Sunday, July 17, 2005
Sunday July 17, 2005 - Year 3, Day 119 - on the other hand
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refreshed & ready to greet my day/evening of work, a day that will be interrupted by some golf on TV & lunch with my dad
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so which is the good advice & how can we tell it from the bad advice ?
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on the other hand, does it matter, since we ignore it anyway ?
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sometimes people ask me for it – lately I find myself asking for it more often; I wonder if in seeking advice my tendency is to seek validation for what I want to do rather than being to embrace some truly new ideas
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if the advice matches my intentions I consider it good advice
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on the other hand, if the advice doesn’t match my intentions – do I really take the advice to heart or simply rationalize why that person doesn’t really understand my situation ?
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on the other hand, isn’t it interesting – we live in a world of books, courses, lectures, TV shows & many more books; an industry in fact of ‘self help’ where we have access to advice upon advice upon advice
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do we take it ?
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Harry Truman had a saying I used & passed along often when my kids were growing up;
“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.”
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I tried, they did, results were favorable
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I look back on my history of taking [or not] of advice; usually I take it like fowl cough medicine – I swallow because I have to, know it is good for me but hate every thing about it
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