Monday, July 31, 2006
July 31 Comments
Monday July 31, 2006 - Year 4, Day 132 - friends well aged
‘To think, when one is no longer young, when one is not yet old, that one is no longer young, that one is not yet old, that is perhaps something.’ – Samuel Beckett
the best music, I am told, is played on very old violins, so does that mean getting older is best?
some old friends are people - but few old friends are as close as my cook’s knife, my favorite sweatshirt, my 7 iron, my dog & a favorite old tie; what is this like, to have a well aged old friend?
some old friends are people - ones who came into my life a long time ago who stayed; others have come & gone & come back again – old friends do that sometimes; old friends come in all kinds, shapes & sizes, genders, ages & some are not so old either; someone I can talk to after a couple of years as if only 5 minutes had passed since our last connection - that’s one of the best kind - they bring us comfort - like a cozy sweater, like a comfortable chair
a few old friends are that close; some I talk to nearly every day, some hardly ever; old friends need not be put on a pedestal, put away or put up or down; old friends can be the best warm blanket on a cold day, the best firm handshake, the best soft touch to lift a chin when it is down
old friends need not be old, but they need to be around a while - new friends conversely have few clues about us (or we them) as we lack experience, understanding, context or history with them; rarely does a new friend reveal all, tell all or offer a way to know all; we need to ferret it out sometimes – but then I have to wonder, if it is that difficult to get out, maybe it is better to pass by, to move on!
good friends – new or old – let it flow effortlessly, let it flow with joy or rage, bliss or revenge – but they let it flow; old friends have history with us, we’ve known some joy & some grit
old friends uttering a word or phrase convey huge volumes of meaning while new friends can talk at great length & convey little – I strain sometimes to get enough from someone before just giving up because it is too hard; I find some people won’t let me get close & it makes me wonder if anyone ever does
old friends are easy to spend time with, new friends often cannot find the time or bear the schedule modification required to make time for a new friend
DL hits meets a milestone today, the mother of all birthdays, the beginning of the end & end of the beginning, now a ‘woman of a certain age’, the down-slope, the over–the-hill-gang; you’ve hit 50, the big five-O & your life will NEVER be the same . . old friend
‘Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.’ – Billy Burke
well aged friends mature are so much better than a cheese; not a stinky or ripe or blue, but one always worth a nibble, always worth a hug
Sunday, July 30, 2006
July 30 Comments
Sunday July 30, 2006 - Year 4, Day 131 - to let you know I am processing
we talked about why people read these daily words; why some respond, why some sit on the fence as voyeurs into my life; first in-depth chat in about six months with KT yesterday - back in Vancouver avoiding intense summer heat in Puerto Vallarta
catching up - yes, but mostly talking about writing; we talked about her current projects – great things going on; we discussed the evolution of musings & the process I am using, selecting the best morsels organized for the book manuscript to make a readable read that will interest publishers
to let you know I am processing - working on the manuscript yesterday reviewing what to keep, what to set aside, what to include, what to stop & read; those early writings of day-to-day flow generated so much response, yet when I re-read it the issues bring back so many day-to-day memories that the early writing quality deficiencies do not bother me much; reminiscing on 3 summers ago
if you spot a Ladybug count the spots, if you spot a Leopard run fast
Leopards never change their spots, disguised or obscured from time to time, but never changing
people portray a wide range of faces, masks, facades & characterizations as they present themselves to the world, to strangers & to those they hold close; notwithstanding the illogic of that, it happens all the time
too many not prepared to be seen, known & understood (or not) based on who they really are – instead portraying who they wish they were when we just want to know who they are, why they are & appreciate them
like Hollywood’s movies, simple elegant truth is much more compelling than the very best fiction
some hide, some don’t; some hide pain, some hide naiveté, some hide fear; most hide fear I think, unnecessarily methinks, but hide they do – or maybe they try to change their spots
hhmmm, meeting & a walk around the park with SW(egad, another Susan!) last night & I am processing – my etymological education began as I learned Ladybugs have a spot thing too: 2-spot ones are being pushed out by dominant 7-spot bugs; I wonder if they could ‘get together’ to create a hybrid of 3.5 spot bugs might be easier than a ‘save the 2-spot’ effort
if you are up close & personal with a Ladybug, count the spots
getting up close & personal with me is easy
sometimes it just requires processing
wellness is about making time, taking time . . what can I say
when ladies & bugs, accountants & golfers & writers count - when they count spots or entries or strokes or characters – we all want to count on someone
NYTimes & perfect scrambled eggs, for one, perfect
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Saturday July 29, 2006 - Year 4, Day 130 - juicy bits
my weekend ‘knuckle down on the book manuscript’ is at least underway, too soon to guess what real progress will look like by Monday
reviewing ‘early-days’ musings from spring ’03 to extract the juicy bits takes me back to strong feelings & reminds me how valuable support & encouragement of others was to developing the momentum
momentum . . hhmmm, so intoxicating when present, so draining when it suddenly disappears without warning
Saturday morning Globe & Mail reading is most often more amusing than stimulating; from ads advertising for a ‘someone for my aunt’ to Margaret Wente’s column; pity such a stirring title for such pedestrian material spiced with juicy bits – she has not met any raunchy grannies like the ones I know, but her fantasies are surely revealed; stock up on batteries & lube Margaret
back to my pile ‘o writing now . . momentum building
my attention span this morning - like that of a fruit bat, flitting to one thought & then another in the dark, then a note, then an email, then a call to cancel evening plans; too soon to tell how this day will unfold; perhaps something/someone will move me – meanwhile, like those bats, searching in the dark for juicy bits
Friday, July 28, 2006
July 28 Comments
Friday July 28, 2006 - Year 4, Day 129 - time to get moving
DL stopped by for (& brought) dinner last night - thanks heaps, nice to see you & great to catch up; long overdue catch up with Ann (AI) from Idaho the other night, empty nested at last & exploring a move to Whidby Island so lookout NC & CH, there is a beautiful drumming bear making woman headed your way
my mind divided this morning between work-week & week-end thoughts; too much to do to allow myself to postpone it all to next week countered by too strong an urge to get on with my weekend plans & maybe squeeze in 9 holes too . . oh bother, what to do
as I walked I witnessed moving activities at houses marked sold, U-hauls & big vans cruising the neighbourhood I am reminded what kind of weekend this is
a mid-summer moving weekend, which is profoundly different from moving weekends in any other season
a mid-summer dream, or a mid-summer nightmare depending on circumstances
both of these circumstances are scenarios I have known – both run through my mind this morning as movers come & go in my neighbourhood on this ‘moving weekend’
June 30 & August 31 are popular moving dates driven, for the most part, by the academic year for people with children, but who moves at the end of July?
