DAILY, formatting etc.] yet if this process is going to develop beyond a combo of my somewhat self serving diary & diatribe with occasional soapbox moments for some of you, then it must regularly morph a little – progress some – evolve
. . .
maybe some of you need or want that or maybe I just need that to happen for me
. . .
as I come recent musings with some written a year or 2 ago I see several trends – better writing, fewer response ratio-to-readership, far higher quality responses [YOUR writing + expression of feelings/points of view has grown too], more thought, fewer laughs & some extraordinary connections among some of you who have never met; disparate in terms of locale, lifestyle – yet connected by this singular daily thread
. . .
so, what to change ? . . many things, few things, everything or stop altogether ?
. . .
stopping is not an option
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I’ve often solicited feedback; like bovine cud-chewing – some for spitting out, some for digesting– some I’ve digested & reflected in my output, some I’ve ignored & some I’ve discarded as the dung it was [unkind words sometimes accompany ‘unsubscribe’ notes ]
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counterpoint offered gently by some, abruptly by others; some of you call or write to reinforce for me what musings means to you – I am in your debt
. . .
sometimes something else happens – I notice it more often & feel it more deeply when the connection is with someone I’ve known . . or whose writing I’ve known for a long time; but sometimes this happens with someone I’ve connected with more recently
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that something is realizing that an outstretched finger tip, a ‘send’ button, a telephone or just a thought expressed while smiling can communicate love & caring across thousands of miles, or hundreds or across a room
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every day these fingertips tickle some keys, reach out to touch some unknown portion of 4100 of you – sometimes you ignore, delete, disagree or do not care; but some days we make a connection you & I
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you & I are on the same page, have the same thought, have the same experience – see it the same way or, as is more often the case, see it in some different way
. . .
GD said the other day she is distressed when she turns on her blackberry @ 8:30 AM if the Musings are not there . . . wondering if something has gone off track in my life; no better thanks could be ever given this humble writer than someone eager to read what I’ve just written
. . .
some days I have trouble generating a drop or two; some days it pours out
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some days it runs over & some days I beg for help to fill-er-up
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musings works – like many things, because people keep it together; I am but a piece of glass-hub in the middle allowing some of you to see right through me to see someone else’s world, some see a reflection of some kind that generates a smile, a thought, a frown – but something that says I have moved you
. . .
write on
. . .
to kk, write-on
to KK, scuba diving in Mexico, happy 50th tomorrow !!
to KT & SM, I read somewhere that the dull ache of loss is replaced by a milder ache that turns to a smile punctuated by a tear or two – my thoughts are with you both
. . .
you & I connect; not ‘we’
. . .
but you & I
. . .
responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
July 13 responses
Wednesday July 13, 2005 - Year 3, Day 115 - what time is it ?
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every day my phone rings, or an opportunity comes around the corner or someone I meet plants an idea; I reach for the phone, ask questions that probe & prod . . . I reach out, but what am I stretching for ? am I yearning for impossible unrealistic dreams ?
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RF, we should talk & soon ! I am no fatalist; not one who easily says ‘things happen for a reason’, but sometimes a coincidence or someone’s reaction to something is just way too cool to not notice . . to say hhmmmm
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two years ago getting Canadian live beef moving again was on everyone’s mind; 2 years later Canadians continue to wait for an American court to make an American ruling; surely we mild-mannered Canadians can do better; we ship oil south & buy cars made in Japan as if we were hapless servants to these trading partnerships rather than a country with some decision making power . . but then we would need leadership
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what time is it ?
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tic-toc; I have a meeting downtown to get ready for, so must dash now
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
July 12 responses
Mark - "my point – I have one – is that the agony, ecstatic moments & flavorless blahs each teach if we take the moments to listen & learn" Beautiful!MG - You are so awesome! Wish you would have been a teacher at my Junior High. :-), VG
Mark .. I'm another who arrived on your list by some accident. My first few minutes each day are spent deleting "spam" and I have no doubt that in the mindless, pre-coffee cleanup routine I may have deleted musings for several days and when I read the first one I wondered ... who IS this? But guess what? Much to my surprise I enjoy them ... so thank you! Maybe its the fast approaching 50th birthday that has me more introspective than "normal". Anyway I thought I would pass along a website and newsletter that I think you would enjoy from John Izzo
Tuesday July 12, 2005 - Year 3, Day 114 - each teach
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struck by the luck, randomness & mysterious way in which a set of words moves another person to an emotional, guttural response I try to peel away my bravado to search for the value in deeply emotional experiences – sometimes I do it by observing someone else share theirs
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for a special someone who includes me in their experience:
“Sorrows cannot all be explained away. In a life truly lived, grief and loss accumulate like possessions.” - Stephen Kanfer
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the more I read of writers, writing & striving to understand success/lack of success in their work together I find the angst descriptions all too familiar; Berton says: read, write, rewrite . . . repeat daily
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what seems to work best, is to write from my belly, write my angst, write my foibles – each day I fail to see enough, understand enough, empathize enough to feel like I am of any real value; but then someone reminds me that I do, then someone else chimes in to reinforce that or make another point
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my point – I have one – is that the agony, ecstatic moments & flavorless blahs each teach if we take the moments to listen & learn
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good morning . . . repeat daily !
