Kolke for Premier - Mark, you always surprise! A realtor who reads Robert Frost ... rrreally. We need a renaissance man for Premier of Alberta but I'm not sure there is any one in Alberta who qualifies. Maybe I've been away too long and rusting on the wet coast? Of course, we had the premier of Fantasy Land, living in a castle and counting his cash. C'est la guerre. Keep on a-Musing., JD, Vancouver
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I am new to the list and have been reading (though not thoughtfully) for thepast couple of days. Today, I have goose bumps! As GD in Calgary, I haverecently resigned, leaving a very stable job to begin a new career in acompletely different field. This "step of faith" is so unlike me; the rebelwho has always learned the hard way and have grown in perseverance and have,over the years chosen the safe path, until a couple of weeks ago. As soonas I shed the guilt and fear of leaving (my security), I have not lookedback, every day is refreshing and new, my "new security". The road lesstravelled reminds me of my beginnings and of a very special adult ed Englishteacher who saw more in my than I could see in myself, who helped me believein myself and yes, to think about the "Road not taken"; there is a choice.In that, I am reminded of the pure exhilaration of giving and not letting myright hand know what my left is doing, that is....until you tell, then itsall for not. We are so very predictable, are we not? I encourage you totry, give knowing that you and the receiver are the only ones who will everknow. Can you do it? Maybe it might be hours, or days, or maybe even yearsbefore you just can't hold, you receive the praise. But then what happensinvariably is the exhilaration is gone in that very moment you speak. Hummmm. Yes, the road less traveled ! DDB, Calgary
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Thanks Mark. AJB, Calgary
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Mark, Sandra here in Idaho! When I read today's musing it was like a wake up call to move ahead out of my life- on- hold paralysis! "Just start, it gets better!" will be my word for the week!! I have been standing like Frost's perennially hesitant walking partner where the two roads diverged, gazing as far as I can see, straining to try to predict which way to choose. I must admit, I've never really read this poem thoughtfully. The two-choice dilemma seems redundant, but in so many ways it's my reluctance to fully choose either one, which causes a deep sense of pain, confusion and fear. To take that first step in decision brings a momentum after the fact, but it's that 'starting' to move which is hard. Will I regret the one, and long for the other; what might have been? Choosing to invest in this relationship, or that one, is my current two roads. Two perfectly good men; two potential loves and lives; two beckoning me onward with a sense of adventure, discovery. One has no children; I have four grown. The other has two younger children, my grandchildren's age! Reason would say, don't walk that path! Been there, done that! Ah, the free life with the one; the responsibilities with the other. Love doesn't level these paths....Choices, but I will be forced to move soon, one way or the other. I must believe it gets better or I'll walk away and go back the way I came! , SW, Coeur d'Alene
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Mark, I always wondered about the source for "the road less travelled"...., TS, Calgary
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must tell you that you are a prolific writer because I don't know where Robert Frost ends and you begin. It's refreshing to know there are men out there with the sensitivity, vulnerability and wisdom, that have the ability to reach others in such a profound way. You blow my mind....can't wait to meet you....Warmly, JP, Vancouver
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When true friends meet in adverse hour;'Tis like a sunbeam through a shower.A watery way an instant seen,The darkly closing clouds between." - Sir Walter ScottMark, thanks for being a sunbeam through this dark time. Today is only grey and I'm hopeful and willing to see the sun so that I can reinvent myself., DL, Calgary
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Morning, Your musing so reminds me of my experience last weekend driving up to the ski hill..............I drove into a fog patch, all I could see was the yellow line. Immediately my body tensed, I felt closed in, fearful.............and then as quickly as I drove into the fog, I came out of it..............into brilliant sunshine and a clear blue sky. I immediately realized how life was like that. We find ourselves in a fog, not knowing what to do, not seeing anyway out, feeling fearful...........but just beyond there is something amazing waiting for us............."forward momentum" is required, coupled with a knowing that we can manifest a beautiful life experience for ourselves. It's a beautiful day.........I can feel it!! , DV, ?
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 2:56 p.m.