Friday, April 14, 2006


Friday April 14, 2006 - Year 4, Day 25 - sticky note review

3C/37F, breezy sunny warming, we took a longer walk than usual, no one in sight except worm hunting robins Gusta could not engage in play; day 1 of a 3 day long weekend began with a good long sleep, a good long walk & some perfectly scrambled eggs . . . woven through some pondering

sticky notes = semiotics ?

I’ve read a fair bit about semiotics; where a word represents psychological road signs for us; I find more meaning & value in it as time goes by, as opportunities to use it in my work with clients & in my own planning mature

the great thing about sticky notes is that I can write a hundred of them in an hour, pick them up, move them, rearrange them or trash them any time you want; I’ve found I sometimes go weeks without moving one, while other days I do some radical rearranging . .

a workshop tool I’ve used many times to build a flexible plan which is already manifesting itself in some mysterious ways; like building personal mission, vision, values statements

rejection & neutrality get ditched in the trash . . some more quickly than others, but in due course there will be few sticky notes left on my wall, each with an economy of meaningful words

I’ve been reviewing my ‘sticky notes on the wall’, from 42 a couple of months ago with sporadic additions & deletions only 17 remain today . . .

under “where” these words remain: ocean, mountains, beach, hot, warm, cabin, primary, secondary, Calgary, Hawaii, Vancouver, English speaking, reliable air & internet service

under “lifestyle”, these words have survived: golf, writing, work, passion, lover[s], vital, change the world, 2 homes, travel, dog, family

under “business activities/occupation”, lots of things still swirl & whirl: nothing mediocre, make a lasting contribution, define & build a great internet & media company, media, communications, www, writing, real estate agency, apartment REIT, real estate development/syndication, publishing, golf, travel

what obstacle or opportunity will help or derail my sticky note plans; what’s around my next corner & how soon can I peek ?

amazingly, I find some things I feel are really important . . when reduced to a sticky note on the wall for a few weeks . . . resonate in 1 of three ways; affirmation, rejection or neutrality

have a good friday


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