Saturday, March 29, 2008
save a tree or kill-a-watt - Saturday Mar. 29, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -6C/22F, streets absent activity, dull, overcast, some snow flakes blowing about, Gusta happy and hungry
if a tree falls in a forest when no one is there, does it make a noise? . . if the paper doesn’t show up, was there any news? . . if the lights go out, does that mean we have no power?
big things make a difference – so some folks think – but I don’t agree; little things get me up, get me down, inspire me, frustrate me or act as catalysts for change - thinking about change does little; changing thinking has a better chance
media are hyping an idea (must be a slow news day) about an hour of darkness this evening – promoted worldwide, more energy will likely be used planning and promoting than will be saved by turning off lights for an hour
while those of us with a romantic bent may plan dinner by candlelight, power plan operators will cringe to see consumption drop suddenly while they keep producing; while the notion of reduced consumption and a reduced carbon footprint should be on all our minds I don’t think a media event or mass action for 1 hour will change much – because the entire developed world does not think about how to save a tree or kill-a-watt, we expect lights to come on when we flip a switch; we don’t deposit a quarter or spare a thought – we just count on it to always be there, like water in the tap or an appliance the works when we need it; when it doesn’t we freak out a little
what changes the way we behave are events and emotions; fear, joy, tragedy, hope – motivate us to change our actions but do those changes take? . . are the motivating factors temporary, are the affects lasting?
I’m not sure if our day will involve hunkering down under a good light to read a book, a drive in the country, dining by candlelight or turning down the thermostat – but for now we’ll just grit our teeth (and I’ll go out to get one) because the Saturday morning paper (&!@%+!%*)did not show up
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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