Thursday, April 06, 2006


Thursday April 6, 2006 - Year 4, Day 17 - time is all we have

+3C/37F, drizzling again/still . . so refreshing . . or maybe it was sleeping late that makes me feel so good this morning ? . . walking fast & late does put a spring into my step

condolences to KK on our loss . .

yesterday’s responses prove once again the common ground we share on many fronts; each time any of us have something surprising, confusing or traumatic happen it seems, in the moment, like we are the only person in the world this has ever happened to – therefore how could anyone possibly understand ?

but they do; call it collective hand holding – reach out, reach up, stretch . . someone will be there to help

this day, no better or worse than the last one or the next one

each one offers us the opportunity to in, to grab a fistful of ideas, thrills & energy

or, we can let it pass

let it go by, unused, wasted . . unaffected by us, the world will turn & nothing will change

each day has a very short shelf life

I’ve lost too many days along my path to ever waste another

I will likely live another 40 years, but if I consider the possibility it might be much shorter, I need to be in a hurry to get in all the things I want so badly to do . .

like the grains of sand in the hourglass, time is always running out

time is all we have

it is the greatest wealth, lack of it is the greatest poverty

nothing else matters

use it or lose it


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