I think people who move at the end of July do it more out of drama than necessity, more out of joy & pain than planning; I might be wrong but I cannot imagine anyone moving in the heat of midsummer unless they have to
some just HAVE TO because they cannot stay a moment longer
others because they CANNOT WAIT a moment longer
drama attaches, positively or negatively – but it attaches, when people are merging homes & lives or when they are disassembling them
moving is stressful enough, work enough, sweat enough without compounding it with emotions that go beyond 'leaving a place or someone you love' or moving to 'a dream home or a dreamy mate'; it is about leaving somewhere or someone because you have to, must do & can do nothing else - in which case the heat & sweat are not important
others are rushing to rush being together which is delightful to watch, more delightful to be a part of & dangerous on so many levels
a moving weekend it will be – for many that will involve a truck, for many more it will involve something else; words like ‘the earth moved’ should be reserved for real earth-tremours; for friends & lovers who’ve not met yet it could be a moving weekend . . who knows?
summer, it would seem, will be half over this weekend as July morphs to August; it seems the heat & desire to play, the desire to ignore all work no matter how crucial, the desire to wax eloquently, the desire for desire - well it seems we are just getting warmed up & the mid point is here already
are you being moved?
will you be moved?
I don't plan to pack a thing or be living anyplace different by Monday, but it might be nice to be moved
a moving summer weekend begins, who can wait a minute longer?
time to get moving
Thursday, July 27, 2006
July 27 Comments
Thursday July 27, 2006 - Year 4, Day 128 - done wrestling
13C/55F, clear; nice to escape a hot apartment for a cool breeze outside – vigorous walk
my day began
a bus woke me after I slept through what must have been 7 or 8 of those 9 minute cycles on the alarm clock
comments yesterday were strong, eloquent & passionate; someone wrote me yesterday asking about my passions, someone wrote me yesterday saying they thought yesterday’s musing was my best - they triggered an epiphany of how I should organize my manuscript for my book, breaking a log-jam on an issue I have been wrestling, without resolution, for a long time
my day began
my day began with a walk
my day began safe from harm
my day began with coffee & a banana
my day began with a phone call about fun
my day began with wagging tail of a hungry dog
my day began under a clear sky & a blanket of safety & peace
my day began with another call confirming a business opportunity
my day began with an email from BB moving some issues along - thanks
my day began with some informative emails amid a mountain of junque-mail
my day began reading my daily paper, call it news-lite, airline uniforms the lead story
I am not sure if the world hinges on the new uniforms from WestJet – perhaps it does?
perhaps I suppose
perhaps I take life too seriously
perhaps I should play more & think less
perhaps I should take a more casual approach
perhaps I should go through my day oblivious to the world around me
my day began, I am energized to do many things; some great, some good, some necessary, some ordinary, some mundane & some imaginative ones too & some slow things & some quick things
I take life
I take it by the horns
I take life too seriously for some
is there a better way?
is there another way?
wrestling over, my day began
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Wednesday July 26, 2006 - Year 4, Day 127 - we were peace keepers
last night was too hot – even the 4 AM breezes did not disturb me
too hot to remain covered by a blanket or even a sheet
my mind is in the country, my mind is on the next project, my mind is in the pile of things on my table, my mind is on so many things, my mind cannot understand a city celebrating its 1 millionth citizen when so much blood has been spilled
it is too hot
‘A friend is one before whom I may think aloud.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
be my friend, listen to me
yesterday, finally, our government compensated hepatitis C victims who got their disease through tainted blood – good; too late, too long, too little to help enough & impossible to fix the problem the government & the blood agency could have so easily prevented; easy to understand why our government stood by so long doing little when against a backdrop of a world community is letting Africa wither & die of AIDS & conflicts around the world; so easy to understand why our government (that’s US) doing so little . . after all, they are alive aren’t they?
