Monday, July 24, 2006
Monday July 24, 2006 - Year 4, Day 125 - got an itch
‘ Few people even scratch the surface, much less exhaust the contemplation of their own experience.’ – Randolph Bourne
as I walked through the neighbourhood, such a sharp contrast from the low-density country villages & towns I’ve been exploring the last few days, I think I know SW Sask & SE Alberta 500% better already having only scratched the surface - barely scratched the surface of understanding places where pioneers scratched out a living from nothing – I itch to know more
photos in obituaries(more than1/2 of them) it seems, are inserted by caring relatives who want to remember happy times; but the person who just died would probably be frowning angrily if we could wake them up to ask - they would probably all ask for more time feeling they have just scratched the surface of life
‘Fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches.’ – Wallis Simpson
my itch/scratch period is nearly over now as 4 days growth on my chin has me pondering if this might be a good time to re-grow my beard; I’ve been missing it & could use an extra 10 minutes a day – if for no other reason than to be 10 minutes late less often
bye, gotta shower & dash to meet muser SZ for coffee on time
‘Happiness is having a scratch for every itch.’ – Ogden Nash