re: they know - Morning Mark. I will be leaving this place of employment next week so I am going to remove this email address from your list. You still have my home email though so I will still receive your musing. All the best to you, MS, Calgary
re: they know - Who knows whether the earth will continue to spin for billions of years more? I believe our sun is expected to go nova at some time then, so that would be the end absolutely. Yes, we 6 billion are in much more immediate peril, but I don't think our destruction is inevitable. Alvin Toffler was far ahead of his time, as was, say, Leonardo Da Vinci, but no one can see farther than so far. It only takes one error, one success, one turn, one unexpected invention to turn the course of history on its ear, EG,Calgary
re: they know - Hope things are going well, I love WestJet. I’m going to London, ON this weekend to visit my best girlfriend. She was gardening last weekend, so I’m looking forward to some warmer weather. Take care, DL, Calgary
Hi...I haven't been getting your musings....everything OK?, KN, Camrose, AB
Mark: can you kindly get me back on the dailies - somehow they stopped after a couple of years. All the best., JC, Toronto, ON
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:00 p.m.