Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Wednesday July 20, 2005 - Year 3, Day 122 - batter up, play ball

+12C, cloudy, damp; lots of tree damage in the neighbourhood from last night’s hailstorm – our walk brisk & invigorating as Gusta continues to find burs for her coat at every turn; she wanted a bigger longer walk – so much energy; more later

I am taking on a protégé in my real estate practice; time to teach & mentor & load sharing; not so much sharing the pie as looking to make more pie; providing information, ideas & work for a sponge to soak up is the easy part – teaching Nic how to recognize an opportunity, how to differentiate the opportunities from the distractions . . . ahh that will be the challenge

distractions come at me all day long & like pitches in baseball; some days I swing at the bad pitches, some times I let great ones sail right by; batter up, let’s play ball

Krista will be in town tomorrow to do a Police Helicopter ride-a-long & for my dad’s 83rd birthday; the next few days will be a little hectic which is good . . but it leaves less time for connecting with friends . . . or taking 30 uninterrupted minutes to think, to read, to write, to play

stress abates, a little, then comes right back to try me, stretch me just a little more

being really busy is a great consolation - yesterday frenetic & long; today will be no less than that – meetings, projects & new people to meet, new experiences await

to hit a homerun, first we have to step up to the plate !


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