Friday, July 15, 2005
Friday July 15, 2005 - Year 3, Day 117- no more boxes
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summer of 69 memories play in my mind; moon landing & my first full time job & starry eyed naiveté of not knowing how pivotal the ensuing handful of years would be on my entire life – how those little choices, those small changes in direction would wear deep grooves as I followed my path; as a creek finds its way setting out where a river will one day flow ; though that river sculpts banks & wears away edges. the ultimate destination remains the same because a trickling creek made it so – then, going with the flow, the river’s route & identity became certain
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‘going with the flow’, popular, overused & misunderstood phrase is crapolo
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‘going with the flow’ seems like colouring inside the lines – something I could never do as a child; today we use phrases like ‘thinking outside the box’ so freely it would ‘not going with the flow’ not to think outside the box
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I’m wondering . .why a box ?
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we struggle against flow our entire lives; best example is the lack of gracefulness with which we age & decline, unwilling to surrender independence & still trying to stuff ourselves into clothes that just don’t fit anymore – we struggle hard to hang on to even the most recent past because we fear the worst of the future
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we migrate to retirement communities in warm climes, we modify our tastes & act more mature as each age/stage of life goes by – but why not reverse that trend ? it seems we all try to reverse aging, prevent death, assuage our decline & deny our reality – that’s not going with the flow, is it ?
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I am as classic a ‘don’t go with the flow’ guy who says he does as I have ever encountered; I’ve been trying to go with the flow for years because I thought it was an appropriate thing to be trying to do; it was ‘politically correct’ to be sure, it was trendy & frequently used by others I liked & respected to describe their acceptance, their comfort with reality – a load of crapolo !
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when we struggle & win it is great, but even when we struggle & lose it feels so right to have ‘not gone with the flow’
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to those who find comfort in ‘going where it is flowing’, good for you if that is right for you, but I have a lot of fight & struggle & grow & try left in me
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loss of loved ones & loss of waist control & diminishing eyesight & inability to appear young does not mean for a moment we cannot be frisky & feisty more each day
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I’ve not yet begun to be as frisky & feisty as I will yet be
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I will not go quietly, I will not go soon & I WILL NOT go with the flow
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be neither inside or outside the box; be the box . . or throw away the box
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think outside the bag, or outside the bottle or the can or outside of your experience
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no more boxes, no more go-with-the-flow
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