Tuesday, July 26, 2005


July 26 responses

You said: "allow a disruption to send you in a new direction – don’t predict which disruption, don’t pick when, don’t have an expectation of where it will take you, don’t resist where it takes you" Now for me, THAT'S going with the Flow! Isn't it interesting how a Word can bring up such different feelings? You had once said that you don't like Going with the Flow...that it's like following the pack. Yet for me Going with the Flow is allowing the disruption to take you in new and exciting directions of growth and expansion. I had a long discussion with a great friend about Words, and how some mean totally different things for us. I love having these conversations with her because she doesn't tell me (and I don't tell her) that my (or her) interpretation of the word is right or wrong. Because it's exactly right for us...our truth. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mark. I really enjoy hearing them., VG
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Really enjoyed today's musings- sent it to another friend and phoned one up to read it to her and get her off her duff - she liked it but I don't think the duff will be moving - if they ever do an EEG on you I think the readings would be off the scale from a brain that's constantly in gear at a higher rate than most of us. Have a great day, TK
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I am embracing disruption! Cheers for the day., GD
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Hi Mark, Quick note, kinda busy at work,,but when put in your words,,seems to me business is done in Mexico by disruption, or rather a series of them....lol.... Slow to get much done,,but then everyone says, that's Mexico. Also just wanted to say,,, guide me thru the click on to reply,, cuz I'm just not gettin'it. Thanx for help and my daily touch with real Canadian issues on life., TA
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Although I suspect you are practising your motivational speech on us, I must respond. What a great wonderful message today Mark! Very uplifting and inspirational. In my work, I have constant disruptions - normal. The abnormal 'disruptions' (which I call extreme challenges), I begrudge at first encounter. But I have found, many times, with the right attitude, these challenges turn into wonderfully rewarding experiences. Sometimes I get a tremendous boost of confidence in myself or sometimes a euphoric sense of well being for having served my fellow man better. mmmmmmm... I like that romp after dinner idea. Thanks for the great thoughts today. Will look at those challenges differently now. :), SM

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