Wednesday, March 26, 2008
pivotal moments - Wednesday Mar. 26, 2008
walk report: -9C/17F, clear, sun rising - chilled cheeks pressed into the breeze at a quickened pace (Gusta welcomed that) as my ankle recovery progresses; a Mallard got a grip on a high spot to roost, guard-like atop a steep roof, waiting for some potential mate to communicate I suppose
no more a day of ‘new approach’ as it is one of ‘old approach’ - issues need to be tackled and solutions found; I tend to push hard to get things done for clients while at the same time I often push aside troublesome issues, to be dealt with later of course, and later, and later still when later arrives, sometimes with a thud; business is steady, some ‘sure things’ that never were did not come to fruition and some great things are just taking a lot longer than expected – couple that with more optimism than I ought to have sometimes and it makes for difficult challenges; chickens (or maybe ducks) come home to roost
today, as they all are, is a choice day; choice as in primo-fantastico, choice as in a series of decisions on how to move forward, backward or just to stand still; I’ve made a lot of changes in activity/focus/goals over the last year - clearly I need more; taking time for things I’ve been postponing/neglecting has been a focus these last few months; teeth, health and the condition of my feet for starters but also re-focusing on core business, reducing the breadth of focus to concentrate more effectively on those things which generate the best opportunities, best revenue and cutting costs of things I cannot afford – maybe it is the weather – maybe it is facing challenging elements of reality
I get impatient when things do not come to fruition as quickly as I want, frustrated when things I’ve counted on fail to materialize and the knocking on the door is not a new opportunity but a chicken coming home to roost; some things get me up, others beat me down – abundant obstacles, whirl-of-day easily creates a mirage to confuse the mix of best opportunities, best route to go, right thing to do – of owning truth and its consequences
the inexorable pace of nature teaches a steady relentless unwavering consistent pace is the way the world works – notwithstanding the pace of nano-seconds flying around – the stage of life I am at, if I listen to advertising, ought to be for slowing down; whether or not this is an ‘unfortunate’ circumstance, I need to work, work hard, go hard and not give up because I don’t have a pile of money or pile of plans to get some . . so working rather than easy retirement is my next phase of life; in many respects I believe this is good but not without its problems, choices and consequences – this is truth
in writing a speech recently I made reference to ‘pivotal moments’ in life as ones we often see clearly, but only in retrospect; sometimes though I think we can see and feel them happening; today feels like one of those, not for solving everything or anything, but for pivoting
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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