Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thursday July 13, 2006 - Year 4, Day 114 - WWWHIJM
[for those who get musings via blog-city, it appears there was a glitch yesterday sending the same message repetitively; I believe blog-city have that fixed now]
après dinner discussion at DA & SA’s dinner party 3 yrs ago – laughing lots - centered on when I write about someone & someone else thinks it was about them; happened again yesterday – to be clear, there is only 1 person on this list I dubbed parka-babe; anyone else thinking it was them should remember the working title of my book – ‘it ain’t about you sweetheart’
1 of a kind day; drained, recovering, ingesting caffeine does not diminish impact
we all do many things, most of them routine, typical or simply repetition of things we’ve done before; the more experience or success we have had then the more confidently we do them, the more times we do them the more ho-hum routine they become; every now & then a ‘new experience’ that starts out looking like the many mind-numbing ones we had so many times before - arriving unannounced, they grabbed my attention
moments of clarity in the middle of the tempest – I have them here & there, sometime 2 in a day, but when a number of them happen in a day it makes me say WWWHIJM
I could write of my whole day & tire shopping & the great Woody Guthrie biography I watched last night or the early parts or the late parts of yesterday, but that would take too long & obscure my point
stand out items from a 2 hr. period yesterday: most, alone, were not 'ah-ha' moments when they happened or standing alone, but each built on the other, clearly 'not just coincidences to ignore' moments, but cumulative wow & WWWHIM moments
there was music playing, live & good I suppose, but it was country so I tuned it out; there were faces everywhere, many familiar - none to avoid, but mostly just faces in a crowd to ignore so I tuned them out; arriving, meeting JJ & DK . . . say hi to each other guys, began the hhmm - pay attention . . just the beginning of one of those 'pay attention', there are more than just a few
coincidences about to unfold
ah-ha moments of revelation, a phone call to confirm a big problem settled, one about a project
proposal status, bumping into someone from a past life, learning someone is leaving their job,
someone else left theirs; meeting new prospective clients, getting fed & watered, a lingering handshake chance meeting, gazing into incredibly beautiful blue eyes, conversation of moments that could easily be hours without need for any further stimuli - as if someone stopped the clock for a while, having a truly engaging exchange (overdue & what took so long?) with the smartest politician in the contest to be next Premier who seems, finally, to get that he has the potential to win & that he has probably missed the boat, helping a friend/client network, plus bumping into way too many interesting old acquaintances & interesting new ones too; something special about all this
all this in the span of a couple of hours while attending a Stampede function - thanks Conroy Ross - your function was far better than you thought
I had a good lunch time yesterday – how about you?
WWWHIJM (wow, whoa, who have I just met?)