governments are us; we cannot blame them for what they do because they represent us, do our business for us, do our dirty business for us & they are not separate from us
which adds to my rage, my dismay at all of us; it is convenient I think, as Canadians, to not think of ourselves as war mongers because we are so often the blue-hatted UN peacekeepers; lately it seems we are coming to grips with the ‘in harms way = body bags’ elements of participating in conflicts; I would like to say conflict resolution but it doesn’t feel that way any longer
it is time we recognize 21st century demographics disprove the rationale of 20th century geo-politics; discard the notion that the information revolution, consumerism & democracy would sweep the world, discard that comfortable blanket we have been resting under
it is too hot to remain covered by a blanket or even a sheet - or any other device that shrouds us from seeing what is going on in the name of OUR country, OUR UN, our WORLD . . these governments, these governments are us
yesterday, as Israel bombed a UN facility & then their ambassador to the US condemned the UN’s outrage made me roll my eyes & wonder why our government is so strongly supportive of the Israeli position in the current conflict when that bombing, among other things, killed a Canadian peacekeeper – just another soldier we don’t know personally like the ones who have come home from Afghanistan in a body bag or on a gurney
it would be easy to distract ourselves with summer heat fun & frolic, to turn off the news & the rest of the world but it seems the powder-keg middle-east is on fire again/still; the notion of cease-fire & intervention by political rhetoric is more than gag reflex inspiring; we are so fortunate to live in a young country with only 3 major founding peoples in a much more gentile struggle of Aboriginal, Quebecois & the rest of us as a majority; not a melted pot but more a pacifist collage – it angers me that we (us, our leaders & our media collectively) ignore all things until they warrant 24 hr. news-channel coverage, then we focus on little else
my mind is in the country – my country & I am troubled by what we are doing
we need to stop being peace-keepers & start being peace-mongers; the protest movement of the 1960’s should be a pale compared to the kind of world wide uprising of rage against this senseless blood letting
if we are going to spill blood, tainted or otherwise it should not be as significant as one grain of sand, one soldier, one police officer or one anything – the point is that it is one of us
every time a bomb lands or a bullet flies, the person it kills is one of us
what comfort can it be to know that the blood is one of these, or those or that other group; it not about race, religion, sovereignty, economics, power, hatred, oppression or self-determination – it is ALL of those
but the body on the ground, the evaporation of a life – that’s one of us
we were peacekeepers, but we cannot call ourselves that because peace is no one’s objective any more; defending land & borders & ideology is not what it is about
I do not pretend to understand anyone’s conflict or multi-generational rage
when we were children squabbling someone would separate us – the peace maker I suppose – then minutes later or the next day we would play again, oblivious to past hurts & conflicts
when will enough be enough?
enough already
it is too hot
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
July 25 Comments
PS. Thanks again for taking the time to meet for coffee.
Tuesday July 25, 2006 - Year 4, Day 126 - every action has meaning
the Calgary Herald ran a sub-heading indicating today Calgary is the 3rd Canadian city to reach 1 million; I wonder which one of Toronto, Montreal & Vancouver they forgot
trying to dig a little deeper in my understanding, a little deeper in my belly, tickling my funny bone once in a while, not because of anything anyone thinks or feels or reacts to – but for me; I do it for me & it does so much for me
a musing reader who finds value, that is my bonus – they get value, I get warm all over knowing that; a humbling & prideful mixture of knowing that in some tiny way, every action has meaning – this ‘more stream, less consciousness’ & ‘it ain’t about you sweetheart’ rumbling & rambling is something I have become driven to do
why do I do it?, he asked; why do I? - why do I take time every morning to create something, hopefully of meaning & value, to send to some friends & a lot of strangers?
why do I? - a valid question but I know I did not give SZ a sufficient answer to his question because I had to go to another meeting – our coffee pleasant but too short yesterday – so here it is Steve:
part habit, part routine – this has become part of my daily life; unlike a diary it does not disclose deeply private things of mine or anything private of anyone else’s (thanks to painful lessons learned early on); part compulsion, part self-aggrandizing
I would love to write something brilliant & timeless one day; if I do I may not realize it when I do but somewhere down the long road of the future, someone might read something I have written to draw some meaning from it - or they might read something today that affects them
that’s it - to affect them; to have an affect, an impact, upon someone – to help someone, to inspire someone, to be of value to someone; to help someone see something more clearly, to help someone understand more fully, more deeply
it need only be one someone - just one person each day, then it is worth it
I am that one, each day – I am someone searching, reaching, digging; it matters little to me whether 4400 people get it or if any of 4400 get it; it is gratifying when people do, I am awe struck & humbled when it does, but that is side-benefit to my selfishness
it might seem strange – after saying all that - to quote this notorious person [she & I share a birth date Aug. 7] on the anniversary of the day in 1917 when she was sentenced to die by firing squad; someone who lived large long before that term came into fashion, someone who left the world wondering about who she was & why she was – surely she
was, if nothing else, spectacular in her life & in her death as she was with these words:
‘The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.’ – Mata Hari
each movement is a word
every action has meaning
I’ll have some of that
Steve, take or leave whatever you want from musings; if it is of value to you, use it - if not then keep looking for what eludes you; if you are like me what eludes you most will be the place you tend not to look - inside; the answers you seek may be found in Mata Hari's words, in mine or somewhere out there in the world but they will be meaningless to you unless they rise out of your own belly one morning
Monday, July 24, 2006
July 24 Comments
Monday July 24, 2006 - Year 4, Day 125 - got an itch
‘ Few people even scratch the surface, much less exhaust the contemplation of their own experience.’ – Randolph Bourne
as I walked through the neighbourhood, such a sharp contrast from the low-density country villages & towns I’ve been exploring the last few days, I think I know SW Sask & SE Alberta 500% better already having only scratched the surface - barely scratched the surface of understanding places where pioneers scratched out a living from nothing – I itch to know more
photos in obituaries(more than1/2 of them) it seems, are inserted by caring relatives who want to remember happy times; but the person who just died would probably be frowning angrily if we could wake them up to ask - they would probably all ask for more time feeling they have just scratched the surface of life
‘Fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches.’ – Wallis Simpson
my itch/scratch period is nearly over now as 4 days growth on my chin has me pondering if this might be a good time to re-grow my beard; I’ve been missing it & could use an extra 10 minutes a day – if for no other reason than to be 10 minutes late less often
bye, gotta shower & dash to meet muser SZ for coffee on time
‘Happiness is having a scratch for every itch.’ – Ogden Nash
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sunday July 23, 2006 - Year 4, Day 124 - mini-safari
28C/82 F, light cloud & light breeze; we got up close & personal (about 10 ft.) with a Swainson’s hawk; he looked well fed on a diet of gophers & pigeons, both of which are abundant around the school yard he was patrolling
a breezy early Sunday morning on the prairie is as quiet peaceful as one can imagine a summer morning being; I will be back to this area for sure but not to stay at the Safari Inn where a TV, fridge & a lumpy bed with requisite air conditioning (Gusta loves A/C) where plumbing quality is perhaps equal to an African adventure; NEXT !
