Sunday, July 16, 2006
Sunday July 16, 2006 - Year 4, Day 117 - see chicken in a new light
stepping outside familiar boundaries, testing ourselves, exploring depths & heights; inspired sometimes by the most cerebral things, sometimes the most innocuous ones; looking deeply long & hard – or simply asking a couple questions getting yes & yes as answers
how often we taunt someone saying ‘chicken!’, we are reluctant to do something – feeling ‘chicken’, but why?
is it gut level, learned behaviour or just concern over what someone might think?; see chicken in a new light; see ‘afraid to do that’ or ‘that is outside my boundaries’ in a new light
first . . define what you want, need, love, desire; determine what thrills the core of you & then go grab it; I have
I like it, live it, love it
it is not at all about chicken; my stickies on the wall process works; sometimes hard to describe to friends, prospective love interests & clients – when saying ‘my stickies told me it was not a good fit’
consulting stickies on my wall, like looking at a roadmap - I am moving closer to goals I have internalized; these yellow & orange splats of a word, a phrase or an idea help me manifest change, produce results, feel clarity & measure that which fits vis-à-vis that which don’t
my energy often diluted in pursuit of thrilling opportunities running madly off in several directions; lately my focus more concentrated on fewer streams of activity, thought & desire – helping me better than ever to focus unswervingly on things I absolutely need/want/believe I should be doing, discarding those that do not fit; it helps accelerate saying yes, no, maybe & NEXT!
I took LM a.k.a. parka-babe, to the chucks (the chuck wagon races) last night, stopped to visit with Dale & then we left the grounds where frenetic crowds, greasy food & ridiculous rides collide
exhaustion & liver health are on the minds of many Calgarians today who cannot even think ‘next year’; time to retire boots & hats away for another year - Stampede draws to a close tonight; each year in Calgary it seems summer is 25% gone before we know it
thoughts racing ahead to next weekend; just me & my dog looking around speedy creek (Swift Current); I love the feeling of standing in a waving wheat field on a hot sunny July day - a longing connected to having Saskatchewan on my birth certificate no doubt; I will combine looking at some properties, measuring distances from the ‘ideal barn to convert’ to those places where I can whack the white dimpled ball
farm country, where ‘well, there is always next year’ is mantra, where land is plentiful & cheap for those who bring hard work & a love of it
2nd lastly – something I came across (might be stopped by some firewalls) from Chilean writer Isabel Allende:
‘Erotica is using a feather, pornography is using the whole chicken.’
lastly, gotta run . . brunch with my dad & a busy week ahead