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Monday, July 11, 2005
July 11 responses
I regret that I do not have the time to utilize the "musings" item on a daily basis. Please "unsubscribe" me., db
Good Morning - interesting comments - brought to my mind a situation a few years back. I worked with a lady who had a rule that whomever arrived last was the one who needed to say "Good Morning". She always arrived at work before me. This rule annoyed me initially until I decided to take this as an opportunity. I would now be in charge of setting the mood of the day!, AW
Mark and fellow musers, Good Morning. SH
Good Morning Mark - I like Good Morning - but how about: Top of the Mornin' - spoken with an Irish accent "Good Day" - aussie style or maybe "Watcha" - english cockney or as Joey in Friends would say "How you doin" Have a good morning, IS
Monday July 11, 2005 - Year 3, Day 113 - it lurks in wait for me
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I pulled & was pulled in equal measure as Gusta the wonderpuppy frolicked, our morning walk was perfect
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I am thinking about a new form of greeting; just like aloha it could be the same when greeting or parting - good morning ! – a phrase that could enlighten & warm the world
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good morning
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it’s been done you may say; but humour me & try seeing it, hearing it from a new perspective
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these are words you have used countless times; sometimes in passing, sometimes as a form of grunting, we pay too little attention to this greeting . . or parting; when we have the opportunity to lighten someone’s load or our own with the simple turn of a phrase, with upturned mouth & unwrinkled brow
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try it with a new slant; whisper it to yourself, mouth it in front of the mirror + say it to the next 10 people you meet
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do it with smile & style [especially if you are on the phone!], do it with ‘fresh morning damp green grass between your bare toes’ verve, do it imagining fresh chilled juice trickling down your throat
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or shout it out !
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or softly touch someone on the shoulder, and say ‘good morning !’ just like a firm handshake
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as I go about my business, clearly I have some quest down deep for ‘the great idea’, the ‘better way’, the ‘something new’ that will change my life forever – we probably all have some of that – but I wonder how many of us would recognize that gem when it arrives ????
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on this sunny morn I imagine my day will be filled with some laughter & some time to write & some time to experiment
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a perfect day plan, without regard to whether I discover the cure for anything but simply to find my way home at day’s end, smiling with satisfaction I poured myself into something worthy
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I sense I will have a great week; I am poised, alert & ready for something new, meaningful & exciting; in a file in my pile, a phone call, an email or a detour in traffic, somewhere, just around a corner it lurks in wait for me
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good morning !
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
July 10 responses
Sunday July 10, 2005 - Year 3, Day 112 - friendship & benefits
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Gusta found only the very best fresh green burrs to decorate her coat as Krista & I braved ‘way too many mosquitoes’ as we got our ‘pound the path’ workout
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home now . . dog brushed & de-burred
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slogan’s like ‘don’t leave home without it’ and ‘membership has many benefits’ should apply to more than credit cards; it should apply to friendship; it’s power is significant in person but just as much so at great distance or over long stretches of not seeing or talking to that friend:
- this morning an email from MW advising of her father’s recent death – along with a few comments to put my trivial tribulations in perspective – thank you !
- this morning a call from KT reminding my what caring loving incredibly kind people I am luck enough to know; their pains, their losses, their struggle makes my little problems seem so insignificant – thank you !
+ I had 2 visitors yesterday:
- much traveled DL came by for an overdue Mark & Gusta visit – thank you !
- Krista came up from Lethbridge to give me a very welcome dose of daughter therapy; a meal & a movie & lots of talk & lots of laughs – always fun to provide dating advice to my daughters, my best friends – thank you !