first we say a 1913 1 room school house (too small & a scraped head – ouch – but an interesting thought) & touring around potential spots we can look next time, my intrepid agent spent Saturday morning getting acquainted with my needs & showing me properties; we saw a well located & well priced solid structure 91 yr old farm house & 90 yr old barn; ‘money pit’ symptoms obscured slightly by bizarre menagerie of filthy animals & pig sty lifestyle of the current owner - NEXT !
9 holes @ Elmwood in 35C afternoon heat yesterday was less pleasant than expected; note to self: play earlier in the day & also check out the Chinook course next time; the ‘sticks to your ribs’ pizza from Western Pizza will lay in my stomach for days to be sure – NEXT!
road sign for village of Webb {between Swift Current & Gull Lake where they have neither gulls or a lake} cracked me up . .scroll down!
gotta hit the road – lots to explore along they way
Saturday, July 22, 2006
July 22 Comments
Saturday July 22, 2006 - Year 4, Day 123 - home on the range
[written @ 7AM . . sent at noon from the Best Western lobby where hi-speed & a newish computer reside; guess I know where I will stay next time]
29C/84F F , hot calm & clear in Swift Current; we walked along the highway (Trans Canada) for a while, then up to the high school where off-leash meant ‘roam the football field & sniff every gopher hole’ for Gusta; our critter sightings were a sheep filled cattle liner parked at McDonalds & dragon fly carcasses being devoured by bumble-bees & some deer we saw in waist high wheat while watching a near-perfect sunset on a hill SW of town last night
cell phone coverage varies from sporadic to non-existent, high-speed internet at the Safari Inn motel is sssssssslow speed by my standard & people are friendly; things are clean & cheap, neither a Safari or an Inn
I had Gusta out for a stretch & P at a little roadside turnout where she did not understand the consequence of rushing through barbed wire to greet that black Brahma bull sunning himself in that corner of pasture – the epitome of slow motion, he was as oblivious to us as he was to the occasional car that trundled down that road
my descriptions inadequate to describe the special nature of this place; there is something incredible about this quiet country where everything outnumbers the people
Swift Current seems like a pun because the river creek snaking through this vibrant prairie town of 16,300 has neither current or any appearance of movement since it is damned both up & downstream; the trip yesterday was a great afternoon of exploring around Saskatchewan's prime cattle country Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Inter-provincial Park & area - gently rolling high plains where scrubby pasture & active dunes in the sand hills meet waving wheat in breezy Arizona-dry heat
just as Calgarians often overlook the special-ness of our place on the map, underestimating the awe-struckness of visitors, this fellow cannot understand why I find this area of SW Saskatchewan so captivating; I spent some time in the part of Saskatchewan when I was a child on holiday with my parents visiting relatives at Leader; when my mother was a young telephone operator she worked in this area – Maple Creek, Gull Lake & Swift Current so I am back here for the first time in about 25 yrs when we used to visit SK’s friends on their farm near Cabri
I will spend some time this morning with an agent who will show me farms & acreages For Sale; he cannot seem to understand why I would want to investigate buying a home on the range (where the deer & antelope play) here with a barn suitable for renovation-to-residence, just for weekends – thinking I suppose that I am just a weird big-city guy who wants a weekend make-work project 4 ½ hours from home; I see it as worth investigating a 3-day a week place to putter & write & golf - a place to sit outside in silence any time of day or night, where the stars are up close & the air is hot & dry – a place where people don’t lock their doors, where retired couples walking down a street hand in hand on Friday night to pick up a bucket of chicken is a big date
driving in the heat yesterday listening to my new Percy Faith tape (thank you CN&CM) & my audio book (Blink!) perfect background to incredible countryside; hey MW, I saw your stores in Brooks & Redcliff
I have a round of golf this afternoon @ Elmwood Golf Course that runs along the side of the river & will do more countryside exploring around Gull Lake as I make my way back to Calgary tomorrow
Friday, July 21, 2006
July 21 Comments
Friday July 21, 2006 - Year 4, Day 122 - he never skated
he taught me how to skate & how to ride a bike though he never skated & could not ride a bike
he taught me all I ever needed to know long ago, but on some things I am a slow learner; this man taught me a work ethic by example, taught me to treat people well (I will NEVER reach his level) by example, taught me to listen – not by lecture but by example
he never rose to what most people would call greatness or high achievement – so few people beyond his family know what a great man he is
shriveled now by age & a degenerative back this little man with the walker stands very tall
I cannot remember thinking of him as old or growing old when I was young
when I was growing up & even recently (he worked in our business with me until 6 yrs ago) I never thought of him as old; he was always 30 yrs. older than me – that never seemed to change – he never seemed to be getting old or ancient
he was the guy I only got to know once I was grown up & away from home
he was the guy I built a garage with 1 week in Calgary about 30 yrs. ago, he was the guy who
helped me so many weekends when I was building a house west of Edmonton 26 yrs. ago; he was the guy who worked with me in my business for more than 20 yrs; he was the guy who built toy boxes for his grandchildren & always had time when he was needed
he never told me how to act, what to do or how to do anything
instead, he showed me – I got to watch at home & at work, at work & at play
I watched; some things I learned, some I am still studying
he never said no when I asked him for help; there was rarely a need to ask because the help almost always was offered before the request was made
he never skated & could not ride a bike; but he taught me
