Hi Mark, You've set my addiction to Golf in motion. Picked up my clubs, and set off to have a few games. I've decided to set MY par at 10 so I can consistently birdie. ;-) Your words made me think of a book I am reading that may be of value to your friend, and perhaps some of your readers. It was introduced to me by a friend who lost her son. It gave her the comfort to move through that challenge, and has been giving me comfort with some of my contrast as well. The book is called Radical Forgiveness. I can be bought at Amazon, or their website
http://www.radicalforgiveness.com./ At the website you can download Chapter 1 called Jill's Story (downloads section). The book may or may not fit, but for me it gave me some insight into some of my past and present challenges. Have a fantastic day! Dream BIG!, VG
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Just wondering how I got on your mailing list. I am enjoying the readings everyday. Would like to contribute my thoughts. Thank you, J
Tears...I am crying for your friend. I feel all her pain, I feel her hate towards a god that would allow this. I watched my husband die for two years and when he finally took his last breath I knew I couldn't ask him to stay in his sick body. So many tubes in his wonderful body...the indignities he had to suffer. I wanted to say "No don't go...Stay...I love you!" but he was too tired to go on, how could I ask him to stay? Now life has started again and there are some wonderful days. I don't know why he had to leave...or why I had to stay. I do know he wants me to live and love again. He used to say to me.. "Vicki, life is for the living! Get out there and live it!" The days will get better, each day I wake up is a gift to live for both of us... One thing you must learn is to "give up the need to know why things happen." Things just happen... there are no why's there just is...I am sending all my love and energy to your friend to help and comfort her through her pain., VD
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Thank you Mark...good to be receiving these again!, RW
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Wow you sure can type! I associate prodigious typing with bloggers and you've not disappointed me. You seem, after my brief survey, concerned with the meaning of the matter of things, loving, sweet natured, masculinley ambitious, a reflective walk-abouter - how am I doing. I have to be a worker bee and am less than athletic with typing alore therefore... am off to Powell's [the Portland bookstore of modest fame] for a lecture by an author tonight. Maybe I will write more later. My little site, which was intended a lifetime ago to assist in an attempt to job change [I currently look thru a microscope to find cancer and am sick of hospital work especially at the VA Hospital] My current job was waiting for me when I arrived from Boston 7 months ago and the cancer at the VA is more florid than most other hospitals]. You seem aware of illness and such.Most are not., C
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:59 p.m.