Wednesday, March 19, 2008
smooth, beautiful and enduring - Wednesday Mar. 19, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -1C/30F, stillness everywhere – quiet, dark - early walk, ankle feeling ready for a gym visit; Gusta having difficulty seeing rabbits, their white coats now dirty beige
when irritation builds, grain of sand in an oyster shell, the oyster produces a pearl by coating that grain with something smooth, beautiful and enduring
but when irritation or conflict builds with people it is rarely pretty – swept aside or ignored, but never far from reach so the issue can be brought out to irritate some more; why is that?
a thousand tiny things – mostly pleasant, people being nice – slip from view or memory without acknowledgement, quickly forgotten, but, a slight, a hurt, an irritation . . these can take on a life of their own
time goes by, things people do (or fail to do) irritate, infuriate and downright confound; set aside or swept aside these things are put on ignore until the next occurrence, and so on – until time has passed, a hundred tiny cuts have piled onto an old wound – a mountain of resentment forms simply from an unresolved repetition of that irritation; perhaps an issue that needs resolve, that begs confrontation, or, better left in the past like a stranger ignored as we pass by
relationships - in a group, club or family – can range from comic to bizarre and back again in a single day; newcomers lack context while others have ingrained views - difficult to separate so they can catch an unfettered glimpse of a situation or person
my time spent at home, work, organization or group – more than physical sanctuary from the noisy crowd of life is less about ‘place’ than it is about a state of mind - a place of safe and warm, a place where relationships are easy and kind, irritation absent – smooth, beautiful and enduring
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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