Friday, April 21, 2006
Friday April 21, 2006 - Year 4, Day 32 - never met him
6C/43F in south Calgary this morning [high predicted for Maui today is 82F]; chorus of chirp, quack & honk bird alarms welcomes early morning light; walking without Gusta the pace feels strange . . it is mine . . not hers; I miss hers
he found me on my website; just called me up one day about 3 weeks ago to discuss his office space requirements. In only a minute I knew he was a gentle man; he told me he was retired early from leading a major firm - he needed a small office for him & his wife better located near his home than his current shared downtown situation. Both the space & his parking stall needed to be easily accessible by wheel chair as his MS had substantially affected this mobility. We talked about disability issues for quite a while in that first conversation; he seemed very interested in my knowledge of the barrier free issues & needs of someone with MS. He was going to be away for a while so there was only one day that would work so we arranged that day to tour some options. We set the appointment, but when the day came I couldn’t reach him. I called yesterday to follow up, perhaps to reschedule it for when I got back from my trip
I asked for him as the receptionist answered . . . she replied . . ‘Oh, he died.’
his picture was there in yesterday’s obits; I read of a gregarious & full life cut short - I would have liked working with him, knowing him - I just know it
we all have no guarantee of tomorrow or the day after that
no one needs a reason to live fully, it is there for the taking
to be daring, to be imaginative, to be alive & to think lively thoughts – no better reason to live large or to enjoy a vacation
I never met him; his name was David
my plane lifts off at 10:00 . . aloha
Thursday, April 20, 2006
April 20 Responses
Enjoy your break, Mark. Your pooch will do just fine. Our border collie revels in his "motel" experience, GD, Calgary
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Hi Mark. Have safe restful trip. Hit em straight, my friend. HS, Calgary
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Hi Mark, everyone seems to still be talking about the religion debate. I have been reading about the Dalai Lama...I'm open to all least learning about them....and he is a prime the control thing as he is most humble and considers himself, although extraordinary, an ordinary man. An interviewer asked him if he was "God" and with that little chuckle of his said, "I have an eye irritation, if I were God I would not have that" and then chuckled some more. It is not about control because I have never accepted or followed anything that doesn't allow one to think for themselves. Religion to me is spirituality that has been corrupted my man to suit his own needs. Have fun in Mauii my friend...JP Vancouver
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Mark, Sandra here in Idaho, feeling very envious of your wonderful vacation! After traveling all over the world for three years, then nothing for a year, I'm ready for new sights, smells, sounds and new people experiences! And, your dog's accommodations are impressive and lavish. If you take care of your women in the same style as your furry friend, she will be a pampered bitch indeed!!!, SW, Coeur d'Alene
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Hi Mark, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the change of scenery! You deserve the R'n'R! Take Care, SM, Calgary
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Living environments in Canada must vary a lot from place to place. The experience "I have yet to have a spiritual person tell me how to conduct my life" is so opposite to my own experience that it is a wonder we live in the same country. Spiritual people have been telling me how to conduct my life since I was in my teens. In my teens adults said that adopting a belief and identification as a spiritual person was a free choice on my part, but believing anything else was evidence of childish dependence and control of my life by others. People who say they are value neutral but then promote their own beliefs are so obvious that the degree of acceptance was surprising. Then in my twenties some guys would have plans for how women should conduct their lives, somehow part of being spiritual but of course not religious- what a line. And so on. In my opinion we need to find a word that means recognizing that differences of opinion and belief exist without trying to make everyone believe the same thing. Tolerance used to mean that, but tolerance now seems to mean politically correct in a controlling way, and I expect most people would agree that there is already too much social control in this country, LHE, Calgary
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Have a great holiday Mark! Enjoy, sounds like Gusta will enjoy her holiday as well, KL, Kitchener
Thursday April 20, 2006 - Year 4, Day 31- puppy vacation
5C/41F, clear, beautiful day; I walked alone for the first time since April 30/05 . . . a very strange feeling walking without my athletic blonde female companion – daily ritual rambling animation set aside for a while; without a leash in one hand & a plastic bag in the other the trees did not seem quite as interesting, regular sniffing & pee stops just stumps & grass
I imagine women & dogs bond well too; unconditional love from friends & family & loves & lovers is great but nothing compares to a boy’s bond with his dog . . . not this boy
I checked Gusta into the Country Club Pet Resort yesterday; she was thrilled as much as I was – it is like the ‘Jasper Park Lodge’ of dog kennels, including concierge service @ check-in; given her reaction to the sights, smells & atmosphere I wonder if she will ever want to leave
advice to middle aged men: if you are having weight, heart or walking trouble, take 1 golden retriever pup daily . . . it will give you everything you require; a year ago I vacillated – get a pup or someone’s ‘experienced’ dog – or none at all ? . . could I cope , could the dog cope with my work/lifestyle ? I had no idea how valuable a decision it was at the time, I had no idea how much I needed therapy from a pup who grew & grew, licked & licked, shed & shed
SC celebrates a birthday today . . not sure where you are . . but have a great trip back from the DR & have a happy birthday … if you are in Edmonton, go to Jack’s & have a piece of turtle pie for me !
I’m comfortable knowing my pooch won’t have enough idle time to miss me; 1 more sleep & I’ll be on vacation too
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
April 19 Responses
Have a great Maui-time, Mark. It sounds wonderful. Re: spirituality and organized religion debate, I have yet to have a spiritual person tell me how to conduct my life - but organized religion seems to be based on control, that is the one common denominator, a sort of them vs. us mentality. Some are better than others - I love Bishop Spong and his version of the damage done by the fundamentalist/literalist mentality. As he calls it "intelligent theology vs. bad theology." It's a debate that continues with me as I, hopefully, grow spiritually. Thank you for your musings - and have a restful, spiritual, fun time. LK, Palm Desert
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Have a Great Holiday Mark, KT, Calgary
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Wishing you a FABULOUS, well deserved holiday! Happy golfing. I am sure Gusta will have a grande time. Take care, CB, Calgary
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Mark - have a wonderful vacation. Maui - so many golf courses, so little time, PI, Bermuda
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Bon voyage, my friend! Have a great time in Maui. While you're walking the pure, sweet beaches of that beautiful island, we will be sweating our @#$%^ off at some silly chili cook-off in the dry, barren AZ desert. Aloha! LR(B), Irvine
Wednesday April 19, 2006 - Year 4, Day 30 - tripping
-5C/28F, calm, pre-sunrise haze on horizon; Gusta romps unaware that tomorrow she’ll be romping at the Country Club Pet Resort . . while I realize I’ll be walking tomorrow without her for the first time since I got her
the wonder pooch must be wondering about me . . absent-minded & frenetic . . it seems I do as much work to prepare for a 10 day holiday as I would for a 10 week one . . hmmm . . there’s a thought
trip planning complete, my pre-trip work load diminishing but some things will be better left to mature & ripen an extra 10 days !
2 sleeps to go . . the challenge to eat every perishable item before I go; odd then I’ll be having salmon, kiwi fruit, blackberry & asparagus sandwiches with corn chowder soup. . but I’ll have to go out to buy bread which will ruin my plan
‘The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway.’ – Henry Boye
gotta run to a meeting . .
happy birthday to JP . .
