Monday, July 31, 2006


July 31 Comments

Mark: Thank you for your kind words. When I think of old friends the obvious comes to mind, long term friends. You are one of my best newest friends and while we haven’t known each other literally for years, the connection is sometimes stronger and certainly more honest. Merci old friend., DL, Calgary
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Sandra here in Idaho. Thanks Mark for remarks on old friends. I lost of of my oldest dearest friends a couple of months ago, after her long battle with cancer. Leslie and her husband Bill were HS sweethearts, and were together over 40 years. Together, with hard work after their log home burned to the ground, they built their new dream, a turn of the century reproduction home, gardens and pond, and B&B. Always stylish with clothes, hair, makeup, she welcomed you into her life and home like you were her best guest. The cancer returned many times over years. She laughed about being bald and fat from the chemo and radiation, and let me touch and kiss her hairless head. Her five children, many grand children and husband gathered around her bedside as she passed on, and in the last photo she smiled peacefully. I learned volumes about what matters most: Family, friends, laughter, love, forgiveness, acts of generosity, creating beauty in our environment as a reflection of the Creator Spirit. I thought I was her best friend, but at her funeral, apparently so did hundreds of other's! All my oldest friends remind me of my best days, my worst days, because they've been there with me long enough to really know. No fooling them...they read me like an open book, and I'm not ashamed to have them turn some ragged pages of well worn parts of the story, SW, Coeur d'Alene
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Hi – I laughed this morning at your birthday greeting to DL … I remember being told I was over the hill at 22. I was no longer attractive to men but gratefully one fellow overhearing that said that No you are like well ripened peach. Being 22 I went through a number of feelings regarding all of the discussion going on around me and was left wondering whether or not the peach comment was flattering. Now I am so grateful to finally have reached a deep sense of contentment about who I am and what I look like. Aging is wonderful for maturation. Cheers, DB, Red Deer
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Hi Mark; Not sure what happened to our connection today; however -- it was nice 'catching up'. Take care...I hope your little-piece-of-paradise (in Sask.) works out for you. (gee, this could mean two entirely different things), bebe, Calgary
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Hey Mark; Thanks for lunch today... Now I remember why I like you so much. Should you need a reference from on sue to another (sort of a "counter-sue), call. Good luck, keep in touch, yadda yadda., Sue (number 5), SB, Calgary

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