Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mark, ‘Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.’ – Georgia O’Keefe It takes time to share with family and friends, I feel that never sharing our fears and doubts prevents us from achieving a bond with those around us, I do not mean always complaining I mean sharing our daily doubts and fears with those around us. many men do not share as easily as women do and I feel that is what makes men more prone to the Sunday night trauma of going to work Mondays that affects so many. It is sad that men go to war and seem more willing to settle differences by force rather than by reason. It seems that wars have been around and the more we get good at building war making machines that create economic wealth for some there is a vested interest in producing guns vs. butter. Are we wiser than our predecessors? Have we learnt the lessons of war? Unfortunately we do not seem to have achieved a peaceful mankind but as Suzuki stated we cannot save the world alone let us concentrate on our community ,our friends and our family. Mark thank you for your daily inspirations and may your pen flow your thoughts onto paper and you maintain your upbeat mood. , GR, Calgary
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Dear Mark, A note to say hello and goodbye. I have been struggling financially for sometime and have finally sold up the flat and am going into rented accommodation. It's a move that I'm going to do before retiring from work in a couple of years and moving to Suffolk long term. I shall be moving to a cottage in the countryside just outside Luton for a while before moving on to a more permanent place albeit rented for the next couple of years. finally I shall move to Suffolk in a couple of years to be near friends there and family. One of your musers is right that Suffolk is a lovely county and I shall look forward to it. In the meantime I spend what spare time I have going there as I am this coming week. I am not sure of my internet connection in the future so I am asking you to unsubscribe me from your mailing list on NTL and hotmail. Thanks for the last few years it has been entertaining reading., IO, London
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I hear what you are saying when it comes to momentum. When I have the “big mo” on my side, I can move mountains. When its gone, its really gone; can’t move my pen. I am trying to write a series of essays that I plan to weave into a book at some point. Breaking it into smaller chunks has worked for me vs. trying to write the “book” at once. – Enjoy your thoughts. GH, Strathmore, Alberta
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ann and i wanna say ola mexicasa from cancun... it is amzing here. i have only had 3 drinks and ann promised she would tell me my name. the gran bahai principia akumal was built for us queens. say yoo hoo to the toastmasterS gang and wish we could be there .... ok .... really, that would be a lie. one more pina colada here, juan...; kelly and ann or is that ann and Kelly, AW/KK,Calgary/Cancun
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Thanks for the photo of you Mark at the bottom of your page ... almost forgot how you looked as it has been awhile since we had a coffee together. Give me a call for a coffee the next time you are in Edmonton, Cheers ... KH, Edmonton

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