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
April 18 Responses
Mark, Sorry, but I couldn't ignore the comment from "anonymous". I won't "preach"to "anon." (or to you). According to the "math", if Jesus was 32 at the time of His crucifixion, the "A.D." would put it at 1974 years ago (+/-). Whether the scholars that set up the calendar that we now use were "on the money" about His birth date or not is for another discussion. Your "musing" on the subject is a sharing of your opinion. I appreciate the sharing. I don't feel that I have to espouse belief in any "mused topic", I merely pause to reflect on the musing. And, I enjoy that; so, please continue to "muse and share". Those who feel compelled to "throw stones" at yourmusings could check their "Good Book" and see what is said about "stone throwing". Enough said, except to say "Aloha" and have a great time on Maui. Regards, JN, Newmarket
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Mark, be proud that "anonymous" takes your musing's so personally and that you spark so much emotion with your daily thoughts - be it negative or is still all emotions within us.....I love it...Thank you, JB of Calgary
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Mark: You are taking way too much offense at anon's points he/she was correct onall of the historic points, our ignorance of history is not something to take offense over but rather to challenge us to learn more. Looks like you will have more reading to do while in Maui, JP, Calgary
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HI Mark, Just read the weekend's musings after a long weekend away. Concerning your thoughts on organized religion, I think that everyone chooses what to believe or decides not to think about it. Is it more independent or sophisticated to believe in spirituality rather than in a creed that an organized religion adopts? Or is it more independent to "take the road less traveled" and choose to join a church? Maybe the level of independence is the same since everyone has made their choice. Certainly there is way more support in society for choosing spirituality, but does the support from society mean that choosing spirituality is in fact less independent? I guess you'd have to look at the motivations, is the person choosing spirituality because it is emotionally more comfortable to be part of the majority, or because that way they don't have to deal with other people as part of a church, or because they really believe in it or for some other reason entirely? And since we can't know others' motivations, isn't it unwise to assume that someone who has chosen a path different from ours has made that choice for a specific reason? If assumptions are applied to specific people they lead to factual errors and to gossip, at what point do assumptions become prejudice? The point is that we are all free to choose and depending on the others in our environment choices are more or less popular. All points of philosophy no doubt, but interesting nevertheless, LHE, Calgary
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Mark ... first, I hope you enjoy your well earned vacation! I must agree with you (and we know we don't always agree) about the "anonymous" message regarding your thoughts on religion. Opinion and debate are good for the soul, and to each his/her own ... its a pity anonymous can't see that. KD, Ottawa
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Have a good trip to Maui - you deserve it - I'm going there at the end of May but so far am not counting down my sleeps yet , TK, Calgary
Dear Mark - Regarding your anonymous contributor... EH! that sort of reply is the risk you take by publishing a blog - now you know why it rhymes with flog. I thought your stone turning reference was quite artistic and I don't mind if you got your dates off... artists are not be held accountable for such petty details and besides - maybe you had to get finished so you could start biting the heads off chocolate bunnies! As for the Bible I gave it up when I figured out how much the guys who wrote it hated women. ch, chimacum
Tuesday April 18, 2006 - Year 4, Day 29 - about timing
2C/36F, glorious sunny morning [high temp today in Maui will be 80F] . . lots of evidence along our path, but no critter sightings
yesterday was a great mix; a celebratory lunch with happy clients & meetings with two new clients + revisiting an old prospect . . I was expecting, yet again, a resounding NO
NO has turned to ‘NOT THAT WAY, how about this way?’
sometimes a seed planted, watered from time to time is just waiting for ground to be fertile, sometimes it is about money, sometimes it is about location, sometimes about mood
always, it is about timing
it seems that each time I simplify or attempt to simplify certain things in my life, the solutions are complex than before & with that comes a whole new pile of fun; a worthy project is at hand, worth every ounce of energy & creativity I know how to muster . . . my colleagues & co-conspirators from previous projects will find a tug at their elbow soon; each time I pursue new challenging projects, the solutions are easier to find, the solutions are more elegant, the obstacles seem to be smaller . . or at least easier to climb
trip planning & clearing my desk & frenetically winding up some things is driving me a little bit crazy …but I will survive
about timing - 3 sleeps till Maui bound
anudder ‘ting:
anonymous response from one of you yesterday via the blog would suggest intolerance of someone expressing an opinion they differ with; while I don’t quarrel with your view or chronology, I wonder about someone not brave enough to identify themselves; if your view is right for you, it is right; my view, though different, is right for me - case closed !
Monday, April 17, 2006
April 17 Responses
You are neither a follower nor an historian but you are a preacher. Your Easter Sunday speech has the self-righteous tone of the religious zealots you criticize. Religion has certainly not brought peace to the world; but is that God’s fault or man’s? You’ve heard of free will? Perhaps at least a cursory review of the Bible, even from a purely historical context would enlighten you, before you proclaim your “wisdom” while ignorant of so much of what you criticize. On the historical note, have you heard of Anno Domini? It is Latin for “In the Year of the Lord” and is most often abbreviated as A.D. It is often assumed by those who have not studied history—at even the most basic level—that A.D. stands for “After Death.” The stone turning to which you refer did not occur “some 2006 years ago.” Pontius Pilate was not governor of Judea till 26AD. The EARLIEST that stone turning could have occurred was 1,980 years ago. I frankly welcome the fact that you have the free will not to be “a follower"; but please don't preach to me. Please add an appropriate sticky note to your collection., anonymous
. . ., drink and be merry for tomorrow we die? And then what? What's the purpose if all we ever do it think of ourselves, or do for ourselves? Sad state of affairs I would say as most of us are our worst critic and nothing we ever do can please us. We just keep moving to the next level, to attain something more. But never getting there because as one need is satisfied, we have 3 more. And then what? DB, Calgary
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Well I am pleasantly surprised and happy that you are off on a warm adventure.... Remember to take a least a few moments and let the sun warm your face and enjoy being right were you are at that moment!... , KG, Osoyoos
Monday April 17, 2006 - Year 4, Day 28 - e-motion
-1C/30F, overcast & steady breeze, arch of light in the east, arch of Chinook in the west . . a quick quiet walk/jog; foot seems well prepared for my upcoming golf trip . . dog is unaware she is going on a country club vacation too
just as objects in motion tend to stay in motion, people in motion stay in motion too
thanks to the internet much of that will be e-motion this week
e-motion is great . . now if I could just shuffle paper, think & move at internet speed
frenetic pace of ‘getting ready to get away’ arrived; 4 days to fetch & carry & run & do & finish things amid starting some new files two
of writing & phoning & meetings too; a time when I do two weeks work in 4 days
beam me up Scotty . . I need some of that warp speed stuff
4 sleeps to go . .