he had never been a father & grandfather but he learned well & he taught me
he knows how to listen better than anyone I know; he is still teaching me
he never skated on ice, he often skated around issues & around hurting anyone’s feelings; he never shrank from responsibilities though he often took on ones he could have & should have declined – he never learned how to say NO very well; these days he seems to enjoy living a bit vicariously through his son quizzing me for all the details of every adventure, his eyes beaming brightly at every story often seeing special qualities of someone he rarely sees or has never met more clearly than I do
I plan to stop by his place for a little visit before I head out of town but chances are he will be out & about somewhere listening to somebody who needs to talk
HK is 84 today – happy birthday!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
July 20 Comments
Thursday July 20, 2006 - Year 4, Day 121 - spectacular fire
13C/55F, lots of dogs out, breezy sunny; Gusta wagging & dew-drenched
I like praise
I hate criticism
more complex than that, but that is the quick answer
on the other hand there are those who deride, criticize, mock or slam – most of those I’ve learned to put on ignore; criticism, the head of a different monster
a speech at Toastmasters last night touched me & I think touched us all who were there; to see the fire in the belly of an outwardly mild mannered guy
his first ‘Ice Breaker’ speech; his story more than broke the ice as he recounted a home & childhood of whacks emotionally, verbally & physically, of how he continues a struggle to rise above & go beyond all that; moving, powerful & worth every moment of listening
it got me thinking about criticism (some constructive, some not) that we all experience every day & every time we re-member & re-live those experiences from our childhood which may have scarred or scared us
each week I get lots of feedback from many quarters; if I listen to all the negative & critical
comments & tried to act on it I would be tongue tied & mushy ball of flesh absent any self-
confidence ; friends & mentors have encouraged me to recognize the real criticism & treat it differently than dung flung indiscriminately
through the muck shine bright stars who come out rarely to shed light & offer criticism intended so genuinely to be helpful – I try to notice that, try to listen & try to learn
last night I was asked why, after having met so many women in recent years, that I have been unable to find someone appropriate for me; my answer would not fit into a sound-byte nor was it appropriate for discussion in that group in that place at that time
this morning I got a note from MP, an original-8 member of this muser community & rare respondent; she added some fuel to an issue that deserves airtime; reminding me that I use the word ‘next’ more often than might be wise or at least politically correct – that doing so might give people I meet, women in particular, a view of me that might not be conducive to opening discussions for fear they might be dismissed or discarded in an uncaring manner
I am too flippant & probably not going to change much but being more diplomatic is probably good advice – the question remains whether I can implement it
it has come out when - notwithstanding great expectations & build up someone turns out to be very different than they have represented after having been 'great expectations'; conversely, if the expectations are low, the build up small I think the 'let down' is much less when people don't connect
waiting for lightning to strike & thrill me with joy again, as has only happened 3 times in my life – I am looking for that magic again & would far rather have someone mad at me because I said ‘NEXT’ than to choose to spend serious time with someone where a spectacular fire could not be built
a spectacular fire does not consume or scar; it changes you forever & that is a very good thing my friends
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
July 19 Comments
Wednesday July 19, 2006 - Year 4, Day 120 - full plate equals clean slate
full plate equals clean slate, to me, means that the plate & the slate are distinctly different things, even though I let a full plate of ‘things to do’, distractions & competing values consume my energy – all the while, my slate is clean – my agenda to explore new opportunities & ways of doing things is ready to be written upon
today is a plate clearing day; some items to devour, a few to savour, some to pass along & some to trash – today is every day
tomorrow, just like today, can be a clean slate day; a clean slate to do things differently, approach things differently - far less difficult to do than it first appears
full plate equals clean slate – my oxymoronic attempt to bring two ideas together; like too many cars for too few lanes at rush hour, too many little things on my plate make it hard to see my plate but that is just temporary as each item removed from the confusion reveals a clean slate, a blank slate, a clean plate
his struggling leaves little opportunity for stepping back to see the whole picture; I met with an old (the friendship, not the friend) friend yesterday – he struggles with several things on his plate – pushing hard, working hard, caring hard, loving hard – he finds it hard to deal with the things he cannot control – which is everything - except for his own choices about how to see things & how he directs his own energy; nothing else is controllable, nothing else will let him see a clean plate or a clean slate
today is every day
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
July 18 Comments
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - Year 4, Day 119 - make a difference or stay home
what made that happen, what made us see, why were we there to see it, what explains this?:
last night we had a great critter sighting up close; Gusta, nose pressed against the patio door screen, was riveted by a pale young buck with velvety antlers nibbling leaves on the apple tree – we watched him browse for about 15 minutes, then he ambled across the road to the lagoon; then my daughter Krista called – mostly to talk about her new car – but she called to talk, in the middle of a West Wing re-run I had not seen before; we talked about the car – what could be better than that?