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“ The hardest part of anything is the beginning, and the second hardest part is letting go when it's the end. ” - E. Fritz
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time to cook breakfast & get KK on her way & read the Sunday New York Times & turn my attention to that pile called work; ignored yesterday, it cries for relief
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Saturday, July 09, 2005
July 9 response
Saturday July 9, 2005 Year 3, Day 111- life, my little experiment
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walking slowly & late I find Saturday morning cruising the area unlike the other days; Saturday seems to be all about yard work & garage sales & packing & moving in this neighborhood; Gusta & I cruise by – our park path is ours alone – quiet, serene
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so much of what I do is a product of continuing what I have done before without examining whether or not it makes sense
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what I think scare us, me anyway, is giving up control of things I naively think I control to expose myself to uncharted territory; to be in a place where I have no bearings, have nothing concrete to cling to – to boldly go where I’ve not been before
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to experiment with what my exploration does to my emotional experience, what my emotional experience does to/for others, what my experience teaches
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fear is not so much of meeting someone new or learning about a person, a company, a pursuit; it is simply the ‘new territory’ fear; I realize rationally that risk is present everywhere, in every thing, in every moment – so there is no point hiding out from risk – it will still find me !
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in risk there is opportunity, in opportunity learning, in learning growth, in growth risk
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fear of the unknown, concerns me less than the fear of not exploring the unknown – afraid of what I will miss, how I will fail to grow
yesterday’s frenzy of work seems to have left an even taller pile labeled ‘weekend’ - my fate is sealed unless a tall stranger rescue’s me to get out & about
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a Friday night on the town did not materialize; it’s been a long while since I’ve been stood up – so I spent a quiet evening at home last night, keeping my dog company; SE is in town however she neglected to call/chickened out/got busy or the unlikely possibility that there is a very good reason; rude behaviour for a Calgarian, but then again, she is from Toronto; next !
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Saturday July 9, 2005 Year 3, Day 111- life, my little experiment
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walking slowly & late I find Saturday morning cruising the area unlike the other days; Saturday seems to be all about yard work & garage sales & packing & moving in this neighborhood; Gusta & I cruise by – our park path is ours alone – quiet, serene
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so much of what I do is a product of continuing what I have done before without examining whether or not it makes sense
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what I think scare us, me anyway, is giving up control of things I naively think I control to expose myself to uncharted territory; to be in a place where I have no bearings, have nothing concrete to cling to – to boldly go where I’ve not been before
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to experiment with what my exploration does to my emotional experience, what my emotional experience does to/for others, what my experience teaches
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fear is not so much of meeting someone new or learning about a person, a company, a pursuit; it is simply the ‘new territory’ fear; I realize rationally that risk is present everywhere, in every thing, in every moment – so there is no point hiding out from risk – it will still find me !
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in risk there is opportunity, in opportunity learning, in learning growth, in growth risk
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fear of the unknown, concerns me less than the fear of not exploring the unknown – afraid of what I will miss, how I will fail to grow
yesterday’s frenzy of work seems to have left an even taller pile labeled ‘weekend’ - my fate is sealed unless a tall stranger rescue’s me to get out & about
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a Friday night on the town did not materialize; it’s been a long while since I’ve been stood up – so I spent a quiet evening at home last night, keeping my dog company; SE is in town however she neglected to call/chickened out/got busy or the unlikely possibility that there is a very good reason; rude behaviour for a Calgarian, but then again, she is from Toronto; next !
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Friday, July 08, 2005
July 8 response
Friday July 8, 2005 Year 3, Day 110 - white hat time
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our walk anything but quiet, interrupted by traffic noise as stragglers rush downtown & construction crews make noise – pathside grass now like a waving wheat field with patches flattened [like hailstorms do] from Gusta’s daily incursions
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what is the measure of happiness, what is the measure of success, what is the measure of me ?
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of you ? is it the reflection in the mirror, or the image others see ?
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is it the balance sheet or the bank balance or the size of the house or how many you have ?
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size isn’t everything !
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I have experienced periods of substantial success [excess!] & find that hills are often followed by valleys also known as deep troughs
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in those valleys there are companions like self pity, self doubt & flagellation; a cold place one best not stay too long
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things look brighter this morning than yesterday, notwithstanding some clouds, just as yesterday looked brighter than the day before
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each year May/June seems to be very slow for my business, followed by a very busy period in July that, fortunately, seems to come out of nowhere each year; 3 new assignments came out of nowhere in the last 24 hours . .