Sunday, April 16, 2006
April 16 Responses
Happy Sunday Mark! Perhaps Nose Hill's Peak - where you can actually see the 'island of plenty' - can wait patiently; the big rock is going no where. , BB, Calgary
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Mark, Do you ever get a tune in your cranium that repeats over and over even though you don't want to hum it or even particularly enjoy it? Especially when there is an upcoming event in your life that you are looking forward to. I can't remember who wrote the words "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again." It may have been Joni Mitchell, but it seems to fit in your case especially the going away part. I want to wish you Bon Voyage and say that I've thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the past few months. You deserve the time away and I look forward to your return. All the best and enjoy yourself., AS, Mayerthorpe
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Well said Mark....I heard a profound phrase once...."We cannot change the world ... we can only change ourselves".......thank you for sharing your thoughts and sending your energy our way.......there is a song by the singer Jewel called "these hands" with the the end only kindness simple but so true. JP, Vancouver
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Hey Mark. Your thoughts on organized religon that you expressed today seem pretty close to mine. Spirituality is NOT about control or power but about the Grace that lives in each thing in our lives, connecting with the elements in our lives, the wind, the sun, the earth under our feet, the unseen world around us. I was about ten when I stated that I didn't believe in God as the church saw him, it didn't feel right to me. (My mother and grandmother(whose father was a preacher) were not amused) Not that I think there is no rhythm or reason to my path only that I don't need the fear of hellfire and brimstone poking at me like a sharp stick to stay on my path. I have never needed a church to commune with the great Spirits who offer knowledge to those who care to listen. Oops, I'll get off my soapbox now. talk to you soon, NB, Airdrie
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Have a good trip to Maui - you deserve it - I'm going there at the end of May but so far am not counting down my sleeps yet, TP, Calgary
Sunday April 16, 2006 - Year 4, Day 16 - not a follower
0C/32F, brilliant blue, scarce clouds on horizon, strong west wind; dog chases robins, owner chases dog . . . repeat . . repeat
events, real or imagined, of a Sunday morning stone turning some 2006 years ago gave rise to myth, mystery, faith, holy wars, generosity, kindness, turf wars & every emotion of peace & wrath one can imagine
most western world history has revolved around tangential variances on these beliefs & conflicts they have caused with those who believe something else; each protagonist claiming their belief system version correct . . . clearly it is not about truth, or facts
it’s been about inhumanity, not humanity; about greed, not need; about power & control
for many, today is an important day of faith & worship
for many, it’s just a Sunday morning
for many, it is a day of reflection, of questioning, of searching for meaning, of questioning value & values, of faith, or absence of it
for many, it’s just a Sunday morning
I cannot imagine that I could ever believe in anything where the fundamental premise is control of my belief system – with or without supporting facts – that I would follow anything anyone anywhere
I guess I’m not a follower; not a believer either
I’m far less concerned whether anyone ever turned a stone to find an empty crypt or that someone rose from the dead . . . than I am about how we rise each day to be alive
before death, there should be lots of life
it’s just a Sunday morning . . . rise . . . live & be vital & leave no stone unturned
Saturday, April 15, 2006
April 15 Responses
Came in here with my tea (Olong with ginseng) to work on this weeks presentation I have and see that you are down to counting sleeps until you leave. I have been doing that since I booked my flight overseas early last October. (good price then) Set up a program in Excel with birthday countdowns, so did one for my trip to Taiwan. Have been there before but this time I will spend 5 weeks with the most wonderful person in the world. While I think of it, I am not sure when you will return but starting April 30 until June 5 I will ask you to take me off your email fanouts. Thank you. Boarding of a dog I do not have to worry about that here on my acreage. All have gone to doggie heaven and I am not in a hurry to get another. The cats to have gone from here, one in the motor compartment of my truck and when I stopped she left in hurry scared out of her witts, the other does not wish to stay here now so went to the neighbors but visits occasionally. Still there are other visitors who do a good job mousing. You have a great holiday Mark and I will do some smithing of the presentation as there are 50 PHI's I wish to impress on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, BGM, Edmonton area
Saturday April 15, 2006 - Year 4, Day 16 - tasty delights ahead
1C/34F, sunny & quiet . . the drunks walking by my door @ 4 AM & the geese honking @ 6 AM have gone silent . . much muck exploring means Gusta needs a bath
pooch boarding arrangements made [thanks for all the advice] & errands await
MUCH to get done . . before I go . . MUCH to get done before Monday . .
I need process, instinct & creativity to mix . . . I need a tasty blend-ed result
I need them to; as I work on a challenge, as I write it all down & sort the real issues from the apparent ones . . I’m thinking I should employ yellow sticky notes
to help my plodding + process + procedure + policy . . . effective, but boring – I wonder which elements really bring out the most elegant solution?
tic toc . . , c’mon pooch, lets go
6 sleeps till Maui . . ooh-ha . . . tasty delights ahead
Friday, April 14, 2006
April 14 Responses
Hey Mark, this is to reply to SK in London re: the dog . . . What does your heart say?? Can you teach her to go in a crate ( a large kennel with lots of room) while you are gone. My guess is if she was a racing dog she should be comfortable with a kennel. My dogs love their kennels. Give her treats and chewys and toys to keep her happy while you are gone and leave the radio on. Maybe a neighbor can check on her during the day??? What are the dog's options if you say no? Listen to your heart (gut), if you feel strongly enough that this is the companion for you then the rest will work itself out. Give her a hug for me. NB, Airdrie
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yo - i think i'm on the list a few times...., TW, Chicago
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Hey Mark I like that real estate stuff/reference - it's nice when you can directly relate a little bit here and there to what you say - I have a giant schnauzer "dog" - what a guy - he's a handful!!!!!! I enjoy the peaceful/easiness of your messages - I also can relate to that - although golf season begins here in Caledon in a few days and then, the intensity begins and ends in November - but I love it!!!!! Cheers for now, DH, Caledon Ontario
Friday April 14, 2006 - Year 4, Day 25 - sticky note review
3C/37F, breezy sunny warming, we took a longer walk than usual, no one in sight except worm hunting robins Gusta could not engage in play; day 1 of a 3 day long weekend began with a good long sleep, a good long walk & some perfectly scrambled eggs . . . woven through some pondering
sticky notes = semiotics ?
I’ve read a fair bit about semiotics; where a word represents psychological road signs for us; I find more meaning & value in it as time goes by, as opportunities to use it in my work with clients & in my own planning mature
the great thing about sticky notes is that I can write a hundred of them in an hour, pick them up, move them, rearrange them or trash them any time you want; I’ve found I sometimes go weeks without moving one, while other days I do some radical rearranging . .
a workshop tool I’ve used many times to build a flexible plan which is already manifesting itself in some mysterious ways; like building personal mission, vision, values statements
rejection & neutrality get ditched in the trash . . some more quickly than others, but in due course there will be few sticky notes left on my wall, each with an economy of meaningful words
I’ve been reviewing my ‘sticky notes on the wall’, from 42 a couple of months ago with sporadic additions & deletions only 17 remain today . . .
under “where” these words remain: ocean, mountains, beach, hot, warm, cabin, primary, secondary, Calgary, Hawaii, Vancouver, English speaking, reliable air & internet service
under “lifestyle”, these words have survived: golf, writing, work, passion, lover[s], vital, change the world, 2 homes, travel, dog, family
under “business activities/occupation”, lots of things still swirl & whirl: nothing mediocre, make a lasting contribution, define & build a great internet & media company, media, communications, www, writing, real estate agency, apartment REIT, real estate development/syndication, publishing, golf, travel
what obstacle or opportunity will help or derail my sticky note plans; what’s around my next corner & how soon can I peek ?