this day – like every day, like yesterday, brings nothing to the table; each day without personality, motivation; it is has no benevolence or malice; it brings another revolution of the earth – nothing more
what makes this day great vis-à-vis any other? every morning we have a choice – to be relevant, to make a difference or to stay home
whether reading morning papers or history books, July 18 can be special or horrid; depending on which side of the world we are on, which side of the fence or which side of a situation; sadly life & our world is competitive, combative & populated by too many mean spirited & hateful folks; is it better to be on the right side, fight the better fight, or just be on the might side; or better still, to avoid conflict altogether?
sometimes we need to stay in a tough situation; not because we make a difference to the situation, but because it makes a difference to us
I have a breakfast meeting with a dear friend - 25+ years now - he is troubled; all I can tell him is what I believe; all I can do is hold up a mirror to help him see himself & to listen
my advice - to him - to me - to you is this: not all fights are ours to win or to fight in - sometimes we need to separate ourselves from the problems of others; we should stay in the fight if we can truly make a measurable difference to someone, to the world or to ourselves, or we can stay home
gotta run to that breakfast meeting
Monday, July 17, 2006
July 17 Comments
Monday July 17, 2006 - Year 4, Day 118 - shift changes
I like the night-shift now & then; my Sunday pre-occupation, compiling & publishing FacilityCalgary, affords me solitary time & opportunity to be pre-occupied with the silence of the night; living near the south edge of the city near the south lip of Fish Creek Park within ¼ mile of the Tsuu T’ina First Nation lands it is part city, part country out here
sitting on the patio or just keeping windows open brings to me the inky silence from 1AM until about 3:30, when intermittent coyote choral singing break the silence until 4:45 followed by wake-up birds through 6:15 when tires humming engulf local air waves
enlightening lunch conversation yesterday with my dad; amazing how one item/issue from 48 years ago - once revealed - explains so much - makes me wonder what would have happened if he had challenged that one comment, said 'hey, wait a minute' to get clarificaiton; I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock for him so he could have taken different directions on things, made different choices etc., but that would be tinkering with his choices - opportunities he cannot recapture
that got me thinking about how swiftly opportunities pass me by; sometimes it is a chance to get on a new merry-go-round, sometimes a chance to get off
‘Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.’ – Leo Tolstoy
whether change is long overdue, or something you thought of just minutes ago needs to shift – why not make that change now; if not now, when?
things will NEVER be the same again whether I change or not, so why not change?
I may not change the world, or maybe I will – but nothing will happen unless I change myself
what about you?
change is inevitable
except from vending machines
Sunday, July 16, 2006
July 16 Comments
Sunday July 16, 2006 - Year 4, Day 117 - see chicken in a new light
stepping outside familiar boundaries, testing ourselves, exploring depths & heights; inspired sometimes by the most cerebral things, sometimes the most innocuous ones; looking deeply long & hard – or simply asking a couple questions getting yes & yes as answers
how often we taunt someone saying ‘chicken!’, we are reluctant to do something – feeling ‘chicken’, but why?
is it gut level, learned behaviour or just concern over what someone might think?; see chicken in a new light; see ‘afraid to do that’ or ‘that is outside my boundaries’ in a new light
first . . define what you want, need, love, desire; determine what thrills the core of you & then go grab it; I have
I like it, live it, love it
it is not at all about chicken; my stickies on the wall process works; sometimes hard to describe to friends, prospective love interests & clients – when saying ‘my stickies told me it was not a good fit’
consulting stickies on my wall, like looking at a roadmap - I am moving closer to goals I have internalized; these yellow & orange splats of a word, a phrase or an idea help me manifest change, produce results, feel clarity & measure that which fits vis-à-vis that which don’t
my energy often diluted in pursuit of thrilling opportunities running madly off in several directions; lately my focus more concentrated on fewer streams of activity, thought & desire – helping me better than ever to focus unswervingly on things I absolutely need/want/believe I should be doing, discarding those that do not fit; it helps accelerate saying yes, no, maybe & NEXT!
