Sunday, April 16, 2006


Sunday April 16, 2006 - Year 4, Day 16 - not a follower

0C/32F, brilliant blue, scarce clouds on horizon, strong west wind; dog chases robins, owner chases dog . . . repeat . . repeat

events, real or imagined, of a Sunday morning stone turning some 2006 years ago gave rise to myth, mystery, faith, holy wars, generosity, kindness, turf wars & every emotion of peace & wrath one can imagine

most western world history has revolved around tangential variances on these beliefs & conflicts they have caused with those who believe something else; each protagonist claiming their belief system version correct . . . clearly it is not about truth, or facts

it’s been about inhumanity, not humanity; about greed, not need; about power & control

for many, today is an important day of faith & worship

for many, it’s just a Sunday morning

for many, it is a day of reflection, of questioning, of searching for meaning, of questioning value & values, of faith, or absence of it

for many, it’s just a Sunday morning

I cannot imagine that I could ever believe in anything where the fundamental premise is control of my belief system – with or without supporting facts – that I would follow anything anyone anywhere

I guess I’m not a follower; not a believer either

I’m far less concerned whether anyone ever turned a stone to find an empty crypt or that someone rose from the dead . . . than I am about how we rise each day to be alive

before death, there should be lots of life

it’s just a Sunday morning . . . rise . . . live & be vital & leave no stone unturned


You are neither a follower nor an historian but you are a preacher. Your Easter Sunday speech has the self-righteous tone of the religious zealots you criticize. Religion has certainly not brought peace to the world; but is that God’s fault or man’s? You’ve heard of free will? Perhaps at least a cursory review of the Bible, even from a purely historical context would enlighten you, before you proclaim your “wisdom” while ignorant of so much of what you criticize.

On the historical note, have you heard of Anno Domini? It is Latin for “In the Year of the Lord” and is most often abbreviated as A.D. It is often assumed by those who have not studied history—at even the most basic level—that A.D. stands for “After Death.” The stone turning to which you refer did not occur “some 2006 years ago.” Pontius Pilate was not governor of Judea till 26AD. The EARLIEST that stone turning could have occurred was 1,980 years ago.

I frankly welcome the fact that you have the free will not to be “a follower"; but please don't preach to me. Please add an appropriate sticky note to your collection.
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