amazingly, I find some things I feel are really important . . when reduced to a sticky note on the wall for a few weeks . . . resonate in 1 of three ways; affirmation, rejection or neutrality
have a good friday
Thursday, April 13, 2006
April 13 Responses
Your musing today reminded me of quote by T.S. Eliot. ‘We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.’ T. S. Eliot, Little Gidding Thanks, JL, Calgary
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Thank you for sending me these insightful messages ., BS, Calgary
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Hi Mark; In looking forward at that which one is supposed to do, one can either be focused or aimless, so to speak. In any case, the former is a definite direction, whereas that latter leads to more confusion and frustration. It seems to me that "your vision, is your future...." One can decide which way shall I go, how much will I do, how long will I do my vision.... Mark Victor Hansen et al have an excellent book, textbook really, called "Focus...." One needs a vision; do some "visioneering." The right place is "in your vision...." You can do anything you dare to dream. Dream, believe, achieve.... Cheers, LK
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Hiya Mark, I've been out with my new dog walking and thinking too. Well, I say she's our dog but we have her on a week's trial period as she is already a matureracing dog who has never been a family pet and she is unusually big and strong. Can we really cope? I think we've already taught her not to sit on the sofa or grab food, she doesn't poop indoors and she's not at all aggressive. But she's HUGE and Ican't just spontaneously run out on my own for half an hour without worrying about her. How will we manage in the winter when I'm out at work all day? We have till Tuesday to make up our minds. I can see the benefit of having to get up 40 mins earlier every day to feed and walk the dog but what if I'm delayed at work at the end of the day? Is it fair on her? Sometimes my son has football practice after school and can't get home early either. This is what's making me feel it might not be a good idea to go through with it. It's easy now during the Easter break but what about next week? I'll throw this question to the floor. SK, London
Thursday April 13, 2006 - Year 4, Day 24 - in the right place
3C/37F, sky best described as ‘mixed media’, chilly wind should yield to a warm sunny day; Gusta’s appetite & pulling power returned to ‘all full ahead’
Happy Pasech to our Jewish friends as Passover has begun + Easter weekend approaches for the Christians & lovers of chocolate bunnies – may you all enjoy new foods, old foods & strange foods; to all those who are celebrating holidays & traveling, eat well & drive safely
the story goes that Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years to find the only place in the region where there was no oil – but maybe that was not what he was looking for
perhaps we’ve all used a few decades of wandering to arrive somewhere . .
then to wonder if we are really in the right place
as I examine ‘must do’ things that fill my days – I wonder what’s the rush & where are we going ?
where am I going ? are time, place & reason right ? or, were they once right but now not ?
it strikes me that we lead, follow or wander
when we are young & learning life we follow; later we lead some of the time
still later, we lead most of the time . .
but what are we doing when neither leading or following is in our actions ?
busy days follow busy days - I lose sight sometimes, unsure if I am leading or following because I am so busy ‘doing’
recent events galvanized my thoughts; my wanderings I consider ‘think time’ because I am leading & have not relinquished that role
sometimes I am leading a team, a group, a client, a friend, a stranger . . leading them to some place they think they might want to go – I like that work a lot
sometimes I am leading me . . some place, somewhere I think I might want to go; stalled at the side of the road once in a while . . but never turning back
this journey of speed bumps, hiccups & trauma minimizing; no chore better, no job more fun, no hill so steep or so worth the climb
along the way, we all get a chance to help each other; some people help us a little, some a lot; some people show us so graphically which way ‘not to go’, some show us previews of how we do not want to live, love or lose it – some set gentle brilliant examples; in my life I have many such treasures
some precious people give us warm moments, clear thought & perspective . . few have every helped me as much as my friend Anne from Idaho [AI] who, among other things, has a spirit of warmth that is incredible that stays with me even though I’ve not talked to her in months; she celebrates another ring on the tree-trunk of life today, but I know she can bear it easily!
she takes up residence in hearts & minds of people she touches
she’s in the right place
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
April 12 Responses
Mark - How lucky you are to have compartments in your brain - so much more convenient for sorting things out. My brain is like those huge lollypops they used to offer at fairs and such. one strand of color alternating and spiraling around the other. Not exactly convenient for sorting but if you want to synthesize my brain is the tops. CH, Chimacum Washington
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Hi Mark, I am heading to Australia tomorrow for a month (Queensland only) and would ask that you hit pause on my emails from April 14th until I get back May 10th. And The Country Club Pet Resort mentioned by SA has remained a very fond memory for me as I worked there for the summer one year when I was 16 (16 years ago now, and today is my birthday) was the most enjoyable job I have ever had!All the best, Mark! I look forward to running into you at event one of these days!Sincerely, JD, Calgary
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Mark, sometimes ten halves don't make a whole, just a hole. Start climbing. You want to be whole and out of the hole in time for 18 more compelling holes in Maui., RH, Calgary
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Hi Mark, As I mentioned yesterday, I hope that when you are in Maui lounging and breathing all the splendor of the world you can spare a little moment to snag me some nifty postcards. Think of the stories you can tell! "I was there in the giftshop picking up some beautiful, witty and charming postcards for Keith when all of a sudden, the most beautiful woman in town breezed in... with her twin sister and their supermodel cousins! Our eyes met, and then..." All the best, thanks and love, KL, Calgary
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Hi Mark, As I was reading I thought about counting the number of halves. When I got to the end of that para, you'd already counted them. Your writing style is easy and clear - and prolific. Lots more depth in the writing than I experienced in the conversation we had recently. My life is easing up a bit now and I'm coming up for air. You leave soon for Hi - wonderful - enjoy - no doubt you will. Do give PELE my heart felt greetings, And please have a swim for me. The ocean is where I feel best.I'm probably a descendant of a mermaid or something just as exotic., TP, Toronto
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Hi, It was nice to have shared some of your days, however kindly remove me from your distribution list. Thanks, DV, Calgary
Wednesday April 12, 2006 Year 4, Day 23 - ½ my brain
-1C/30F, calm, clear sky, sun rising blaze of colour; we walked around the lagoon . . now reduced to two puddle shapes, finally devoid of ice remnants; Gusta seems to be short on appetite, long on energy . . she eats [or trys to] everything in site when we walk – I think she ate something that disagrees with her
my thoughts divided this morning – ½ my brain focused on a very significant exciting new project, ½ my brain focused on deals in progress, ½ my brain focused on current business prospects, ½ my brain focused on Maui . . . , ½ my brain focused on adventure, ½ my brain focused on the pile of things I MUST do before I go away, ½ my brain focused on a client’s branding future, ½ my brain focused on building a new business, ½ my brain focused on getting myself from ‘stuck’ to ‘in gear’ on my book manuscript, ½ my brain focused on the weekend = 5 brains
5 . . that’s odd . . some people say I have 2
can’t imagine how I could get through my day with only 1
work calls . . must answer . .
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
April 11 Responses
Hi Mark, Although I've loved your messages, I do need to ask you to remove me from your list. Thanks for all the "deep thoughts" Cheers, SM, Calgary
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I know that you probably already have a lovely place for Gusta to sleep...or even a nice person to come to your house to stay with her while you are away...but if you are ever looking for a kennel to take her I used to work there and still take my dog, friend's dogs, etc. to the "Country Club Pet Resort and Memorial Park" near Langdon AB...about 14 kms east on 22X. When I am driving there with my dog she begins toget really really excited, (dog park, or someone coming home excited - you know it is a good thing). She has such a good time she comes home after and sleeps for two days. When we go on vacation, she goes on vacation too!, SA, Calgary
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AH! I had this same experience today while facilitating a strategic planning workshop for a group.............. and another group last week! So much achieved in the course of one day!, ry, Onoway
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Hi Mark; Give Gusta a tickle for me.....and you too. Bebe :), Calgary
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Thanks for suggesting going to the Worlds Fastest Indian last weekend. That was the best movie I've seen in years! Great restaurant as well. I left info I was going to forward you at work .Cheers, PM, Calgary
Tuesday April 11, 2006 - Year 4, Day 22 - lions gather
3C/37F, raining again/still; animals not pairing yet, but they must be thinking about it – Gusta, the happiest water dog in Evergreen struggles with the command ‘stay outta the muck’ while her owner is grateful for gore-tex
I’ll snorrffle through this day, neo-citron as my constant companion
belated happy ‘freedom55 day’ wish to MM; you cannot retire early because look 45
I think job satisfaction is misunderstood
I admire anyone who works hard, tries hard, deals with things that are hard
every time I see it I am amazed & thrilled; unlikely sources every time
when people feel open & safe to express views, the things they talk about passionately reflect this quality so completely it might as well ooze from their pores
discussion of concepts & problem solving & marketing cannot disguise it
yesterday I met with more than 30 people; each for the first time - some I’ll see again, others will likely never again cross my path
I was struck by a common thread in both meetings; in one case executives of an oil & gas industry supply firm – the other a gathering of immigrant women searching for jobs
they don’t wave their credentials, brag of their accomplishments, wishes & dreams
they did not talk as much about where they are headed as much as they did where they have been, what they’ve come through; they talked about who they are
whether describing a business or a person, they could not help themselves
it leaks out, oozes out . . it colours everything they say
. . . they showed their pride
we talk about this far too little, but it oozes out of us all
for me it is my children & my work, for yesterday’s client it was their company & business process, for those women it was ‘who they are’
too often our materialistic society equates job satisfaction with perks & cash & titles & office size – too often our definition of satisfaction is measured by the freedom to make decisions & to be empowered . . all good things, but not the pinnacle
when lions gather to form a group it is called a pride; I like that . . .
