Hi Mark: I found your thoughts around Control from the July 9th Musing interesting. You may want to consider reading "The Last Word on Power" by Tracy Goss. It is very thought provoking, mw
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I regret that I do not have the time to utilize the "musings" item on a daily basis. Please "unsubscribe" me., db
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Good Morning - interesting comments - brought to my mind a situation a few years back. I worked with a lady who had a rule that whomever arrived last was the one who needed to say "Good Morning". She always arrived at work before me. This rule annoyed me initially until I decided to take this as an opportunity. I would now be in charge of setting the mood of the day!, AW
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Mark and fellow musers, Good Morning. SH
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Good Morning Mark - I like Good Morning - but how about: Top of the Mornin' - spoken with an Irish accent "Good Day" - aussie style or maybe "Watcha" - english cockney or as Joey in Friends would say "How you doin" Have a good morning, IS
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I enjoyed catching up on your musings and the responses to them. You continue to have an interesting perspective and a unique presentation of those thoughts. Any idea of how many people you are reaching? I'm intrigued by those who say something to the effect of "I don't know how my name got onto your list.....!" I presume it means that somewhere, someone has thought your musing important enough to forward them to another and so the list grows. Your most recent thoughts on "good morning!" remind me of how I often try gently to "force" a response from kids in the 600 student jr high where I teach. I'm a firm believer in what seems to be behind your "aloha" comments. So many kids veil themselves within their long, forward-draping hair or inside their hoodies or behind the earphones of their mp3's. Some avoid me by looking elsewhere even if we are the only two in the length and void of a school hallway (and I'm not sure there is anything longer or emptier than a school hallway!). Are they entitled to their solitude? Absolutely. But, on the odd chance, that one of them is hiding because it's less painful than reaching out and being ignored, I give each one of them a little nudge. I greet each and call each by their name.....the use of a name is always the more important of the two. Some look up startled, smile and greet me back, some even stop and talk. Some just smile rather weakly; some shrivel deeper into themselves revulsed by the intrusion. But nothing can take away the fact that, that morning, someone, even an old teacher, directed a smile and a purposeful greeting, with a name, toward him. Does it make a difference? Guess I'll never know. But it sure makes me feel better for having tried! I suppose that it doesn't hurt that I am in my little kingdom. But maybe by my little nudge, the school can start to be a small comfort zone for that kid, the beginnings of his own little kingdom. What a little philosophy, half-baked and rather trite....but it's mine! Back to painting. Take care. , MG
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:00 a.m.