Thursday, April 13, 2006
Thursday April 13, 2006 - Year 4, Day 24 - in the right place
Happy Pasech to our Jewish friends as Passover has begun + Easter weekend approaches for the Christians & lovers of chocolate bunnies – may you all enjoy new foods, old foods & strange foods; to all those who are celebrating holidays & traveling, eat well & drive safely
the story goes that Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years to find the only place in the region where there was no oil – but maybe that was not what he was looking for
perhaps we’ve all used a few decades of wandering to arrive somewhere . .
then to wonder if we are really in the right place
as I examine ‘must do’ things that fill my days – I wonder what’s the rush & where are we going ?
where am I going ? are time, place & reason right ? or, were they once right but now not ?
it strikes me that we lead, follow or wander
when we are young & learning life we follow; later we lead some of the time
still later, we lead most of the time . .
but what are we doing when neither leading or following is in our actions ?
busy days follow busy days - I lose sight sometimes, unsure if I am leading or following because I am so busy ‘doing’
recent events galvanized my thoughts; my wanderings I consider ‘think time’ because I am leading & have not relinquished that role
sometimes I am leading a team, a group, a client, a friend, a stranger . . leading them to some place they think they might want to go – I like that work a lot
sometimes I am leading me . . some place, somewhere I think I might want to go; stalled at the side of the road once in a while . . but never turning back
this journey of speed bumps, hiccups & trauma minimizing; no chore better, no job more fun, no hill so steep or so worth the climb
along the way, we all get a chance to help each other; some people help us a little, some a lot; some people show us so graphically which way ‘not to go’, some show us previews of how we do not want to live, love or lose it – some set gentle brilliant examples; in my life I have many such treasures
some precious people give us warm moments, clear thought & perspective . . few have every helped me as much as my friend Anne from Idaho [AI] who, among other things, has a spirit of warmth that is incredible that stays with me even though I’ve not talked to her in months; she celebrates another ring on the tree-trunk of life today, but I know she can bear it easily!
she takes up residence in hearts & minds of people she touches
she’s in the right place