Wednesday, April 19, 2006


April 19 Responses

Have a great Maui-time, Mark. It sounds wonderful. Re: spirituality and organized religion debate, I have yet to have a spiritual person tell me how to conduct my life - but organized religion seems to be based on control, that is the one common denominator, a sort of them vs. us mentality. Some are better than others - I love Bishop Spong and his version of the damage done by the fundamentalist/literalist mentality. As he calls it "intelligent theology vs. bad theology." It's a debate that continues with me as I, hopefully, grow spiritually. Thank you for your musings - and have a restful, spiritual, fun time. LK, Palm Desert
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Have a Great Holiday Mark, KT, Calgary
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Wishing you a FABULOUS, well deserved holiday! Happy golfing. I am sure Gusta will have a grande time. Take care, CB, Calgary
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Mark - have a wonderful vacation. Maui - so many golf courses, so little time, PI, Bermuda
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Bon voyage, my friend! Have a great time in Maui. While you're walking the pure, sweet beaches of that beautiful island, we will be sweating our @#$%^ off at some silly chili cook-off in the dry, barren AZ desert. Aloha! LR(B), Irvine

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