On March 29th, 2008, the impact of this single hour won’t be mind blowing, it really isn’t that radical but like most change, it is a seed, an idea, a belief. When we were kids in the 60’s, would you have believed the Berlin Wall would come down or an African American would be president of the US? Would you believed that smoking would be outlawed in a bar? These changes didn’t happen in one hour! I’m looking forward to March 29th, 2018/2028…... Have to go, need to turn my lights off, DL, Calgary
When a tree falls and no one is in the forest, there is no sound. Sound is a sensory response in the brain to a neurological stimulant received through the vibration of the eardrum, caused by the sound wave transmitted via the energy emitted during the fall of the tree. No newspaper does not mean no news, even with newspaper, it does not necessarily cover news. Turning off the light does not imply no power, but that the power is not delivered to your light. Events can have very simplistic explanations. Life can be as simple as being born, breathing, eating, metabolizing, then "drop dead". JT, Calgary
I think that turning off the lights, computer and TV for an hour WILL make a difference, if only to cause us to ponder what it would be like without these conveniences, and causing us to contemplate our energy use, its finiteness in present modalities, and what our use of it might affect our future (I'm not yet convinced that our contribution to global warming is that significant, as some renegade scientists aren't, but I know that oil and gas, coal and uranium supplies are finite), EG, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:02 p.m.