Saturday, April 19, 2008


better, every time - Saturday Apr. 19, 2008

today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park

walk report: -11C/12F, morning silence, gray/brown rabbits stand out, snow still falling and more to come atop yesterday’s big dump; spring in Canada often a calendar delusion – we found best traction on the alley route where gravel-muck barely froze; Gusta’s snow coated coat keeps her warm and happy

maybe e-speed trade and commerce contain real-life lessons for running our emotional lives; surely what is efficient in one area of our lives can be transferred to another; it works when technologies are applied to new facts, new fields, new problems, so why not apply the world of work, the world of commerce to the world of love?

working smart implies tactics, pre-meditation, a plan and a strategy for execution; working smart, to me, involves thinking through low-value things for elimination, involves considering results and the best way to get them, avoiding pitfalls wherever possible

working hard is not always working smart; working smart is better, more efficient, progressive, contributes to good, making things better, every time - right?

examples show up at work every day - carried to another area, that could become ‘loving hard is not always loving smart’, making things better, every time but, whoa - just a minute

I’m not so sure the metaphor or analogy fit; every time we blink it seems someone is marketing a scheme, method, program, way of doing business or making money (or saving it) that invites us all to ‘click here to join’ or ‘click to buy now’

so many organizations in the world of commerce, legitimate and shady, prey upon our desire to have things easy, make it smooth, simple and painless to make a decision, buy or invest, get the world delivered to our door by UPS or to our computer screen in a nano-second

whatever we want is a click or download away; it’s a jungle out there where the fittest survive, efficient markets and competition improves life - that’s good, right ?

if we apply business practice to make our love life better - instead of loving hard, lets love smart, instead of loving wholly, completely and effortlessly with little thought, we could develop a plan; instead of a business plan or business model, a love-plan or love model

if ‘loving smart’ is the way to go, what would it look like as a tactic or strategy? if I did something, said something or tried to make something happen – how giving or caring might that be?

having to think about it somehow might devalue it, while strategizing might help me avoid pitfalls, but how real would that be?

self serving - yes, safe – likely, but would it be real?

someone I met two years ago inquired if I was still hunting (for a mate), lamenting it’s a jungle out there; whether it is or is not a jungle is not the question in my mind as much as how could we possibly make something work with anyone if we see it only that way?

I’ve watched, listened and read lots of self-help ‘peel-my-onion’ relationship books and I’m thinking seriously about writing one; most illustrate new ways of approaching issues with strategy, learning, ‘working smart’ to get it that much better, every time as if there is some end point of having learned enough to get it right; I’ve come to the happy conclusion that love works or it doesn’t; while I think tactics and strategies are great for adversarial sports like business, sales, athletics and board games – competitive and combative – but relationships, love and the pursuit of love – are filled with too much of that and not enough ease, not enough simple, not enough generosity of spirit and of self

the structure could be tactical, the diagrams would look like a football telecast drawing of what happened on the last play or, better yet, we could watch films the next day or have a team meeting to review how badly we did, where we missed closing the sale or scoring the touchdown – so we could go out and do better the next time or the time after that until we get it better, every time; what then? . . do we get a ‘working smart at love’ merit badge, do we pick that person, or do we THEN figure we are prepared to pick the right person?

with our without jungle-think, whatever we want will show up substantially as ordered, complete with an owner’s manual; that’s fine if I want an appliance, but I would never want that in a butterfly, because not knowing what nuances will unfold or when or why makes each day better, every time

Mark Kolke

... with your voice, teach in order to learn

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