April 10 Responses
Aloha Mark, I would like to stay in touch but please remove me from your daily mailing have too many other priorities. ALoha, JW, Kona, Hawaii
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So you like to walk. Good. Old is dragging. I like the feel of new. Talk soon., SL, Kihei, Hawaii
Monday, April 10, 2006
Monday April 10, 2006 - Year 4, Day 21 - solutions
4C/37F, everything wet & dark . . tree buds silhouette as sunrise colours squeezed through the clouds; we walked fast as my foot seems to be back to normal
AW & I swung our clubs for the first time yesterday; not that 9 holes @ Fox Hollow is a test of golfing skill, it was a nice little tune-up
a new week, new beginnings, new projects . . NEW seems to be a good theme word for this week; helping clients wrestle with some issues where urgent, important & priorities collide
my mind is focused on two tasks today
1st is to lead a seminar presentation to a group of immigrant women to help them to effectively compete & succeed . . to help them understand expectations of their employers & present a solution that can be effective for them
the 2nd, a meeting this afternoon with a new client to help them make some important changes to part of their business process; no doubt they too have needs to effectively compete & succeed . . to understand expectations of their stakeholders & present a solution that can be effective for them
a full day & busy week of NEW awaits . . . tic toc
Sunday, April 09, 2006
April 9 Responses
Hey Kolke.... One more sleep and we're off ....hoping to be golfing on Tues. Have a great time...., Kn
Sunday April 9, 2006 - Year 4, Day 20 - Indian time
6C/41F, overcast, Gusta sniffing happily in the wet from a big rain overnight; no beach in site, no sound of waves crashing or flowers blooming . . 12 sleeps till I am Maui-bound; 12 days to mend a sniffle & ‘cure’ my left foot
movie recommendation:
PM & I went to see the World’s Fastest Indian last night; incredible true story worth every penny of a full price ticket – more than any other thing lately it has reinforced for me the joy of stress & risk & hard work & chasing dreams
it’s not about a single thing that is unrealistic for any of us; the motorcycle is an incredible metaphor, so is Burt Munro
AW & I are doing our first round of golf for the year this morning
. . must go now, white dimpled ball awaits
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Saturday April 8, 2006 - Year 4, Day 19 - I did it on purpose
5C/41F, awakened by honking geese on the puddle formerly known as a lagoon across the road [city crews pulled the plug to make room for run-off] light cloud & calm; we walked late but saw no critter, bird or deer
enjoy the joy
as you grope along in daily life - at tasks, relationships & as you strive for anything – may you enjoy the joy of having a purpose in what you do
let no one say it was an accident, let them say you did it on purpose
do you remember hearing these words growing up: ‘you did it on purpose’ !
never the question, ‘did you do it on purpose ?’, but the accusation . . or worse, the conviction & sentence without trial – convicted of a prank, breaking something or some rule
sometimes some things just need a push; who would have known they would fall down the stairs & smash into a million pieces . . . who would have known that a blonde pony tail dipped in an inkwell would require a haircut ?
for me, remembering those accusations of parent, teacher or older kid – recalling how it was meant to scold or shame for some perceived misdeed of mine
sometimes true, sometimes it just looked that way - early lessons taught that doing something on purpose almost always had consequences
still true !
every day I rest easy knowing that my accounting, laundry & a million things are not in order, but knowing that my life is in order – because I lived my day on purpose
on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose
if I am at the centre of any discussion, however trivial, however crucial . . please, let it be because of something I did rather than something I did not do
criticized or rewarded - for anything - I never want it to be for something I did without thinking, without action, without sense of purpose, without intent & intensity
as I prepare this weekend for three important & vastly different presentations this coming week, the issue of - ‘living deliberately’ vis-à-vis living accidentally vis-à-vis to just let everyone else & everything else unfold without making any decision – is very much on my mind
each are valid options for different cases, different people, different times
what is the purpose of this thing we are doing, what is your purpose, what purposeful things can we do that will make a difference to this project, this task, this group, your life ?
is your life deliberate ?
are you doing things on purpose ?
it can be fun, it can be hard; it can be work, it can be play; it can be alone, it can be in a group
maybe one day, if my kids choose to put my remains in the ground somewhere, a headstone will say ‘he did it on purpose & it ALWAYS had consequences’
because I do & it does
Friday, April 07, 2006
April 7 Responses
Hey! Look, I'm commenting! I've been thinking a lot about this topic lately as I think about re-entering the dating world, and I believe that every person we meet is someone we can learn from and/or someone we can rub off on. If their view of the world is completely contrary to our own, their beliefs and opinions have value and there is always something we can learn, we just need to look for it. So many interesting people inhabit this world and each one has something to contribute, even if they don't know it yet. Just my two sense :) Have a wonderful day! Love CK, Edmonton
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Mark, Thanks for your kind note yesterday. When I received it I was preparing to return home from my Mother's funeral, and had some quiet time to contemplate life - and muse - and thank God for my sweet Mother and for kind friends (like you). You couldn't have known it when you wrote it, but at the exact instant on Wednesday morning when you sent out the "it gets better" musing I was sitting in her funeral service. Of course I didn't read it until later that day, but it brought a smile to my heart, and reminded me that life goes on - and it gets better! Thanks, KK, Calgary
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Gosh, now I'm dying to know what "really weird" is and what could disturb a fairly free thinker like you. Hmmmm. cch, Chimacum Washington
Friday April 7, 2006 - Year 4, Day 18 - theory v. reality
4C/39F, drizzling still this morning; an arch in the west endorses prediction of warmer weather this weekend; my thighs are burnin’ this morning after doing stair-master hill last night – we went down to Fish Creek . . Gusta roamed all the muck & came back burr coated & exhausted
the rational side of my brain accepts bizarre [to me] beliefs of people without my skepticism affecting my view of the person . . that’s my theory
when I hear people speak of things I know about or find familiar, I take them at face value to see them somewhat objectively [including those totally right brain accounting types or left brain artists & architects] - I like to think I let my opinion form by seeing them in action & gauging their personality no matter how foreign their views might be
last time I saw her we saw The Graduate [memories of that failed date 36 years ago did not deter me]; I had coffee yesterday with SH, auld acquaintance from school days – someone I had a big crush on in junior high [yes, BH, I’ve tracked down another of your former students]
connecting for a chat & coffee to talk over old times & school day friends could be fun; innocent enough I suppose though unrealistic to expect rekindling of something that never really kindled before
that’s theory
sorry SH, but I was unable to hide my reaction; I did not mean to be or want to be rude, but when I meet someone whose views [maybe you WERE abducted by space aliens who implanted those ‘way beyond new-age’ ideas] seem really weird to me, my reaction is to completely dismiss the person, not just the ideas, out of hand, perhaps missing lots of wonderful things, but the things I consider ‘really weird’ overtakes any generous & kind view I might have had
that’s reality
maybe if we chat again . . I'll be able to hide that view & be more pleasant company
must go now
Gusta is having a daytime nightmare complete with very amusing sound effects; I'll tell her it is all just a dream
April 6 Responses
