A timely muse, Mark. I've just resigned my CEO position after ten years of service. Thank you for the reminder of open windows ahead, GD, Calgary
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Mark, funny thing happen on the way to un-subscribing. I was writing to you todayto ask that I be removed from your mailing list. The reason is that I am simply not reading your daily thoughts. Here is what I wrote...I was recently "dismissed" from a large oil and gas company and though the pain was intense at the time, the world is dealing me a wonderful hand as I begin my consulting and coaching practice. There is definitely an abundance of work that exists both personally and corporately. Suffice to say that I have not been actively reading your muses and would like to ask that you remove me from your mailing list for the time being. Thank you and I look forward to returning once a routine can be developed so I may enjoy your thought and the replies from others." Then out of curiosity or to pay my last respects, I read your thoughts today...well...your piece about comforting a friend changed my mind. Please let him/her know that my ship is not very far ahead of theirs. The watersare not always smooth but at least you are navigating the ship and you canfreely explore any direction that they choose. SZ, Calgary . . PS. Leave me on the list.
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Hi All, In my opinion Klein's great legacy is that he is the only premier who, over a sustained period, did not spend every dollar that came in. Some have managed this feat for a couple of years, but Klein stayed the course for about a decade, although obviously not in the past few years. Things aren't better in provinces where every penny was spent. Health care waiting lists are just as long or longer on average in those provinces and the social cause people are unhappy there too. As far as the $400 goes, the social cause people always want to help the poor by hiring the middle class into a larger government. I (former social worker) think that if most - not all - of the poor had a little more cash they would not need the poverty industry. If a few wealthy people get $400 they don't need, it is worth it because the other 80% could use the money. There isn't enough money in the world to satisfy those who make their living by giving others what the system thinks they need, rather than what the public actually wants. And as far as our health and education systems go, I am surprised that there are people so naive that they think these systems would actually spend any new money on anything useful. Health and education spend new money on maintaining civil service jobs, for example using mental health money provided for Calgary but spent in Ponoka and Claresholm. Or they fund the latest fad in their industries. That's my rant for today. LHE, Calgary
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Release the negative.....embrace the new fresh opportunism.....take a news fast and use the time and mental freedom to live in the NOW!, Aloha, JW, Hawaii
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Thankyou for sharing "musing" with me. Wow.....I must have been hiding under a rock or something since my divorce, feel like a mere mortal compared to the energy of folks out there although I have begun to come out of my shell lately. I love to learn what makes people tick....their thoughts and their positiveness.....it's contagious don't you think? My nephew is a Buddhist and teaches Tai chi. Just to be in his presence is healing, he has a gift for sure but he taught me the mind body connection and the importance of good health. I guess I am more of an observer, a good listener, than a participant., JP, Vancouver
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You like Mark Twain. He also said, "Its better to deserve honours and not have them than to have them and not deserve them". Who can tell?, VJP, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 2:49 p.m.