I took LM a.k.a. parka-babe, to the chucks (the chuck wagon races) last night, stopped to visit with Dale & then we left the grounds where frenetic crowds, greasy food & ridiculous rides collide
exhaustion & liver health are on the minds of many Calgarians today who cannot even think ‘next year’; time to retire boots & hats away for another year - Stampede draws to a close tonight; each year in Calgary it seems summer is 25% gone before we know it
thoughts racing ahead to next weekend; just me & my dog looking around speedy creek (Swift Current); I love the feeling of standing in a waving wheat field on a hot sunny July day - a longing connected to having Saskatchewan on my birth certificate no doubt; I will combine looking at some properties, measuring distances from the ‘ideal barn to convert’ to those places where I can whack the white dimpled ball
farm country, where ‘well, there is always next year’ is mantra, where land is plentiful & cheap for those who bring hard work & a love of it
2nd lastly – something I came across (might be stopped by some firewalls) from Chilean writer Isabel Allende:
‘Erotica is using a feather, pornography is using the whole chicken.’
lastly, gotta run . . brunch with my dad & a busy week ahead
Saturday, July 15, 2006
July 15 Comments
Saturday July 15, 2006 - Year 4, Day 116 - no sibling rivalry
14C/57F, sunny; lots of dogs dragging owners around the circuit; one huge guy trying to talk logically to a miniature poodle was amusing – like yuppies trying to reason with a petulant toddler in a shopping mall
rest & sleep & slow start - moving slow, thinking slow, thinking about family matters
family matters – 2 words – not enough can be said, told, explained, 2 words; family does matter; an only child, I have no sense of sibling relationships - I cannot lose any because I do not have any; being 1st, last & only - a felling I know well
I have 2 daughters, they understand things I never can; they understand having siblings, knowing siblings, sibling rivalry, being close to siblings, being distant from siblings, fighting with siblings, playing with siblings, loving siblings
when I meet others who share ‘only child’ status, we usually connect immediately – some kind of bond, some kind of mutual understanding about the solitude one enjoys/endures at different moments & no understanding of sibling rivalry
HK (my dad) seems not to be mourning his sister Lenora as much as adjusting to a new feeling;
youngest of 12 he was the last born; now nearly 84, he is the last standing - unfamiliar territory; she died the other day after spending 14 yrs. (dementia long ago eroded her ability to know anyone) in a nursing home; I'll lunch with him tomorrow & we’ll talk about the solitude, now that we have something new in common . . we are both without siblings; being 1st, last & only; a felling I know well - maybe I can
happy 51st to KK … hope you have a great holiday with your family; I imagine the time your son spends with his grandfather will be precious & enjoy; you work incredibly hard & manage a busy practice but I know every time you are ‘unavailable’ it is because you are off somewhere demonstrating that family matters
it was a clear calm night; friend for the roster to be sure, but neither of us witnessed lightning strikes as parka-babe (in town on family matters); she wore not a parka, brought not a fish; she did bring pleasant company & a rawhide toy for Gusta to chew on (gone already - it did not last)
brought me a book to chew on; the card said 'some pursue happiness, others create it'; thanks p-b
Friday, July 14, 2006
July 14 Comments
Friday July 14, 2006 - Year 4, Day 115 - it takes a long time
7C/45 F, clear & light chilly breeze – exhilarating, Gusta takes a long time collecting a dew-coat in tall grass
my schedule today lists 3 tasks; write musings, come up with some great names to consider & meet parka-babe’s flight @1:50
add to that the ‘pile on my desk’ that must be done by the end of this weekend & things are looking pretty good going into the weekend
I need to come up with a great name that says simplicity, stability, boldness, creativity, pursuit of opportunities, innovation & daring-do to brand a new development venture BB & I have begun – a little issue that, once done, will not be examined again - yet it takes a long time to get it right
I am impatient about this – as with just about everything - yet I know things I’ve done well, done memorably, done with zeal & passion have always takes a long time, have taken much patience + some secret sauce
our society is so fast-food, fast-everything world, all in a hurry
instantaneous information, real-time news, nothing is slow
do now
decide now
choose now
figure it out now
the world we live in – where I make 100 little choices before breakfast
hundreds more through my day, most with little consequence whichever choice I make; a precious few might change my life, my year or at least impact my weekend
I gotta be a little nuts to think I can figure something out, plan something comprehensively or sort through what is in front of me well enough to make decisions, to make choices, to choose a path that will lead me where I want to go & to do it well while doing it in a hurry
thinking about the great thinkers, the great scientists, the great innovators; Edison tried nearly 10,000 times before he got the light bulb right, Newton & Archimedes - countless others – spent hundreds of thousands of man-years thinking & calculating without use of a PC or Google, without foundation grants, without fame or fortune; why then, when I consider all of that, do I expect anything I try to do will be easy in any way, quick at all – or simple – if I want an effective elegant solution?
it takes a long time to get it right
what measures the quality of an idea, the quality of a person, the quality of a connection; is it possible to know at first blush, first glance, first meeting, first . . . whatever . . is it possible to know what might happen?
