Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sunday July 23, 2006 - Year 4, Day 124 - mini-safari
28C/82 F, light cloud & light breeze; we got up close & personal (about 10 ft.) with a Swainson’s hawk; he looked well fed on a diet of gophers & pigeons, both of which are abundant around the school yard he was patrolling
a breezy early Sunday morning on the prairie is as quiet peaceful as one can imagine a summer morning being; I will be back to this area for sure but not to stay at the Safari Inn where a TV, fridge & a lumpy bed with requisite air conditioning (Gusta loves A/C) where plumbing quality is perhaps equal to an African adventure; NEXT !
first we say a 1913 1 room school house (too small & a scraped head – ouch – but an interesting thought) & touring around potential spots we can look next time, my intrepid agent spent Saturday morning getting acquainted with my needs & showing me properties; we saw a well located & well priced solid structure 91 yr old farm house & 90 yr old barn; ‘money pit’ symptoms obscured slightly by bizarre menagerie of filthy animals & pig sty lifestyle of the current owner - NEXT !
9 holes @ Elmwood in 35C afternoon heat yesterday was less pleasant than expected; note to self: play earlier in the day & also check out the Chinook course next time; the ‘sticks to your ribs’ pizza from Western Pizza will lay in my stomach for days to be sure – NEXT!
road sign for village of Webb {between Swift Current & Gull Lake where they have neither gulls or a lake} cracked me up . .scroll down!
gotta hit the road – lots to explore along they way