Saturday, July 16, 2005


Saturday July 16, 2005 Year 3, Day 118 - go with the flood

good afternoon; thunderstorms & heavy rain gave way to heavy skies, fresh morning wet; +12C; post flood reshaping Fish Creek upstream from our bridge continues to erode & amaze this wide eyed child marveling at how everything shifts, manufacturing new landscape – the old landscape is destroyed never to return
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landscapes changing before my eyes following a flood seems a lot like how relationships change, sometimes changing forever following floods of emotion or turmoil; this morning I talked to a muser having her 2nd tough one in a tough week; someone I do business with, friend & muser had one of those the other day - we laughed yesterday about how he’d given me one of those lessons once before
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it tears us up to acknowledge a reality that always was - ‘going with the flood’ - old landscape destroyed never to return to the same shape or form;
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media exposes us to gripping tales of lives torn asunder by a multitude of calamities; life goes on, people start anew, countries & peoples embrace new realities – not because they wanted to or thought it was the right course of action; why then, can we not proactively take a similar approach to personal & business issues
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no one wants the trauma of losing of loved one through disease or divorce; yet when those changes are imposed, new flowers open in the garden of life . . . if not right away, then eventually the old landscape is destroyed never to return
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no one would change an entire landscape or destroy everything in an area; but often a flood, fire or disaster force it – from which springs a new Chicago from a massive fire or a family building a new life in a country as refugees; or someone building a new single life following an unexpected loss of everything they took for granted
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I don’t think it is the lesson we resist or the process of the learning; I think it is the little shock to our system that comes when we are dramatically confronted with something that proves things ARE NOT as we would like to believe that they are; I don’t think it matters whether the event is positive or negative – if it rocks our little comfy set of assumptions, it rocks just as much whether or not traumatic stuff is attached
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I would submit however, that these triggers & our reactions are not catalysts of ‘real changes’ any more than switching from a burger to a porterhouse really is indicative of a change in one’s diet; I try to change the things I feel need changing [though sometimes only paying lip service] while I try NOT to change the things I like, feel are OK, love, need, etc.
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most days I think a power outage or an internet outage would alter my life; truth is it would alter my day but not my life – I know my routines, my relationships, my points of view are entrenched – not all comforting, but rather ingrained in my habituation
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for the things I choose to have a different experience with, the use of the words new, change & shift will not accomplish much; it could I suppose, but that is not necessarily how real shift, real change & new paths manifest
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for me, change – real change that is – does not occur in my speech, my public demeanor, the way I dress or show itself in my output; most change I speak about is no more cerebral than changing my routine in something or advancing a new idea or chasing a new prospect – I often kid myself with use of the words new, change & shift – they let me maintain an illusion of change when in fact I am a creature of habit doing most things the same old way, living my life the same old way
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for things I like just fine as they are, why would I change unless change is forced upon me ? . . . even though that change might be very helpful, I resist
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it no doubt accounts for sharp increase in ‘out of the blue’ calls – results from search engines finding is way up thanks to help from GL which is very much appreciated !
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my green canine sporting a ‘green-bur-furry’ coat, dog grooming & several thousand bur removals later a freshly coiffed 19 week old Gusta sleeps at the base of my chair where the slightest of movements is detected as she guards against a ‘roll over my ear’ moment
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best comment yesterday which I’ve appropriated for my own use:
'Unless you colour outside the lines, you are living in black and white'
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