Monday, April 03, 2006


Monday April 3, 2006 - Year 4, Day 14 - saving daylight

+3C/37F & sunny. . . a chilly breeze from the west, Gusta more playful than me – clearly we need some time at the off-leash park; we saw lots of traffic – small dogs, honking geese in pairs & morning rush vehicles

on Wednesday this week, at two minutes & three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06 [thanks to EvD for this one!]

now daylight saving time is here; I am going to see what I can save of that hour a day of additional daylight; maybe I’ll read a book or write one or sleep or not

up at 3:30 . . worked till 6:30, then a power nap; refreshed, coffee-dd & walked I am ready to greet my Monday

I think I saved an hour or two already; maybe I’ll invest them in my tomorrow

I see everyone rushing off to work; to finish last week’s unfinished business today so they can save Monday’s work for tomorrow, such is the Monday motivation for many I expect; based on the speed of traffic most of them want to save even more time because they are in such a rush

most Mondays are a leisurely blank page which, together with Sunday night fatigue, see me drift a bit till noon reading & organizing the ‘must do today’ pile, reading my Sunday New York Times that always seems to arrive a day late; if it is unread old news, is it still news ?

before ringing phones, commitments & obligations fill the balance of the week I have this false sense of security with a largely blank calendar . . only 3 things scheduled; I’ll rest up so I’ll have more energy tomorrow - I’ll work out & work & play a little, saving my best stuff for tomorrow

if I use saved daylight time in the evening, will it light up the room ? will she ?


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