Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Tuesday April 11, 2006 - Year 4, Day 22 - lions gather

3C/37F, raining again/still; animals not pairing yet, but they must be thinking about it – Gusta, the happiest water dog in Evergreen struggles with the command ‘stay outta the muck’ while her owner is grateful for gore-tex

I’ll snorrffle through this day, neo-citron as my constant companion

belated happy ‘freedom55 day’ wish to MM; you cannot retire early because look 45

I think job satisfaction is misunderstood

I admire anyone who works hard, tries hard, deals with things that are hard

every time I see it I am amazed & thrilled; unlikely sources every time

when people feel open & safe to express views, the things they talk about passionately reflect this quality so completely it might as well ooze from their pores

discussion of concepts & problem solving & marketing cannot disguise it

yesterday I met with more than 30 people; each for the first time - some I’ll see again, others will likely never again cross my path

I was struck by a common thread in both meetings; in one case executives of an oil & gas industry supply firm – the other a gathering of immigrant women searching for jobs

they don’t wave their credentials, brag of their accomplishments, wishes & dreams

they did not talk as much about where they are headed as much as they did where they have been, what they’ve come through; they talked about who they are

whether describing a business or a person, they could not help themselves

it leaks out, oozes out . . it colours everything they say

. . . they showed their pride

we talk about this far too little, but it oozes out of us all

for me it is my children & my work, for yesterday’s client it was their company & business process, for those women it was ‘who they are’

too often our materialistic society equates job satisfaction with perks & cash & titles & office size – too often our definition of satisfaction is measured by the freedom to make decisions & to be empowered . . all good things, but not the pinnacle


when lions gather to form a group it is called a pride; I like that . . .


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