Thursday, July 21, 2005
Thursday July 21, 2005 - Year 3, Day 123 - if I could just be ½ as nice
habits, routines, regular practices, head down-butt up, working hard, relentless; so important, so vital to me when chaos whirls; things I do, things I manage to never let slip away no matter how busy it gets – I learned these things a long time ago – as I learned them again yesterday, coming in a million little silent lessons, my entire 53 years of lessons
he’s never lectured me, ever; I’m a better father because of his example, I’m a better man because of him; I’ve inherited genes, behaviours & baldness; I’ve inherited [maybe it was osmosis !] the work ethic, personal responsibility, strong independent streak
a year ago I saw him so frustrated having just given up the ultimate independence tool – driving; accepting loss of that, accepting help, asking for help . . new things for him; he has found, I think, since he has let more of the world in, let more people help that his stubborn pride is not impacted at all . . except maybe he is just a little less stubborn, but only a little
he has a brace on his right leg now to keep him from stumbling that he didn’t have a year ago, he uses his walker a lot more, cane all the rest of the time, recognizes he is just not steady on his feet without them; he’s not using his scooter as much as he could
hearing aids are new too in the last year; we spend more time than we used to, we talk more openly than we ever have, I think we both appreciate the quality of the time
to those of you who are recent additions to this list, you may not know who HK is: HK is Hubert, HK is my dad, HK is my best friend, HK is 83 today
he’s taught me to accept help, taught me to give love, taught me how to be a man; he never did it with a speech, or a lecture . . not ever . . just by his own example
now . . . if I could just be ½ as nice a guy & smile ½ as often . .
happy birthday !
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