For those who are spiritually inclined (deep down aren't we all?), I came across a wonderful little book "Searching for Home...Spirituality for Restless Souls" by Craig Barnes. For the past six months I have been approaching a fork in the road. Two weeks ago I took "the road less traveled." I awake each morning encouraged to know that, in the words of Barnes, "When we no longer attempt to contain God to a particular fork in the road, and see him less as a traffic cop and more as the wild and sacred Lover of our souls, we are free to see that the fork in the road in just a fork in the road." Cheers to all who are at the fork or taking the road less traveled. GD
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How come we always have to make choices? Once again your musings and the Robert Frost poem struck a chord with me. Two jobs many reasons to take either….. equal number against and of course the one I really want to take is the one that pays very poorly. Should I worry about my future or once again throw caution to the wind. I have decided to fly out on Sunday morning. Just can’t get myself organized earlier and it may be no motivation. I am tired and want to go the cabin to recharge before I start work. I need to breathe the ocean air, smell the cedars, hang out in front of the fire, watch the birds and dig in the dirt. Others feel that I need to socialize. I will try to find a balance. I am coming back on Sunday the 16th. I will call you when I am in Calgary. If you have time maybe we can have coffee that morning. DB, Red Deer
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Hi Mark, Haven't written in for ages but I've been reading. Several times I've mentioned that when things get settled or cosy in my life, I deliberately throw a spanner into the works just to liven it up. Sometimes a real risk, other times just a change in routine. Now the big commitment. A dog. My son and I are going to see a retired racing greyhound with a view to adopting her. So I could soon be walking and musing too. The visit to Canada is still in the planning stage. Banff's not cheap is it? But still, it's only money and I'd promised myself a fabulous birthday treat this year. Best do it before I get too old. Perhaps I could have afforded to do it years ago if I hadn't take the path less trodden. But hell, I got here by the scenic route. Have a nice time in Maui (safe option). Best wishes, SK, London, UK
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Thursday April 6, 2006 - Year 4, Day 17 - time is all we have
+3C/37F, drizzling again/still . . so refreshing . . or maybe it was sleeping late that makes me feel so good this morning ? . . walking fast & late does put a spring into my step
condolences to KK on our loss . .
yesterday’s responses prove once again the common ground we share on many fronts; each time any of us have something surprising, confusing or traumatic happen it seems, in the moment, like we are the only person in the world this has ever happened to – therefore how could anyone possibly understand ?
but they do; call it collective hand holding – reach out, reach up, stretch . . someone will be there to help
this day, no better or worse than the last one or the next one
each one offers us the opportunity to in, to grab a fistful of ideas, thrills & energy
or, we can let it pass
let it go by, unused, wasted . . unaffected by us, the world will turn & nothing will change
each day has a very short shelf life
I’ve lost too many days along my path to ever waste another
I will likely live another 40 years, but if I consider the possibility it might be much shorter, I need to be in a hurry to get in all the things I want so badly to do . .
like the grains of sand in the hourglass, time is always running out
time is all we have
it is the greatest wealth, lack of it is the greatest poverty
nothing else matters
use it or lose it
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
April 5 Responses
Kolke for Premier - Mark, you always surprise! A realtor who reads Robert Frost ... rrreally. We need a renaissance man for Premier of Alberta but I'm not sure there is any one in Alberta who qualifies. Maybe I've been away too long and rusting on the wet coast? Of course, we had the premier of Fantasy Land, living in a castle and counting his cash. C'est la guerre. Keep on a-Musing., JD, Vancouver
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I am new to the list and have been reading (though not thoughtfully) for thepast couple of days. Today, I have goose bumps! As GD in Calgary, I haverecently resigned, leaving a very stable job to begin a new career in acompletely different field. This "step of faith" is so unlike me; the rebelwho has always learned the hard way and have grown in perseverance and have,over the years chosen the safe path, until a couple of weeks ago. As soonas I shed the guilt and fear of leaving (my security), I have not lookedback, every day is refreshing and new, my "new security". The road lesstravelled reminds me of my beginnings and of a very special adult ed Englishteacher who saw more in my than I could see in myself, who helped me believein myself and yes, to think about the "Road not taken"; there is a choice.In that, I am reminded of the pure exhilaration of giving and not letting myright hand know what my left is doing, that is....until you tell, then itsall for not. We are so very predictable, are we not? I encourage you totry, give knowing that you and the receiver are the only ones who will everknow. Can you do it? Maybe it might be hours, or days, or maybe even yearsbefore you just can't hold, you receive the praise. But then what happensinvariably is the exhilaration is gone in that very moment you speak. Hummmm. Yes, the road less traveled ! DDB, Calgary
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Thanks Mark. AJB, Calgary
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Mark, Sandra here in Idaho! When I read today's musing it was like a wake up call to move ahead out of my life- on- hold paralysis! "Just start, it gets better!" will be my word for the week!! I have been standing like Frost's perennially hesitant walking partner where the two roads diverged, gazing as far as I can see, straining to try to predict which way to choose. I must admit, I've never really read this poem thoughtfully. The two-choice dilemma seems redundant, but in so many ways it's my reluctance to fully choose either one, which causes a deep sense of pain, confusion and fear. To take that first step in decision brings a momentum after the fact, but it's that 'starting' to move which is hard. Will I regret the one, and long for the other; what might have been? Choosing to invest in this relationship, or that one, is my current two roads. Two perfectly good men; two potential loves and lives; two beckoning me onward with a sense of adventure, discovery. One has no children; I have four grown. The other has two younger children, my grandchildren's age! Reason would say, don't walk that path! Been there, done that! Ah, the free life with the one; the responsibilities with the other. Love doesn't level these paths....Choices, but I will be forced to move soon, one way or the other. I must believe it gets better or I'll walk away and go back the way I came! , SW, Coeur d'Alene
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Mark, I always wondered about the source for "the road less travelled"...., TS, Calgary
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must tell you that you are a prolific writer because I don't know where Robert Frost ends and you begin. It's refreshing to know there are men out there with the sensitivity, vulnerability and wisdom, that have the ability to reach others in such a profound way. You blow my mind....can't wait to meet you....Warmly, JP, Vancouver
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When true friends meet in adverse hour;'Tis like a sunbeam through a shower.A watery way an instant seen,The darkly closing clouds between." - Sir Walter ScottMark, thanks for being a sunbeam through this dark time. Today is only grey and I'm hopeful and willing to see the sun so that I can reinvent myself., DL, Calgary
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Morning, Your musing so reminds me of my experience last weekend driving up to the ski hill..............I drove into a fog patch, all I could see was the yellow line. Immediately my body tensed, I felt closed in, fearful.............and then as quickly as I drove into the fog, I came out of it..............into brilliant sunshine and a clear blue sky. I immediately realized how life was like that. We find ourselves in a fog, not knowing what to do, not seeing anyway out, feeling fearful...........but just beyond there is something amazing waiting for us............."forward momentum" is required, coupled with a knowing that we can manifest a beautiful life experience for ourselves. It's a beautiful day.........I can feel it!! , DV, ?