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2 issues are too significant to not talk about this morning
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1 – London bombed; terrorists wreak havoc on lives, families & a city/country that has known so much needless bloodshed; reminds us how lucky we were to have a G-8 Summit without incident
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2 – Calgary to be bombed; the Calgary Stampede begins with the parade this morning; separating the city’s population into two groups - those who MUST attend the parade from those who don’t care while the objective of so many is to get bombed during 10 days of Calgary Stampede that sees a city go a little wild; correction, a lot wild – a time when ‘hair of the dog’ does not describe that state of my carpets; a prelude really, for those who get bombed [there are so so many] who will one day have stupefying memories of how they met their spouse or lost their spouse or lost something precious at the Calgary Stampede
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connecting: great to talk yesterday with muser [who never writes !!] AH from Edmonton whose dog story was sad + meetings new faces of longtime musers; VD & I enjoyed chat & coffee & diet Pepsi last night – interesting to meet someone face to face for the first time after many months of e-chat + SE is in town for Stampede & hope to hook up with her later
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it must be a strange time for MG, having retired as Calgary’s White Hatter this past year – Marge, you gave so much of you to that role for so many years, it will never be the same without you administering the cowboy oath to distinguished visitors – hope you are well !
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tic toc gotta get busy
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Thursday, July 07, 2005
July 7 response
Thursday July 7, 2005 - Year 3, Day 109- Year 3, Day 108 - change of direction, or not
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I got my tranquility back & the park got its calm – Gusta got her dew-fix roaming tall grass
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I’ve been thinking about things I’ve started – particularly ones that are stalled; not the dead ones in the closed files, not the ‘interrupted/delayed/pending’ files parked in the ‘arrested development’ pile, but rather ones I’ve not moved forward though there is no apparent reason not to
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my excuses to self seem the same year after year; not enough time, not ready yet, something more pressing came along, circumstances changed requiring a re-think, etc. etc. . . all valid rationalizations
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interesting term: valid rationalizations
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today might be different; I wonder if it will ?
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‘at a crossroads’ is a curious term for decision/indecision, for opportunity, for change of direction, or not; multiple choices of which standing still & retreating are no less valid than any other direction
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Callahan said, ‘he won’t get far on foot’ . . . an easy jest for a quadriplegic; if I strike out in a new direction, how far will I get ?
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I talk about it in a theoretical sense, but I know I have struck out in a new direction – to most people including those who know me well the change is not readily apparent
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DB’s speech on planning at Toastmasters last night got me thinking about detours; reminds me a lot of Frost’s fork in the road . . and Yogi Bera’s fork in the road and this:
“Establishing goals is all right if you don't let them deprive you of interesting detours.”
- Doug Larson
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if I strike out in a new direction, how far will I get ?
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each day I have a finite volume of energy; like a dollar where I can only spend 100 cents, I can only spend my energy until there is none left – the key of course to use up the entire 100 every day because tomorrow I will wake up with a fresh supply of energy & time
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energy + time – consumption + a smile = exhausted & happy
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I have a full day, a full plate & plans to get fully exhausted later !
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Wednesday, July 06, 2005
July 6 responses
Wednesday July 6, 2005 - Year 3, Day 108 - beyond description with mere words
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construction noise numbs, the park cries out for quiet – none comes; monster house getting finishing touches – a bemused woman watches from her new garage as 14 [yes, I counted] sweaty men are pouring & finishing her triple driveway pad . . . not sure if she is frowning because she doesn’t like the fit of any of those 14 pairs of jeans or in contemplation of the labour portion of the bill
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yesterday was full & this morning’s work already intervened, pre-empted publishing this sooner – sorry !
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it was a difficult night for sleeping, one of those rare ones where I don’t begin snoring before I hit the pillow; my night a mix of snooze, coyote choruses, late night/early morning infomercials & wandering outside enjoying warm breeze as an 60’s Al Martino song plays in my head ‘nothing’s really quite as pretty, as Mary in the morning . . etc. ’ reminding me of a 1968 summer crush on a flaxen haired Mary
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words of someone I’ve never met played over & over: “ the start of our journey together will not have been harmed by the combination of your weird humour and my floundering attempts at conversation” . . . hhmmmm
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my words yesterday were inadequate to convey comfort – some very kind responses have been passed on, yet they likely do not help something that cannot be helped
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we all have stressful things happen, things that we cannot wait for them to be ‘just over’; from a hang-nail wound that won’t heal, a tediously long Friday afternoon, or a renovation project - where we just ‘want it to be over’
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we stress over these minor inconveniences of life & use that ‘want it to be over’ term without regard to what it might mean to someone whose circumstances really deserved use of the term when the reason one says ‘I just want it to be over’ are beyond description with mere words
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a full day & a proposal to finish & toastmasters tonight !
