Thursday, July 27, 2006
Thursday July 27, 2006 - Year 4, Day 128 - done wrestling
13C/55F, clear; nice to escape a hot apartment for a cool breeze outside – vigorous walk
my day began
a bus woke me after I slept through what must have been 7 or 8 of those 9 minute cycles on the alarm clock
comments yesterday were strong, eloquent & passionate; someone wrote me yesterday asking about my passions, someone wrote me yesterday saying they thought yesterday’s musing was my best - they triggered an epiphany of how I should organize my manuscript for my book, breaking a log-jam on an issue I have been wrestling, without resolution, for a long time
my day began
my day began with a walk
my day began safe from harm
my day began with coffee & a banana
my day began with a phone call about fun
my day began with wagging tail of a hungry dog
my day began under a clear sky & a blanket of safety & peace
my day began with another call confirming a business opportunity
my day began with an email from BB moving some issues along - thanks
my day began with some informative emails amid a mountain of junque-mail
my day began reading my daily paper, call it news-lite, airline uniforms the lead story
I am not sure if the world hinges on the new uniforms from WestJet – perhaps it does?
perhaps I suppose
perhaps I take life too seriously
perhaps I should play more & think less
perhaps I should take a more casual approach
perhaps I should go through my day oblivious to the world around me
my day began, I am energized to do many things; some great, some good, some necessary, some ordinary, some mundane & some imaginative ones too & some slow things & some quick things
I take life
I take it by the horns
I take life too seriously for some
is there a better way?
is there another way?
wrestling over, my day began