Sunday, July 24, 2005


Sunday July 24, 2005 - Year 3, Day 126- drizzling wonderfully, responses invited – scroll down to fill in your comments

a perfect day; 9C, overcast, gloomy & drizzling wonderfully with risk of thunderstorms, perfect day for hunkering down . . read, vacuum, write write write

a perfect day to bathe my soggy dog, perfect day for working without the stress of being torn between urges a leisurely walk in the park or on the links or a picnic or just urges, a perfect day for drinking coffee, a perfect day for staring out windows, a perfect day for writing about sunshine & laughter

what if Shakespeare had Microsoft word, spell check & online thesaurus tools, what if Mozart had a synthesizer & electronic keyboard, what if Socrates had an overhead projector and power point, what if the Trojans had night-vision goggles [noted: urge to make joke about condoms that can see in the dark] ?

in my much younger days in shoe retailing, each season I would marvel at the innovation, the design & styling details, the new heels toes & trimmings – only to learn in the ensuing 35 years that little if anything is new, but simply recycled proven engineering & design with seasonings offered by a new generation seeing these things for the first time

I saw a movie last night on internet dating called ‘Must Have Dogs’; what a treat it would have been if the writer, director, producer or actors had ever ACTUALLY DONE ANY internet dating; instead it was a mix of Hollywood recycled cliché, a few good lines & pretty actors should supposedly make it work; chick flick – yes; worthy of seeing twice or winning an award nomination – no !

we get to be so smart today without trying very hard, we just need to Google with the most bizarre combination of words to have a wealth of data delivered to our screen in seconds

movie & pizza with CM last night; movie [see above] was OK as was the company & the pizza was great [Sandro’s] as always !

the more I read about writers’ writing methods, the more I read about the lives of people whose writing ambitions were shot down & sidetracked; I read a gem in the New York Times this morning, Maureen Dowd’s piece on her late mother . . writer extraordinaire eulogizing writer who met obstacles while young but never let her ambitions be squelched

a perfect day; I will enjoy my rain


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