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dog report: Gusta had a dog-walk date last night; chocolate lab named Maggie brought her owner; seems dogs had more chemistry [not much] than their owners; a swim in the river in Inglewood near confluence of Bow & Elbow rivers + socializing with homeless folks who stopped fighting to pet my pup were side effects; next !
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005
July 5 response
Tuesday July 5, 2005 - Year 3, Day 107 - something good
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Gusta’s spurts of energy interrupted only by stops for stick hunting in the tall grass; my walk was unsettling – this was a day I wanted to just saunter, relax & clear my head
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that was not to be
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whether complex business venture, research, academic pursuit or athletic triumph; few things are more gripping to see in action than the loss of freedom, loss of mobility & loss of choice that is the reality of people as they lose functioning . . . & more obviously for most of us, for people with disabilities – something I have seen many times over 26 + years involved in advocacy work for people with physical & developmental disabilities
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when I see someone paralyzed in a motorized wheelchair you might see someone completely absent of abilities, choices & independence
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I learned to see people who possess enormous strength, resolve & determination to make even the smallest of decisions
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to take the opportunity to boldly say or do something, anything . . whatever they can to assert their independence is incredibly important & deserves respect, deserves to be revered
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whether in the John Callahan cartoons I love so much or when I see seeing someone blow into a mouth control to drive their chair – I appreciate how much that independence means, how treasured it is especially when it is all you have
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in conversation with a friend who is watching someone she loves in palliative care - it was hard for me to think of any argument otherwise yesterday when I heard this phrase:
‘nothing good comes from this’
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in that moment I wanted to say something comforting to my friend who, between smiles, is in a cruel form of despair daily – nothing more cruel I can imagine than what she must witness sitting vigil with someone she loves dearly wasting & waiting
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waiting for inevitabilities to unfold, watching daily agony of robust life reduced to carcass, waiting for bodily functions to fail
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comforting words escaped me
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is there something good ? anything at all ?
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the finality & cruel indignity of existing until you die, all intervention fruitless – watching the clock tick, waiting
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in the US yesterday was independence day
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for each of us everywhere today & every day is independence day
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someone lived their life fully, robustly & with passions – made choices, pleased some, displeased others – was his own man !
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the choices left in the waning days might be few; milk or juice ? see this friend or relative ? . . or not ? take this pill . . . or not . . . or not – freedom to make some choices, however few
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so much of what we do is based on initiative, drive, desire & choices
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Nike invites us to ‘just do it !’
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make a tiny choice today – appreciate that for many people, that is the only kind of choice they can make . . . help me show my friend that ‘something good comes from this’
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Monday, July 04, 2005
Monday July 4, 2005 - Year 3, Day 106 - back to work
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a short walk across the road, 1 doe in the field; Gusta feels shortchanged but she will get a big honkin’ long walk later this morning
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the 4th of July; for our American friends another day of rest & time to wave the flag in celebration of their Independence Day
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“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. “ - George Washington
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for many Canadians it is another day of rest; for most it is back to work
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the business meeting; necessary, always too long, rarely effective – it seems the fewer people involved the more effective; the more that are involved the boredom factor seems to affect all but one person in the room
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my meeting today is a 1 on 1 with a new client so I have a chance of coming back quickly & happy; wouldn’t that be nice ? so begins my 2nd half of this year
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yesterday was full; Carla departed for home & I did my late night newsletter work
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for me today is a back to work day & I am da- - - - - shing to a meeting !