I think it takes a long time
Thursday, July 13, 2006
July 13 Comments
Thursday July 13, 2006 - Year 4, Day 114 - WWWHIJM
[for those who get musings via blog-city, it appears there was a glitch yesterday sending the same message repetitively; I believe blog-city have that fixed now]
après dinner discussion at DA & SA’s dinner party 3 yrs ago – laughing lots - centered on when I write about someone & someone else thinks it was about them; happened again yesterday – to be clear, there is only 1 person on this list I dubbed parka-babe; anyone else thinking it was them should remember the working title of my book – ‘it ain’t about you sweetheart’
1 of a kind day; drained, recovering, ingesting caffeine does not diminish impact
we all do many things, most of them routine, typical or simply repetition of things we’ve done before; the more experience or success we have had then the more confidently we do them, the more times we do them the more ho-hum routine they become; every now & then a ‘new experience’ that starts out looking like the many mind-numbing ones we had so many times before - arriving unannounced, they grabbed my attention
moments of clarity in the middle of the tempest – I have them here & there, sometime 2 in a day, but when a number of them happen in a day it makes me say WWWHIJM
I could write of my whole day & tire shopping & the great Woody Guthrie biography I watched last night or the early parts or the late parts of yesterday, but that would take too long & obscure my point
stand out items from a 2 hr. period yesterday: most, alone, were not 'ah-ha' moments when they happened or standing alone, but each built on the other, clearly 'not just coincidences to ignore' moments, but cumulative wow & WWWHIM moments
there was music playing, live & good I suppose, but it was country so I tuned it out; there were faces everywhere, many familiar - none to avoid, but mostly just faces in a crowd to ignore so I tuned them out; arriving, meeting JJ & DK . . . say hi to each other guys, began the hhmm - pay attention . . just the beginning of one of those 'pay attention', there are more than just a few
coincidences about to unfold
ah-ha moments of revelation, a phone call to confirm a big problem settled, one about a project
proposal status, bumping into someone from a past life, learning someone is leaving their job,
someone else left theirs; meeting new prospective clients, getting fed & watered, a lingering handshake chance meeting, gazing into incredibly beautiful blue eyes, conversation of moments that could easily be hours without need for any further stimuli - as if someone stopped the clock for a while, having a truly engaging exchange (overdue & what took so long?) with the smartest politician in the contest to be next Premier who seems, finally, to get that he has the potential to win & that he has probably missed the boat, helping a friend/client network, plus bumping into way too many interesting old acquaintances & interesting new ones too; something special about all this
all this in the span of a couple of hours while attending a Stampede function - thanks Conroy Ross - your function was far better than you thought
I had a good lunch time yesterday – how about you?
WWWHIJM (wow, whoa, who have I just met?)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Wednesday July 12, 2006 - Year 4, Day 113 - opportunity rarely knocks
14C/57F; chilly breeze, overcast – our walk solitary, calming, my head busier than I wanted, Gusta sniffing for her rabbit friend but nothing in site, nothing unexpected – but I was looking for it
3 Stampede functions in one day is always a challenge when woven together with 3 appointments + real work too; today will be busier than I wanted when I planned it
unexpected diversions, unexpected surprises, unexpected – the things that alter your life – happen all the time, every day, all day – most we ignore, some we notice
I mean the unexpected phone call, the unexpected piece of mail or email, the unexpected warm smile across a meeting room table, the unexpected response to a question; the unexpected feeling, the unexpected problem, the unexpected answer that sends us down a new path, the unexpected opportunity that is revealed when something has failed to work out
some things are expected: the sun coming up, water in the tap, light when we flip a switch or an answer when we dial 411 or 911 or anyone we count on or know well or are related to – these & many other things are always EXPECTED, but what about the unexpected?
the unexpected; now that is a different matter altogether; we expect things will be the same unless we do something to change it; but that is simply because these things do not change often/quickly, but inevitably they change too ; when they do they too fall into the realm of the unexpected
some that we notice, we act on; sometimes the change is thrust upon us, but most often that too is a function of our own choices, though sometimes it seems so instantaneous that it must be only a nano-second of decision making time
I will happily take the unexpected every time
‘If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.’ – Jonathan Winters
go ahead now . . sometime in the next minute, hour or day – you have the opportunity to do the unexpected; why wait for the unexpected – create it
while others wait for opportunity to knock, go do something unexpected - it is your move; it always is
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
July 11 Comments
Tuesday July 11, 2006 - Year 4, Day 112 - my type
I met with LS yesterday, very nice - always great to meet a muser; ones ½ my age should not be my type; what would Svengali do?
I had fun/was flattered as I am every time it happens when someone comes out of the blue to meet me, to praise my writing, to discuss their lives with me - the perfect stranger [OK, not perfect!]; not unexpectedly there are some things we have in common that perhaps explain striking a chord; thanks too for format feedback [I'm changing my type] - I've been pondering it for a while so have a look at the comments section today, hopefully an easier read now
is it true for me, is it true for writers, or only true for her? I was listening to a Margaret –gagme- Atwood interview on CBC the other night; she spoke of ‘writers writing about what they fear’
I recognize this successful & widely accomplished writer spills words on paper with the best; she may have something there, but I am torn; do I resist the notion because I disagree or just because I cannot abide her
where my mind goes, actions follow; more than thinking about my desires, directions, objectives – I know it is the elements I have really internalized that govern my behaviour, govern my reaction to things & people
the ‘I wish that was how I feel’ stuff is more like mind candy, not real enough to be settled in the belly, not settled enough to be part of who I am
conclusions du jour: things are not as I wish they were, they are the way I choose to see them; my life is full because I choose to make it full, keep it full & I cultivate connections with people who help me keep it interesting & vital; Margaret Atwood is not my type
my type - the words on the page, the people I call friend, the people who matter to me, the people I enjoy most - each have a common thread making them 'my type'
being prepared to open up, to be real, to stand tall to say ‘this is who I am’ without concern for anything or anyone – it is the real-ness that explains it best; I look around my life at the people I embrace, who embrace me – the people who tweak my brain, or I tweak theirs, the ones who turn me on in any number of ways – they all have this common thread
real, really really real
my type