Monday, July 11, 2005
Monday July 11, 2005 - Year 3, Day 113 - it lurks in wait for me
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I pulled & was pulled in equal measure as Gusta the wonderpuppy frolicked, our morning walk was perfect
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I am thinking about a new form of greeting; just like aloha it could be the same when greeting or parting - good morning ! – a phrase that could enlighten & warm the world
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good morning
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it’s been done you may say; but humour me & try seeing it, hearing it from a new perspective
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these are words you have used countless times; sometimes in passing, sometimes as a form of grunting, we pay too little attention to this greeting . . or parting; when we have the opportunity to lighten someone’s load or our own with the simple turn of a phrase, with upturned mouth & unwrinkled brow
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try it with a new slant; whisper it to yourself, mouth it in front of the mirror + say it to the next 10 people you meet
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do it with smile & style [especially if you are on the phone!], do it with ‘fresh morning damp green grass between your bare toes’ verve, do it imagining fresh chilled juice trickling down your throat
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or shout it out !
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or softly touch someone on the shoulder, and say ‘good morning !’ just like a firm handshake
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as I go about my business, clearly I have some quest down deep for ‘the great idea’, the ‘better way’, the ‘something new’ that will change my life forever – we probably all have some of that – but I wonder how many of us would recognize that gem when it arrives ????
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on this sunny morn I imagine my day will be filled with some laughter & some time to write & some time to experiment
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a perfect day plan, without regard to whether I discover the cure for anything but simply to find my way home at day’s end, smiling with satisfaction I poured myself into something worthy
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I sense I will have a great week; I am poised, alert & ready for something new, meaningful & exciting; in a file in my pile, a phone call, an email or a detour in traffic, somewhere, just around a corner it lurks in wait for me
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good morning !
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