Thursday, July 21, 2005
July 21 responses
Hi Mark, can you remove me from the musing list until August 8th. I will be away. Hope all is well. Take care, JM
Mark, my dad was my hero. A mentor to many, a high school teacher to thousands. Slowed by Parkinson's Disease at 55, he didn't lament his lot in life, instead embraced his situation and did his best to help others living with the same hand he was dealt. Hundreds of homes across the country now have red and white Parkinson's Tulips in their gardens due to his fundraising efforts. When he was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor questioned why this sort of thing can't happen to just bad people, dad's reply was "There are no bad people". He was the strength in our family and he instilled his values, beliefs and hopes into his four children. His passing almost 4 years ago at 68 was, and still is difficult, but he was our dad, an amazing, gentle man and a gentleman. Happy Birthday to your dad! SH
I wish a merry birthday to HK!, RC
Happy Birthday wishes to your Dad, Mark. You and he sound as if you have a great relation. My dad is 91 and I don't think he is really enjoying life. About a year ago he was admitted into a nursing home and has progressively slowed down. Now, he needs assistance to move from his bed to a chair beside his bed. He was always active, hard working and looking back it doesn't seem fair that life brings you to a helpless stage before you finally die. I am spending the next two weeks in the Maritimes and hope to spend sometime with him but at the same time do not look forward to seeing the changes that have overtaken his life. I doubt if he will know who I am and I so want to hold on to the memories of the guy I once knew many years ago, as my dad. Take care, JF
Hello Mark please remove me from the list and all the best to you!!, DH
Hello Mark, Unfortunately I need to request that you "Unsubscribe" me from your musings. While I have enjoyed "musings", I was reminded by our head office that this computer and my business email address is for office use only. Rather than go through any grief from head quarters I feel it is best to ask you to unsubscribe me. When I get a personnel computer at home I will contact you to request being added back to your musings list. Don't take this the wrong way no one at head office has specifically identified "musings" as a problem. We recently recieved a reminder about the purpose of our work computers and work email addresses. My request to unsubscribe is me simply being proactive. Talk soon. Take Care , PW