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Sunday, July 03, 2005
July 3 response
Sunday July 3, 2005 - Year 3, Day 105 - windex please
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Carla joined me again as we followed Gusta along a familiar path with many dog sniffing opportunities this morning
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we had lunch with my dad yesterday & took Gusta to the off-leash area [she’s not ready yet !!] & hung out; we went to Wayne’s for bagels & Heartland Café for coffee & Gusta the chick magnet sniffed many women & children; she will leave soon to visit her maternal grandmother & then journey home to Edmonton – her visit brief, her importance in my life so much greater than she could imagine, until one day she is in her 50’s & sees her best work walking around in their 20’s
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this day’s blank page invites me, teases me, toys with me
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it demands I spill my feelings & my failings, paint my dreams & my nightmares
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it is no better a blank page each day – it is just a blank page; always a page, always blank
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today it begs a short simple clear picture of who I am, what kind of person I am to know, what kind of ‘new adventure’ I might be in someone’s life, what kind of servant I might be to a new client, what kind of dad I am to my children, what kind of son I am
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I shine & glow a little each day with new puppy relish & enthusiasm – but mostly I reflect to others ideas & queries I decide are worthy of us that day; often I fall short, often not
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to find resonance, find a home, find familiarity – or to find critique & counterpoint
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some times to find disdain & raw pain & sometimes just plain raw
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each day on this page I prove we are not alone, we are not lonely, we are not unique, we are all spokes of this wheel; each yearning for the connection with someone who has something special in common
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not the mundane, the easy, the overdone
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but to reveal that bizarre or embarrassing thought we keep secretly hidden from view – the magic when someone says ‘me too’
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the syrupy feeling we have but would never tell – till we read someone admitting, yearning to let that one out
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this blank page commands a better description of the human condition than it has seen; often falling short, often provoking response that would dazzle any literary critic
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many times this page says ‘again, half as long’; this page says ‘don’t pander, don’t ponder’; this page says spill if out when you are in pain, spill it freely when you are joyful; spill it out when you are ambivalent as you would when your belly aches for clear words
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find clear thoughts as window into yourself
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a window
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that’s it
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a window
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this page is a window – me on one side – you on the other, every day
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every day
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some days that window is crystal clear, some days smudged
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some days we wipe it together – as if our hands touch through the glass
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Saturday, July 02, 2005
July 2 response
Saturday July 2, 2005 - Year 3, Day 104 - mid year reflection
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father & daughter match groans & panting as we worked out at stairmaster hill as Carla joined us for the trek to Fish Creek & back while Gusta cruised for twigs & small lumber, finally extracting something dead from the tall grass
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I find mid year a better time for reflection that year end/Christmas time; time to see how things are going & consider change of course . . . or not
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I struggle a little each year in May/June; I struggle to determine & separate that which is working out more slowly than I thought from that which is not working out at all
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as I ‘imagine better ways to achieve desired results’, I ponder if it is time to redefine & examine those desires ?
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my desire to work hard comes from childhood training; a work ethic instilled by example rather than lecture; thirst for ideas grew from seeds planted along the way by influential figures; lust for business & independence inspired by mentors who taught both bad habits & some good ones too
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not many years ago I would have described a desire for robust business that would provide sustained success & wherewithal, a byproduct of which would be the opportunity to revel in a my desires; a decadent mix of travel, golf, writing & w-relationship-fun & comfortable lifestyle
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today I don’t think I have necessarily evolved to a higher level of consciousness or anything profoundly zen-like, but I find myself reversing the order a little
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comfortable lifestyle remains a very nice thing, but it has fallen down the priority list; relationships & ideas have risen to take its position
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I still thrill at the adrenaline rush of ‘the deal’ or the relax-factor that comes with a fat bank account & pursuit of ‘good life’ playtime, but pursuit of ‘that great life’ is overshadowed by the pursuit of a life more engaged with values, more intrigued by people, more focused on why am getting where I am going than how I am getting there – all the while dealing with the self inflicted post-marriage/start new business impecunious period that has lingered a little too long !
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I am at a point of jumping off ; not a cliff, but perhaps a change of direction, of focus
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to create some things new which work, or to do something tried & true in a new form that is timely, perhaps a new experience not yet dreamt ?
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I dunno; it would be nice to be more confident & certain . . . maybe one day soon
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for my navel gazing malady, for today at least, I will read & write & play with my first born & my dog
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I had a great brunch visit with LL yesterday; tales of her trips & the glow of a happy relationship with her new fella warmed up an already warm day; hanging with Carla today [she drove down last evening from Edmonton for the weekend] . . lunch planned with HK . .
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Toastmaster & golf buddy & dear friend AW gets another ring on her trunk today . . . happy birthday
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musings posted daily @ http://markismusing.blogspot.com & http://markismusing.blog-city.com