Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Tuesday April 4, 2006 - Year 4, Day 15 - loss is gain
thanks to MW . . . for hosting dinner & a hockey game last night; enjoyed meeting your friends & a great game
small world moments continue to amaze me . . thanks DB, I think I’ll make the call
I’ve changed my life, lifestyle & jobs many times; while having a business fail [June 6, 1986..but who keeps track of these things ?] but I’ve not been on the receiving end of a ‘firing experience’
I’ve had friends along the way who have had them – always traumatic in the moment – but almost always, a better road is ahead; their short term pain really turns into long term gain
the freedom is not just a short-time opportunity to explore daytime TV & lawyer’s contingency fee agreements; it is more than choosing a new direction/stepping stone in a career, but the great opportunity to leave the confines/imprisoning nature of an unhappy place, to escape a cruel regime & sprint to freedom like a refugee
I am writing this in part to comfort a friend who needs to wallow in self-pity for a short while, but not for long; for a friend who resisted exploring new opportunities while tethered to the mother-ship who now has been cut loose
this morning I read a paper filled with news of death, tragedy & political drama & obits
I read a paper with stories about triumph & overcoming challenges & births
cut loose
foot-loose . .
loss is gain
a door closed
many windows just opened