Wednesday April 5, 2006 - Year 4, Day 16 - it gets better
+4C/39F, drizzzzzzle . . wonderful spring shower drizzle to wash off the dust; water dog is happy, heel feels great[finally] . . we walked long & fast
how many times have we heard words like these ? :
‘the car’s a wreck, but everyone’s OK’, or, ‘some scrapes & bruises, but nothing’s broken’
when life delivers tough blows, the shock & pain of the moment seems excruciating, horrible to bear . . these moments blind us to seeing opportunities or anything positive, and
it gets better
seeing a new course of action, a new path to take is difficult when our eyes are red & swollen, of if they are just closed, and
it gets better
the path to take is different for everyone, the issue not so much of which path to take but one of forward momentum, and
it gets better
I don’t remember the last time I was down in deep-funk land, but I know I didn’t stay there long because I knew . . . it gets better
one of my favorites: Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken (1915)
[usually interpreted as an assertion of individualism, but critic Lawrence Thompson argues it is a slightly mocking satire on a perennially hesitant walking partner of Frost's who always wondered what would have happened if he had chosen their path differently]
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth.Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same.And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.
it gets better
pick a path for today & start walking
or walking & writing
or walking & something else
just start
it gets better
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
April 4 Responses
A timely muse, Mark. I've just resigned my CEO position after ten years of service. Thank you for the reminder of open windows ahead, GD, Calgary
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Mark, funny thing happen on the way to un-subscribing. I was writing to you todayto ask that I be removed from your mailing list. The reason is that I am simply not reading your daily thoughts. Here is what I wrote...I was recently "dismissed" from a large oil and gas company and though the pain was intense at the time, the world is dealing me a wonderful hand as I begin my consulting and coaching practice. There is definitely an abundance of work that exists both personally and corporately. Suffice to say that I have not been actively reading your muses and would like to ask that you remove me from your mailing list for the time being. Thank you and I look forward to returning once a routine can be developed so I may enjoy your thought and the replies from others." Then out of curiosity or to pay my last respects, I read your thoughts today...well...your piece about comforting a friend changed my mind. Please let him/her know that my ship is not very far ahead of theirs. The watersare not always smooth but at least you are navigating the ship and you canfreely explore any direction that they choose. SZ, Calgary . . PS. Leave me on the list.
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Hi All, In my opinion Klein's great legacy is that he is the only premier who, over a sustained period, did not spend every dollar that came in. Some have managed this feat for a couple of years, but Klein stayed the course for about a decade, although obviously not in the past few years. Things aren't better in provinces where every penny was spent. Health care waiting lists are just as long or longer on average in those provinces and the social cause people are unhappy there too. As far as the $400 goes, the social cause people always want to help the poor by hiring the middle class into a larger government. I (former social worker) think that if most - not all - of the poor had a little more cash they would not need the poverty industry. If a few wealthy people get $400 they don't need, it is worth it because the other 80% could use the money. There isn't enough money in the world to satisfy those who make their living by giving others what the system thinks they need, rather than what the public actually wants. And as far as our health and education systems go, I am surprised that there are people so naive that they think these systems would actually spend any new money on anything useful. Health and education spend new money on maintaining civil service jobs, for example using mental health money provided for Calgary but spent in Ponoka and Claresholm. Or they fund the latest fad in their industries. That's my rant for today. LHE, Calgary
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Release the negative.....embrace the new fresh opportunism.....take a news fast and use the time and mental freedom to live in the NOW!, Aloha, JW, Hawaii
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Thankyou for sharing "musing" with me. Wow.....I must have been hiding under a rock or something since my divorce, feel like a mere mortal compared to the energy of folks out there although I have begun to come out of my shell lately. I love to learn what makes people tick....their thoughts and their's contagious don't you think? My nephew is a Buddhist and teaches Tai chi. Just to be in his presence is healing, he has a gift for sure but he taught me the mind body connection and the importance of good health. I guess I am more of an observer, a good listener, than a participant., JP, Vancouver
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You like Mark Twain. He also said, "Its better to deserve honours and not have them than to have them and not deserve them". Who can tell?, VJP, Calgary
Tuesday April 4, 2006 - Year 4, Day 15 - loss is gain
+3C /37F, calm, sunny & warm – we walked late & alone . . amazing how much excitement a dog puts into sniffing around for just ‘the right place’ to drop a load – followed by such a happy frisky look . . perhaps a lesson there for humans ?
thanks to MW . . . for hosting dinner & a hockey game last night; enjoyed meeting your friends & a great game
small world moments continue to amaze me . . thanks DB, I think I’ll make the call
I’ve changed my life, lifestyle & jobs many times; while having a business fail [June 6, 1986..but who keeps track of these things ?] but I’ve not been on the receiving end of a ‘firing experience’
I’ve had friends along the way who have had them – always traumatic in the moment – but almost always, a better road is ahead; their short term pain really turns into long term gain
the freedom is not just a short-time opportunity to explore daytime TV & lawyer’s contingency fee agreements; it is more than choosing a new direction/stepping stone in a career, but the great opportunity to leave the confines/imprisoning nature of an unhappy place, to escape a cruel regime & sprint to freedom like a refugee
I am writing this in part to comfort a friend who needs to wallow in self-pity for a short while, but not for long; for a friend who resisted exploring new opportunities while tethered to the mother-ship who now has been cut loose
this morning I read a paper filled with news of death, tragedy & political drama & obits
I read a paper with stories about triumph & overcoming challenges & births
cut loose
foot-loose . .
loss is gain
a door closed
many windows just opened
Monday, April 03, 2006
April 3 Responses
Mark, I hope all is well with you. I have to say I appreciate your daily notes when I have a chance to read them, but nonetheless time for that indulgence seems to be less and less frequent. For that reason, and to help me reduce the growing flow into my email, I'd like you to take me off your distribution list. Thanks, JR, High River
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Hello Mark, I've certainly enjoyed reading your emails...from someone else in the office. I was wondering if you could add me to your list, I'll take SD's spot! Your Monday feelings are certainly true......thx, EH, Calgary
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Hi Mark, thanks for remembering to add me to your list again. I've had a chance to catch up on e-mails since I got back from my wonderful adventure, and I was pleasantly surprised to find your "musing" when I came to work this a.m. What a great way to start the week! we went to Brazil (took in Carnivale in Rio de Janeiro - spectacular; spent a week on the island of Ilhe Grande - a paradise; did a Pantanal Trek out of Campo Grande – an amazing experience), Bolivia (visited Santa Cruz, La Paz, and Copacabana) and Peru (visited Puno, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and Lima – Peru is a beautiful country). The only thing we had booked was our plane ticket to Brazil and our plane ticket home from Lima, Peru. Nothing else was planned/or booked – we were spontaneous on the whole trip. We had a wonderful time and have brought back many great memories, LW
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Mark, some time ago your Musing of the day included the quote from Mark Twain"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.". A profound verse. Well, I have done my version of what that other Mark intended. I have resigned from my current employer and will let the trade winds take me where they will as long as they take me to Wet Coast (Victoria) by September! Regards, BM, Calgary
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EVD may say: "On Wednesday this week, at two minutes & three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06". However, this is not technically correct in Canada, since officially dropping the mm/dd/yy (and dd/mm/yy) format 30 years ago. Back around 1976, Canada adopted Metric (the implemenation to SI was actually phased in over several years), and with it we adopted ISO dating. For 30 years, Canada's official date format has been yyyy-mm-dd. With time added, the format adds hh:mm:ss to the indicator. At best then, one could abbreviate the year (although not technically correct) and say on May 4, at 1 second and 2 minutes after 3:00 AM we will be at: 06-05-04 03:02:01 For those interested in the transition to SI or Metric, there are now 3 countries left in the world not currently switching to metric. They are Liberia, Burma and some place called the United States!, . . . and . . on the Ralph Klein issue: Let's remember a few facts here: In the 2004 provincial election, the PC's only received 47.07% of the vote. Hardly an overwhelming approval rate. Had it not been for the way seats are allcoated in Alberta, the PC's would have a 'minority' government (no wonder the PC's aren't interested in proportional representation). I read that an opinion poll puts Klein at 70% support - but polls have their problems. The widest opinion poll numbers we have are from the last election. So, if the population of the province gives him 47.07% support, and his own delegates gives him 55%, perhaps the party is finally listening to the public! Personally, I believe Klein is an embarrassment to the province, and always has been. Several articles reviewing his purported achievements have determined that his activities had virtually no impact on the growth of the economy in this province. What Klein had was control over the media and the ability to quash opinions contrary to his (or at least relegate them to the back pages of any news paper). Who can better pander to the desires of big business yet have media constantly quote his self described image as a "man of the people"! Time to move on Ralph, KW, Calgary
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Could you add my mother who lives in Vancouver and myself to your email list please? Thank you Mark, I have been really enjoying your emails., JB, Calgary
Monday April 3, 2006 - Year 4, Day 14 - saving daylight
+3C/37F & sunny. . . a chilly breeze from the west, Gusta more playful than me – clearly we need some time at the off-leash park; we saw lots of traffic – small dogs, honking geese in pairs & morning rush vehicles
on Wednesday this week, at two minutes & three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06 [thanks to EvD for this one!]
