Monday, April 03, 2006


April 2 Responses

do have to agree with MW's comments concerning Ralph Klein. Here is a man who didn't back down from going against the grain for what he believed in. I am ashamed this is what we call politics!! And what a kick in the rear for a job certainly more well done than not. And what a slap in the face to be humiliated like this. Ralph always said let the people decide. I suspect if the people of this province were asked today if Ralph should stay until 2007 the results would be unanimous. As far as someone to take his place when the time comes, there is only one candidate I can think of with enough integrity to ever gain my vote. EK, Calgary
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MW said it well. The Conservative Party didn't handle this. Is this the future - clumsy people at the helm? LHE, Calgary
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Mark, I have enjoyed reading your views over the last few weeks, however given the volume of messages I seem to be receiving these days I will have to ask you to remove me from your list. Thanks, SD, Calgary

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