Sunday, July 30, 2006
Sunday July 30, 2006 - Year 4, Day 131 - to let you know I am processing
we talked about why people read these daily words; why some respond, why some sit on the fence as voyeurs into my life; first in-depth chat in about six months with KT yesterday - back in Vancouver avoiding intense summer heat in Puerto Vallarta
catching up - yes, but mostly talking about writing; we talked about her current projects – great things going on; we discussed the evolution of musings & the process I am using, selecting the best morsels organized for the book manuscript to make a readable read that will interest publishers
to let you know I am processing - working on the manuscript yesterday reviewing what to keep, what to set aside, what to include, what to stop & read; those early writings of day-to-day flow generated so much response, yet when I re-read it the issues bring back so many day-to-day memories that the early writing quality deficiencies do not bother me much; reminiscing on 3 summers ago
if you spot a Ladybug count the spots, if you spot a Leopard run fast
Leopards never change their spots, disguised or obscured from time to time, but never changing
people portray a wide range of faces, masks, facades & characterizations as they present themselves to the world, to strangers & to those they hold close; notwithstanding the illogic of that, it happens all the time
too many not prepared to be seen, known & understood (or not) based on who they really are – instead portraying who they wish they were when we just want to know who they are, why they are & appreciate them
like Hollywood’s movies, simple elegant truth is much more compelling than the very best fiction
some hide, some don’t; some hide pain, some hide naiveté, some hide fear; most hide fear I think, unnecessarily methinks, but hide they do – or maybe they try to change their spots
hhmmm, meeting & a walk around the park with SW(egad, another Susan!) last night & I am processing – my etymological education began as I learned Ladybugs have a spot thing too: 2-spot ones are being pushed out by dominant 7-spot bugs; I wonder if they could ‘get together’ to create a hybrid of 3.5 spot bugs might be easier than a ‘save the 2-spot’ effort
if you are up close & personal with a Ladybug, count the spots
getting up close & personal with me is easy
sometimes it just requires processing
wellness is about making time, taking time . . what can I say
when ladies & bugs, accountants & golfers & writers count - when they count spots or entries or strokes or characters – we all want to count on someone
NYTimes & perfect scrambled eggs, for one, perfect
P.S. I'll sure put the word out about your site and I would appreciate any business you may send my. way... Later, Scott.
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