now daylight saving time is here; I am going to see what I can save of that hour a day of additional daylight; maybe I’ll read a book or write one or sleep or not
up at 3:30 . . worked till 6:30, then a power nap; refreshed, coffee-dd & walked I am ready to greet my Monday
I think I saved an hour or two already; maybe I’ll invest them in my tomorrow
I see everyone rushing off to work; to finish last week’s unfinished business today so they can save Monday’s work for tomorrow, such is the Monday motivation for many I expect; based on the speed of traffic most of them want to save even more time because they are in such a rush
most Mondays are a leisurely blank page which, together with Sunday night fatigue, see me drift a bit till noon reading & organizing the ‘must do today’ pile, reading my Sunday New York Times that always seems to arrive a day late; if it is unread old news, is it still news ?
before ringing phones, commitments & obligations fill the balance of the week I have this false sense of security with a largely blank calendar . . only 3 things scheduled; I’ll rest up so I’ll have more energy tomorrow - I’ll work out & work & play a little, saving my best stuff for tomorrow
if I use saved daylight time in the evening, will it light up the room ? will she ?
April 2 Responses
do have to agree with MW's comments concerning Ralph Klein. Here is a man who didn't back down from going against the grain for what he believed in. I am ashamed this is what we call politics!! And what a kick in the rear for a job certainly more well done than not. And what a slap in the face to be humiliated like this. Ralph always said let the people decide. I suspect if the people of this province were asked today if Ralph should stay until 2007 the results would be unanimous. As far as someone to take his place when the time comes, there is only one candidate I can think of with enough integrity to ever gain my vote. EK, Calgary
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MW said it well. The Conservative Party didn't handle this. Is this the future - clumsy people at the helm? LHE, Calgary
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Mark, I have enjoyed reading your views over the last few weeks, however given the volume of messages I seem to be receiving these days I will have to ask you to remove me from your list. Thanks, SD, Calgary
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Sunday April 2, 2006 - Year 4, Day 13 - more or less
+2C/34F, sunny, calm & dead quiet along our walk . . . neighbourhood sleeps on ‘old time’ forgetting daylight saving time change, as did I
I’ve had a sleep-in morning that has me running later than expected but having this morning’s session @ the convention cancelled made up for it + I am well rested !
and . . . they are off
a race has begun . . .
some still angling toward the starting gate
others already rounding the first of many turns
the race will be more marathon than sprint
the race will be more about character than speed
the race will be more about brains than style
it will be less about those who have than those who have not
it will be less about programs than philosophy
it will be less about issues du jour than policy
it will be less about money than quality
it will be less about greed than need
it will be less about power than people
it will be less about who you know than who you are
it will be less about ideology than character
it will be less about knowledge than wisdom
it will be less about financing than intellectual capital
I am wondering about the qualities, vision, ideas & character of our next leader, next premier
I know several of the ‘unofficial candidates’, others I don’t know at all
people will sometimes follow a passionate though misguided leader for a while
but they will never follow a passionless one anywhere
the contenders all have something in common: they’ve not uttered a visionary word, not a syllable to define who they are or what they stand for, presuming I suppose that we will treat the future of Alberta like a high school popularity contest - about this they are mistaken
none have shown anything yet but the ability to smile, shake hands & say polite things – all of which I can get from any greeter at Wal-Mart
someone . . one at least . . I hope
or maybe several - will raise the bar of debate to a level we can see
someone, I hope, will raise it higher still
the very party who showed Ralph & his cadre of Peters the door – telling him to go sooner rather than later, are thirsty for intellect & vision & passion & hard work from a clear thinking smart leader, a combination we’ve not had since Peter Lougheed days – it’s time !
“Drastic action can be costly, but it can be less expensive than continuing inaction.”
- Richard Neustadt
more or less
April 1 Responses
Hi Mark; My new office email is Nice to hear from you. Cheers from the north., LK, Edmonton
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Good God Mark.....has he ever been known to be graceful and eloquent!! Rather a man outspoken and brusque most often, who swings away in the trenches. At the very least he should be allowed to leave in the manner which represents how he is and not how others feel he "should be". In hindsight, hasn't he accomplished much with a little attitude. Trust me, I'm not a conservative follower, but I do respect people who give great effort of themselves for the good of others. Those who accomplish much. Ralph has certainly been good for this province and absolutely the person in a good position at the right time. Wouldn't it be amazing if voters could admit that some horrendous things could have happened during his reign. Perhaps it's an opportunity to reflect on the good which has been accomplished and for the rest of the group to be gracious and eloquent, instead of how selfish it all appears. But then, that's politics....knives sharpened, guns drawn and mouths flapping. On any day I'd vote for the person who rolls up their sleeves and actually does the job, than those who expect center stage toting their noisemakes. Perhaps if folks could see beyond the color blue for a few moment; I'm not asking them to change their stripes; but just really see what the alternatives could have been.......they'd recognize success and be thankful. I can just hear it now. When the party goes down, they'll all be blaming Ralph for hanging on. Oh the drama of it all., MW, Calgary
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Saturday April 1, 2006 - Year 4, Day 12 - time to go
+2C/36F, overcast & breezy; we went east & south of the lagoon where Gusta discovered gopher holes or, moreover, the odors the come from gopher holes; there is a lesson there I think about simple pleasures being best
for contenders to replace him, the official race began midway in his speech last night as it became clear not a single new idea was on the agenda - a sad site, Ralph’s appeal for support fell on deaf ears
it took more than good luck & good management – it took people skills as an art form, albeit crude, but an art form from which great success grew; yesterday’s man - the Ralph era in Alberta & Canadian politics draws to a close
love him or hate him one could not avoid respecting his brash style, his ‘every-man’ charm; he chose not to go out on a high note, but to go down swinging like Casey when a graceful & eloquent exit would have been so easy & wise
‘Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent.’ – Sophia Loren
sad irony today is April 1st;; no fool’s day, just a day after the night before
it was getting late, time to leave
bye Ralph
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