Wednesday, April 12, 2006


April 12 Responses

Mark - How lucky you are to have compartments in your brain - so much more convenient for sorting things out. My brain is like those huge lollypops they used to offer at fairs and such. one strand of color alternating and spiraling around the other. Not exactly convenient for sorting but if you want to synthesize my brain is the tops. CH, Chimacum Washington
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Hi Mark, I am heading to Australia tomorrow for a month (Queensland only) and would ask that you hit pause on my emails from April 14th until I get back May 10th. And The Country Club Pet Resort mentioned by SA has remained a very fond memory for me as I worked there for the summer one year when I was 16 (16 years ago now, and today is my birthday) was the most enjoyable job I have ever had!All the best, Mark! I look forward to running into you at event one of these days!Sincerely, JD, Calgary
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Mark, sometimes ten halves don't make a whole, just a hole. Start climbing. You want to be whole and out of the hole in time for 18 more compelling holes in Maui., RH, Calgary
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Hi Mark, As I mentioned yesterday, I hope that when you are in Maui lounging and breathing all the splendor of the world you can spare a little moment to snag me some nifty postcards. Think of the stories you can tell! "I was there in the giftshop picking up some beautiful, witty and charming postcards for Keith when all of a sudden, the most beautiful woman in town breezed in... with her twin sister and their supermodel cousins! Our eyes met, and then..." All the best, thanks and love, KL, Calgary
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Hi Mark, As I was reading I thought about counting the number of halves. When I got to the end of that para, you'd already counted them. Your writing style is easy and clear - and prolific. Lots more depth in the writing than I experienced in the conversation we had recently. My life is easing up a bit now and I'm coming up for air. You leave soon for Hi - wonderful - enjoy - no doubt you will. Do give PELE my heart felt greetings, And please have a swim for me. The ocean is where I feel best.I'm probably a descendant of a mermaid or something just as exotic., TP, Toronto
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Hi, It was nice to have shared some of your days, however kindly remove me from your distribution list. Thanks, DV, Calgary

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