Stress is a constant companion, and not a helpful one. I finds a direct correlation between my level of stress and my inability to accomplish anything. How do you harness stress and use it to your advantage?, WA
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Hi Mark, I think I saw you in the alley between 4th and 5th avenue & st yesterdayafternoon. You looked busy and I was helping a client get into our underground parking so didn't stop to say hello. Hope all is going well with you. Good luck with your protégé. AR
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Dear Mark: Baseball is truly like the game of life. Your closing statement about stepping up to the plate in order for you to hit a homerun. Something better to think about is that you must have a team that stands behind you. I really think your musing associates are that. As I sit and read your entries, I also think about where I am and what is important to me for the day. I truly enjoy your reflections on your everyday living experiences. Thanks, SM
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Re: felt good; Good morning Mark, This musing stirred my feelings of the love I so clearly experienced with my dogs from days past. I remember having times with my "Dually", the Doberman, that you speak of with Gusta. They all were so Giving and non-judgmental. Most of my times with them had me distracted from the everyday thoughts that tend to weigh one down. I felt better, I feel better I am better. Let me speak to "Feelings" as you wrote about yesterday.I'm in Winnipeg at the airport[6:45am.] waiting to catch a flight to Edmonton and just opened your Tues. Muse. It is very early and so quiet at this airport that I'm wondering if it is open? This airport and the Regina airport are very similar in their "feel small"," feel quaint"," feel removed" from the Stream., Sometimes I "feel" the connections from the other musers who are moved to "feel" from the thoughts you share with us. Those moments are what I believe to be some of the more significant pleasures that has me appreciating you - - your perspectives - - your abilities to express yourself. Many of the days YOU DO in some way connect with me. How many years have we "known" each other? 20+ I think! With these last 2+ years from your musings I "feel" that I have come to know you better. I am appreciating that. Your "JJ" tag did catch me off-guard and prompted me to write, thanks. I Am on the road till Aug.3 but I promise to call to set up breakfast for that week. Sincerest regards, JJ
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 8:17 a.m.