Thursday, April 20, 2006


April 20 Responses

Enjoy your break, Mark. Your pooch will do just fine. Our border collie revels in his "motel" experience, GD, Calgary
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Hi Mark. Have safe restful trip. Hit em straight, my friend. HS, Calgary
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Hi Mark, everyone seems to still be talking about the religion debate. I have been reading about the Dalai Lama...I'm open to all least learning about them....and he is a prime the control thing as he is most humble and considers himself, although extraordinary, an ordinary man. An interviewer asked him if he was "God" and with that little chuckle of his said, "I have an eye irritation, if I were God I would not have that" and then chuckled some more. It is not about control because I have never accepted or followed anything that doesn't allow one to think for themselves. Religion to me is spirituality that has been corrupted my man to suit his own needs. Have fun in Mauii my friend...JP Vancouver
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Mark, Sandra here in Idaho, feeling very envious of your wonderful vacation! After traveling all over the world for three years, then nothing for a year, I'm ready for new sights, smells, sounds and new people experiences! And, your dog's accommodations are impressive and lavish. If you take care of your women in the same style as your furry friend, she will be a pampered bitch indeed!!!, SW, Coeur d'Alene
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Hi Mark, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the change of scenery! You deserve the R'n'R! Take Care, SM, Calgary
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Living environments in Canada must vary a lot from place to place. The experience "I have yet to have a spiritual person tell me how to conduct my life" is so opposite to my own experience that it is a wonder we live in the same country. Spiritual people have been telling me how to conduct my life since I was in my teens. In my teens adults said that adopting a belief and identification as a spiritual person was a free choice on my part, but believing anything else was evidence of childish dependence and control of my life by others. People who say they are value neutral but then promote their own beliefs are so obvious that the degree of acceptance was surprising. Then in my twenties some guys would have plans for how women should conduct their lives, somehow part of being spiritual but of course not religious- what a line. And so on. In my opinion we need to find a word that means recognizing that differences of opinion and belief exist without trying to make everyone believe the same thing. Tolerance used to mean that, but tolerance now seems to mean politically correct in a controlling way, and I expect most people would agree that there is already too much social control in this country, LHE, Calgary
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Have a great holiday Mark! Enjoy, sounds like Gusta will enjoy her holiday as well, KL, Kitchener

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